Friday, July 31, 2009

C-section? what ya think?

im schedualed a c-section but i find out when tomarrow. im 38 weeks now what you think he'll say? next week or what? hey even if you just take a

C-section? what ya think?
If you are 38 weeks and no trouble, any time. Maybe he will be nice and do one in the next week. I am sure you can't wait.
Reply:Good luck! I am hoping your doc will be nice and do it the day after your appointment! Good luck, Congratulations and let us know!!!!
Reply:If the C-Section is not for a medical reason such as pre-eclampsia or toxcimia or if the baby is already WAY TOO BIG, I would say don't do it. C-sections are major surguries and have the potential for many complications. Also, babies born via c-section are more prone to respiratory distress because the fluid is not squeezed out of their lungs while coming through the birth canal. I would say just do it naturally (vaginal) and get an epidural, you have to have an epidural to have a c-section anyway and it is less dangerous. Women have vaginas and not holes in their abdomens for a reason.

P.S. What is your question if you already know you have to have one? Do you want us to guess when you are going to be scheduled? WTF?

P.P.S. I sound like the most educated person on this page and when you have a masters as a certified nurse-midwife you can tell me I am giving unwanted advice
Reply:my doc told me they always pull the baby one week early so when you are at 39 weeks but he said they do one last ultrasound just to make sure everything is developed correctly.
Reply:I had mine scheduled for what the doctor said was 38 weeks. I'd say they'll schedule it within the next 2 weeks. At least then you have time to get ready.
Reply:When i was pregnant i hoped to have a c-section (i was 21 pregnant with my one and only child so far).

I couldn't imagine having a baby out of my vagina. Well i did get my wish. I had to have a c-section though anyhow cause my son was breech and i had pre-eclampsia and went into labor early.

I was 36 weeks when i had my baby. They wanted to give me an epidural but i did not want to be awake knowing i was being cut open so they put me asleep (i was fine with that cause i have had other surgerys before).

Yes the pain was awful and took me about 2 weeks to get around real good. At first I could barely get out of the hospital bed even though i was on strong painkillers (didn't help much) but if you do get up and just walk just for a bit you will work that soreness out of you.

I got out of the hospital 3 days later and so did my son (he weighed 4lbs 15.6oz and was 17 inches long) and when i got home all i felt like doing is sleep.

I had help so i slept as long as i could. I would be up and down with the baby and finally after 2 weeks the pain was gone. I took my painpills that they gave me when i got out. So take what they give you.

I bleed for six weeks afterwards. If i had a choice whether to have a baby naturally or by c-section....The c-section would win....

It takes a womans body a whole year to completely recover from a c-section so rest your body..

Good Luck....
Reply:I had 2 c-sections. One emergency, the 2nd planned. The Dr. will do a planned c 1 week early unless you have other problems such as pre-eclampsia, etc. Good luck, The 1st few days will be the hardest, then it gets much easier. Your baby will be worth it!
Reply:Why are people telling you you not to get a c-section,I thought the question was when you you think your doctor will give you the c-section..Gosh some people give some unwanted advice..Anyway back to it, your doctor may let you decide(within reason) or maybe he will tell you in a couple of days..It could be anything really..My friend went to her doctor and found she was dilated so her doc scheduled her to come back in 2 days and they were going to induce her, but she ended up having to have a c-section, so I guess it can range from anywhere...Goodluck and Let us know how it all went..It'll be interesting :)

p.s slodkie-shut the hell dont know what they hell you are talking about..people likee you are so damn annoying
Reply:Get the extra stitch.
Reply:At 38 weeks it is safe to deliver.He might let you choose the date.
Reply:no one is asking how u came to be. go away!! far away!!
Reply:I think the doctor will schedule it for next week Tuesday. C-Sections are great! Who wants to lay there for hours on end in agonizing pain when you can get it all done in a matter of minutes! Good Luck!
Reply:Go for it. Sounds like fun, what the heck, ask them to throw a triple bypass.

What do you think of the C programming language?

Is it a good first language to learn? Some people have told me that it is but isn't it being made obsolete by C++ and C#?

What do you think of the C programming language?
I learnt C++ in my school and then learnt C in college. I was initially apprehensive about learning an "older" language when I had already learnt C++. But it was an eye-opener to learn C because it was only then I appreciated the features offered by C++ and why certain things are the way it is. Even now most of the embedded code and networking code are in C.

The first programming language you learn has a great influence on the way you think, and un-learning habits could be hard. Hence may I suggest that you pick C++ as the first programming language.
Reply:C and C++ are almost the same, they differ from declaring and calling variables. I reommend to learn C++ first to enable you to understand other computer languages "C, C#, and Java".
Reply:Actually C is not been made absolete by C++. It is a good thing to learn C prior to learnig C++ since C++ incorporates all what you have learned in C#. Also you can go ahead and learn C++ prior to knowing C#. its just that learning C # will make C++ much easier. Its like learnig to creep before you walk. baby steps.

It wont hurt.
Reply:C is good to play with on graphing calculators but not good for much else.
Reply:I recommend that you learn C++, and then you can take it further at your own pace!
Reply:They need to add another '+' or call it plain Crap!
Reply:Well you have to start somewhere. I know a little bit of C and I would recommend trying it before going to C++.
Reply:Yes, it may become obsolete sometime in say, 2065 or so. It is in current widespread use for embedded applications on many platforms as well as legacy to many programs and OSes. It will remain a very valid thing to know for a good long while and should be studied, IMHO, by every programmer wanting to learn C++ so that the two are NOT confused or obfuscated in mixed sources. It will be a long time before you can be absolutely certain that you will never use a proprietary library that was originally written in C with a C++ project. Of course, the opinion here is my own and advice is free and damn well worth it.

morning glory

10,000 B.C. what did you think about it?

Have you ever seen the movie 10,000 B.C.

many people disliked it but i reallly enjoyed it

what did you think?

10,000 B.C. what did you think about it?
yep i have and the movie was great
Reply:it sucked

Camilla belle's a cutie though

Do you think the term ‘C-DIP’ is going to become part of everyday Christian vernacular?

Typical Christian husband: “Honey; where are the kids?”

Typical Christian wife: “I dropped them off at church this morning for their C-DIP.”

Typical Christian husband: “Oh, why didn’t you tell me? I could use a dip in the sea.”

Typical Christian wife: “It’s not a dip in the sea, bonehead. ‘C-DIP’ stands for ‘Christian Doctrine Implantation Process’. It’s what we used to call Sunday school.”

Do you think the term ‘C-DIP’ is going to become part of everyday Christian vernacular?
heh...Don't forget...I shortened it to C-DIP. ;-)
Reply:So Protestant! The Catholics call it catechism, not Sunday school.

Thank God I didn't pay attention in C-DIP.
Reply:I just had my brain washed and I can't do a thing with it.

Who here thinks that the C.I.A,F.B.I,the Mafia and Lyndon B.Johnson was behind JFK's assassination?

The F.B.I. agent John Lester Quigley destroyed the notes after he interviewed Lee Harvey Oswald.The person who was in charge of increasing security for JFK's appearance at Dallas Texas was assinged to go to the South Pole and because he was there he wasn't able to appoint more security and have snipers on the rooftops of buildings and have more security around other buildings.There were open windows and buildings with no security.Why would Lee Harvey Oswald not take a clear shot at JFK coming down Houston St. and wait for his car to come closer to the grassy knoll where he would be opened to three different locations of being shot.There was also a gigantic tree in front of Oswalds view.How could he shoot the president with three bullets in under 6 seconds if it takes 2.3 seconds to reload the rifle.He took the bait.Clay Shaw denied knowing Lee Harvey Oswald and denied being with the C.I.A but then when he was under oath he admitted to being with the C.I.A.

Who here thinks that the C.I.A,F.B.I,the Mafia and Lyndon B.Johnson was behind JFK's assassination?
After review of your evidence, I think you are right. Too many suspicious circumstances. You've certainly done the research!
Reply:You moron. Not one thing you said in this bizarre rant is even accurate. You don't even have the time right for the amount of time Oswald had to shoot. It is clear you haven't read very much on the assassination of Kennedy. Report It

Reply:Different era, our leaders did not isolate themselves from the people as they do today.

Oswald shot JFK, end of story. No evidence then or now supports any other sane conclusion.

No conclusive evidence to support the contention that Oswald was CIA, actually all evidence indicates he was too unstable for intelligence work. The KGB considered recruiting him and arrived at the same conclusion.
Reply:I sincerely doubt it. If they had, I bet it would have been cleaner - JFK was on a bunch of meds; they could have had someone add something extra to one of them. However, there probably was a second shooter.
Reply:I think it is reasonable to believe that Lee Harvey Oswald did not act alone. What did happen and who was involved are issues we will probably never know. For those who dismiss the conspiracy theories, I will only say that those theories exist because our government left too many questions unanswered on this subject.
Reply:Well since I base my views only on reality and on the evidence I think Kennedy was shot by Lee Harvey Oswald and only Oee Harvey Oswald. The evidence against Oswald is overwhelming and there is absolutely no evidence pointing to ANYONE else.

1. LHO was seen by three different people in the sixth floor of the TSBD WITH the rifle in hand.

2. The bullet recovered at Parkland Hospital was matched to LHO's rifle and no other one on the planet.

3. Oswald's prints were found on the murder weapon and NO ONE else's were.

4. Oswald was seen carrying a long package into work that day to work that he CLAIMED contained curtain rods. No curtain rods were ever found in the TSBD but a rifle that was matched to Oswald WAS found there.

5. Oswald was the ONLY employee who fled the scene after the assassination and failed to return to work for the afternoon.

6. Oswald ran seven blocks to catch a bus that was scheduled to make a stop right across the street from the TSBD.

7. Oswald returned home and got his revolver and later was witnessed by seven people shooting Officer Tippit a few blocks from his boarding house.

8. Oswald snuck into a movie theater and resisted arrest when police approached him.

And on and on and on and on....

The evidence is clear to anyone who cares to read a little bit and leave behind the ridiculous theories that non-historians have concocted to fool the gullible and poorly read.
Reply:No - sorry we've already resolved this one in this forum.........;...
Reply:I don't know who, or why, obviously, but I do believe there was a conspiracy, and that Lee Harvey Oswald was the fall guy.

What temperature should platy be kept at? My pet shop won't sell them for coldwater tank?I thought it was 20 c

My pet shop sell them as tropical but I thought they could be coldwater? My coldwater tank contains danios, and is usually at 21/22 degrees c

What temperature should platy be kept at? My pet shop won't sell them for coldwater tank?I thought it was 20 c
Danios. white cloud mountain minnows and guppies will live happily in an unheated tank in a heated house 65For 18C but platys, swords, tetras, corys, barbs and plecs are tropical and require a heater at around 70F or 23C or warmer.

I own a pet store and care sheets are free on my web site
Reply:30 degrees Celsius
Reply:No platies are ropical fish, and should be kept at 76-80 and those danios are also tropical and the lower the teprature is the shorter there life will be.
Reply:platy's are tropical fish, requiring temps at 77F/25C.


What do you think of Arthur C. Clarke's epitath?

"Here lies Arthur C Clarke. He never grew up and did not stop growing."

Reports say that this is what Sir Arthur asked to be put on his gravestone in Sri Lanka. I REALLY like it. I may "borrow it" myself. Arthur C. Clarke was buried in Sri Landa today; I'll miss not having any new writings from him

"Sci-fi novelist Clarke laid to rest"

The Press Association

"Remembering Sir Arthur C. Clarke, 1917-2008", by Graham P. Collins, Scientific American Online, 21 March 2008

"Arthur C. Clarke's gift to science", by Ben Macintyre, Times UK Online, 21 March 2008

The Arthur C. Clarke Foundation

What do you think of Arthur C. Clarke's epitath?
Being a sci-fi fan, I was sad to hear of his passing. An era gone....
Reply:Very fitting and he will be missed.
Reply:Very fitting.
Reply:Never heard of him.
Reply:Thank you for sharing this information. I didn't know.
Reply:It was good, but I like mine too: Here' s where my name stopped last or even Bob Hope's last request for where he wanted to be buried when asked by his wife and he said Surprise Me!

What to do when this girl don't want to talk to me b/c she think i'm slow?

We had a lot of fun yesterday and today i kind forced her to hang out with me. And later on today she told me we hang out too much and she don't want that anymore. I said we see many times at work and church but not hang out and she told me she is pissed b/c i'm slow and not understanding what she is saying. What is she trying to say? We know we like eachother and we are close as boyfriend and girlfriend but we just never had relationship.

What to do when this girl don't want to talk to me b/c she think i'm slow?
You need to ask HER what she meant by that. Communication is the only way you can figure any realationship out, friendship or more, that's just the way it is. She may mean she just needs some space, things are getting to complicated or she may be confused because she wants a commitment from you and you don't see it. As I said, you will only get your answers if you ASK HER, not us.
Reply:If she thinks you are 'slow', then find someone that thinks you are 'faster'.

Do not get involved with someone that thinks you are less than intelligent.
Reply:Friends need to be understanding. They should understand each other and also accept each other the way they are.

if this girl does not want to hang out with you because she thinks you are slow, then I don't think she deserves to be your friend. She is being selfish and thinks she is better than you. Maybe you should keep some distance from her for a few days. Try not to talk to her much. Wait and see. When she will see that you are not giving her as much attention as you gave her before, she will probably herself come and talk to you.

Maybe you should look for people, who understand you and don't judge you, to hang out with.

If a guy already takes you for granted and keeps breaking up with you b/c he thinks you'll always come back

then what to do? My ex bf is like this. The first 6 months i didnt love him that much and he feels insecure(he's a senior at a college where the ration of guys to girls is 7:1;he's kinda shy, dorky, not smooth at all, likes to play cool even when he cares and he's never had a gf before). but then i saw his determination and how much this means to him, i gradually loved him more and more and once he feels that he's very secure now he broke up with me. Main reason is i need a lot of attention and it can be stressful especially when he's busy. We broke up 3 times in a year but always came back b/c i chased him back. Now he broke up with me again b/c of the stress from lots of things. But deep down i know he's just confused, immature,doesnt know what he wants and wanna be single again so that he doesnt have to handle a relationship. So i wonder this time i let him be, after a month or 2 without any contact, will he wanna be back,once he realizes this time i'm determined to leave him alone?

If a guy already takes you for granted and keeps breaking up with you b/c he thinks you'll always come back
Honestly, no offense meant, but based on your question I would say that he's not that into you that's why he keeps on breaking up with you. I man who's really into you will not hurt you, nor break up with you. He would want to be with you all the time. Breaking up so many times is a sign that the relationship will not last long term.

What you need to do at this time is to improve yourself by reading some self-improvement books to help you gain a higher self esteem. You deserve someone better who would love you the way you are.

Books that are helpful:

- Why Men Love Bitches by Sherry Argov

- He's Just not that Into You by Greg Behrendt and Liz Tuccillo

- Don't Call that Man by Rhonda Findling
Reply:Uh. Sounds like he's better off without you.

Maybe you should cut out the high maintenance routine.
Reply:I think that you both need to figure out what you each want. If you can't stay together or get along, then you should both leave each other alone.
Reply:Play it the way that you are ready for the consequences.
Reply:ratiONs of guys To girls is 7:1?? then waT da heLL aRe u waiTing foR? trY othEr guYs....whO knows...thE triaLs wiLL maKe u a haPPieR peRsoN,raTheR thaN geT stucK wiTh a guY....LIfe's ShoRt, gaiN as mucH aS u caN wiTh iT...
Reply:Well, you do always come his logic seems valid.

Just keep calling him and telling how much you miss him. Maybe he'll bring you a nice STD from college.
Reply:Love.... it can be such a confusing emotion.

Nevertheless, if the gentleman builds your confidence in him. Then smashes it by letting you go. I'm sorry but that would be rough on anyone's emotions. Three times in one year sounds like a serious emotional roller coaster. It sounds as though it's time to get off that roller coaster. And teach hard love... by not chasing him, and giving him time to mature a little.

I would think that sometimes stress would bring two individuals closer, by giving them chances to bond, and talk. Not give them a chance to run from the problem.

Sorry darlin.........if he breaks under pressure now. What do you think he'll do in harder situations?

Keep your head up, in due time you'll find your answer. Keep strong....................... and moving on!

Good luck!
Reply:girl if he is like that then go see other people and we he sees you with other guys he wil want you back and if i were you i would not go ack to him
Reply:Leave him alone before you turn into a door mat. Men don't miss a good thing until it's gone. Let him miss you. Hold out!
Reply:The answer is in the question.

If you like soap operas and drama then continue on with this guy. If not then dump him once and for all and get a nice guy.
Reply:if he keeps taking youfor granted by breaking up with you then crawling back...becuase he KNOWS that you will take him back then i say don't take him back

a real relationship woul dhave no break up and make up just becuase the person knows that the other will ALWAYS take them back... and if he is breaking up becuase of stress than he shouldn't be crawling back stress isn't really a reason for break ^ / make ^

i say find someone else

someone who will stand tall and hold you even through the roughest patches of life love and relationships!

there isn't any need for that guy to be breaking you heart just to re-generate himself then going and doin it again!
Reply:If you need that much attention from a man who is trying to better himself by getting an education, I'd say you both are immature and confused. Why not just be friends and stop the heavy comittment stuff for the moment? Then you have the best of both worlds and you take the stress off of the relationship. Give the guy a break, honey and back off. A man doesn't want to be chased. It makes you look very needy. Godloveya.
Reply:I know that it is hard when you love someone to have this much confusion.

I say, leave him alone. Count him out of your mind if you can or as much as you can.

Open your eyes to what else is out there. You may find a relationship that is equal on both sides. Experience has shown me no matter how much you love someone, if it does not come back at you in equal strength, and equal amounts of want, it will never fly and will never make both people happy.

He does not sound like he is interested. Please face that.

When I was younger, there was a guy around every corner. Open your eyes and you will see them. Quit concentrating on something that has not worked.
Reply:if he breaks up with you again the best thing for you to do is try not to talk to him aviod him,prove to him that you are a strong person and you dont really need him around , if he loves you then he will come to you just dont feed into him..try to aviod all phone calls, e mails and tex messages from him.. he will continue to take you for granted iif you continue to let dont.if its ment to be you will be together
Reply:The guy wants what he wants, and knows what he lost when you are not together, so he wants things his way and is stringing you along for his own personal gain.

Just one opinion
Reply:You two obviously have issues. If you have broken up many times, you should stay broken up. It doesn't sound like he's the one.
Reply:Why would you want to be with someone confused and immature? I say move on. If you are chasing after a guy who "doesn't have to handle" a relationship, well, you're wasting your time.

Let him go.
Reply:You guys are the classic example of a drama couple. You both enjoy the whole breaking up and then getting back together act. Why fix what's not broken - as long as you guys are not getting others involved keep up the act. No one can help you.
Reply:Leave the poor guy alone. Don't think you know what's going on inside his head. You don't. He is obviously uncomfortable with you. If you have to keep convincing him to come back to you then I would suggest it is you who need a confidence boost. He probably isn't the one for you. Find someone else and let him travel his own path without your pestering.
Reply:Take your time and give him his. He will come back if it's meant to be. You may just discover that you don't want him back if he waits too long. Enjoy life and don't stress over him dumping you. It may be a blessing to you.
Reply:move on from him.

When you gain more muscle why does muscle burn more calories you s till gain more weight even thought your c?

Muscle weighs more than fat and needs more energy to maintain it.

sweet pea

I know this sounds dumb but my boobs have been hurting like hell mainly the nipple area what do you think it c

if any one knows the answer please tell..i dont think it my period ive been haveing that for the past 10 yrs im 18 and im curious my boobs have hurt before but not this badly

I know this sounds dumb but my boobs have been hurting like hell mainly the nipple area what do you think it c
Hormonal changes (personal experience with this one) and certain kinds of medication such as the pill (have had experience with this one too).

Because this is a new symptom for you I would recommend having this situation evaluated by your dr to see what the think is going on.
Reply:Hormone changes can cause breast sensitivity. Hormone changes could be due to pregnancy, PMS, changes in diet, medications, etc. And sometimes our bodies just kind of do weird stuff for no reason!

HoW lonG Can i Wait To ClaIm My Car AcciDent caSE?? b/C i Think iT To lateb/c Mah CouSin ToOk To long to send?

ShE ToOk To Long to SeN Meh the PolIce Report.. B/c I Had an AcCiDenT n 1 State WhErE i Was visiting. nd I LivE n AnothEr State

HoW lonG Can i Wait To ClaIm My Car AcciDent caSE?? b/C i Think iT To lateb/c Mah CouSin ToOk To long to send?
I would answer you question if I could read it.
Reply:oK. iF YoU DiDnT TyPe lIkE An iDiOt mAyBe i cOuLd hAvE AnSwErEd yOuR QuEsTiOn.

Yeah... just don't type like that. It annoys people.

My ex boyfriend is trying 2 get over me b/c he thinks that i am trying 2 get w/ my other ex again help?

well my ex eric broke up w me b/c i didnt tell him that i was at my ex bf travis's house looking 4 travis's mother n i know he still loves me n he wants to be w me but hes pussing me away n trying to forget me bc people tell him lies n wont believe me or let me explain and listen. if he loves me n i love him n we promised each other we would do anything to keep the relationship together than we should work things out right? n im trying so hard to get everything straighted out.but he said we could stay friends n still he doesnt talk to me.....we can work this out i know it in my heart i just need advise on how i can get him to listen to me n believe me that if he gives me a 2nd chance that everything will be better bc im not gonna mess up i love him to much we were soo happy and i know i did wrong by not telling him where i was but before we were fighting n i was confused on weither i should tell him...either way we would still end up like we are how do i change things around?

My ex boyfriend is trying 2 get over me b/c he thinks that i am trying 2 get w/ my other ex again help?
if u are no longer with him why do u worry ur self about him? have u forgotten that u are with someone else and that u will hurt the person if he finds out that u are still interested in your ex? think before u do certain things
Reply:well why do u care about wat ur ex boyfrend thinks?
Reply:M'Lord, the lady doth protest too much.

Write a letter, leave it open for him to decide, and place your luck with the fates.

The hardys ,paul london and guyz like mnm stole the show at armageddon dnt u think wwe(c details)?

shld give them a gud push instead of pushing guyz like cena %26amp; orton who cnt even wrestle

The hardys ,paul london and guyz like mnm stole the show at armageddon dnt u think wwe(c details)?
yup. match of the show. maby even the match of the year. hardyz rule.
Reply:dude that was the BEST match !! I think They are Finally getting there Push , If last night didn't prove it , I dont know what will !!

I was afraid that London %26amp; Kindrak (sp?) were gonna lose the Belts , But they pulled it off like Champs !! An when Mercury got Hit in the Face like that .. with the ladder .. omfg !! Best match of the Night !!
Reply:The hardy's really did put up a great fight and did steal the show a bit but I still think that the inferno and last ride match did!
Reply:What we saw was amazing. They all put on a great match that will be remembered, i agree with you completely. With the excpetion of the brits who didnt entertain or pull on a good preformance mainly because of their old age. Anyways they all should be pushed.
Reply:i am not a big fan of restling
Reply:it's about time they gave the tag team div some respect
Reply:Apparently the decision to change the tag team title match at the Armageddon PPV to a ladder match was made either Saturday or Sunday morning.

The reason reason for making the tag team title match a ladder match last night was to give the WWE PPV consumers something special coming off the disaster ECW PPV two weeks earlier.


This is my first pregnancy and am having twins, and I am afraid to think about c-section.?

Then don't think about it! Twins can be born vaginally with no problems. As you get further along, you will find out where the pregnancy could be leading to. C-sections aren't as bad as you think. I had an emergency one and then a planned one.

This is my first pregnancy and am having twins, and I am afraid to think about c-section.?
In three weeks I'm about to get my second one. It's not the best thing to go through but I believe it is well worth it. Bring a comforable robe as you will need to stay in the hospital for atleast 3 days. Wish you the best of luck!!!
Reply:Ok, everyone that says a C-section is easier or a quick recovery is either A. inexperience, B. lying. or C. never had multiples.

I have 18 month old twins. I was planning on a natural deliver and both babies were vertex. However, problems arose during labor and I ended up with a section. #1, the care of twins is much more than a singleton. You will need help. Don't try to be superwoman. I could not walk very far for several days to a week. I could not hold both babies right way either. I'm not trying to scare you, but more prepare you. This delivery, I will avoid a C-section if at all possible. If you have anymore questions, feel free to email me. Best of luck.
Reply:Twins doesn't automatically = c-section. If both babies end up vertex (head down) you can delivery vaginally.

C-sections aren't the end of the world. Some women (oddly enough) prefer c-sections because they think that vaginal birth is more painful. I've never had a section so I can't say. Either way, whether vaginal or c-section, there are options available to manage your pain after birth, and there are meds that are safe to take even if you are breastfeeding. So worry not.
Reply:I had a c-section, and I am GLAD. I was so nervous leading up to it (especially since I have a third-floor walk-up). I had never had a surgery (except wisdom teeth, if you count that) and I am a TOTAL wimp when it comes to pain. The pain afterwards was very manageable for me; I didn't even take the heavy-duty painkillers they offered (and opted, instead, for simple ibuprofin). When I got home after 3 nights in the hospital, I went right up the stairs with minimal pain. My biggest mistake was - after about a week and a half - I assumed I was back to normal and I overdid it. I had some discomfort come back, but again, nothing I couldn't tolerate.

Now, with that said, I've heard stories of the other extreme, SO, it could be a very personal thing. I took the advice of the nurses and forced myself to move around as soon as I could after surgery. They say it helps and I think it did.
Reply:I had a c-section to deliver my twins, and as you know its major surgery so it is scary. I guess the thing I was most worried about is the epidural/spinal because they were my first children. I had nightmares that they would accidentally paralize me. Well all turned out well...(oh yeah my twins were born that way because i had terrible preeclampsia and the twins were in distress) Its very surreal to see you baby handed over head and you didnt even feel it come out. My fiancee was who I was worried about..he didnt take it that well and I thought he would (he has 3 other children from his ex-wife but she had them vaginally) He almost passed out in there even though he hardly saw anything!

Oh the few things that really sucked about having a c-section were not being able to move your legs afterwards(i dont know if everyone experienced that but i was not prepared for it) and having to wait a couple hours in recovery to see your babies! It was pure torture. I couldnt wait to see them! The pain is not that bad...i hardly remember it. You are just so excited to be a mom that you hardly even think about the pain!

I have never given birth vaginally so I cant really compare but out of the horror stories I have been told by others it really wasnt bad!
Reply:I would actually prefer a C-Section over a natural birth but in Oregon the doctors won't allow it unless it is necessary... it is not as painful, and if you are in good shape recovery is pretty quick too, you'll be sore but not in excrutiating pain. (just for encouragement)

BUT when having twins if they are in the right position (both head down) then they will allow you to have them naturally if that what you'd like. I wouldn't worry too much, do what's going to be safest for you and the babys. Oh and by the way CONGRATULATIONS!!! best of luck to you and your little ones!!!

Toni Lynne :)
Reply:Everyone I know that has had a c-section bounces back a lot faster than vaginal. And they all say they would rather have another c-section.
Reply:then don't think about it....I've had two and the recovery was easier the 2nd time because I knew what to's the scar that's the worst part, of course it doesn't come close to being as ugly as all my stretch marks! Good Luck.
Reply:congrats on the twins. dont worry about the c section. i had one with my lil. i never felt anything. it was a great experience. plus its all scheduled and as soon as they get to the baby's they'll be out of ya in less than 10 mins. with out ya ever having to push or be in labor for hrs. my c section was scheduled at 7:30 in the morning and my lil girl was here at 7:40 but they dont count em born till they sew u back up so my lil girls arrival time was 7:45. hope u have a great experience with ur twins.

I have a gurgling sound coming from the passenger side under dashboard (i think A/C). How do I fix that?

Depends on what kind of car you have. On my Altima, if i just changed the coolant, you can hear gurgling from the heater core as pockets of air pass through it. A way you can check is sit in the passenger seat with the motor running, and turn the air on and off and see if it goes away when you turn it off. Also check your coolant level and make sure it is not low, some cars do make gurgling sounds if its gets air in the system or gets low.

I have a gurgling sound coming from the passenger side under dashboard (i think A/C). How do I fix that?
could be a leaf in your blower fan, the fan should be behind the glove compartment, or you could have a squirell in thier lol

How can I convince my mum that I REALLY think I have O.C.D?

I wanna see a doctor about it so bad.

I count everything, do everything 3 times, things that are all out of order really annoy me, I pull/chew my hair, I think of things I don't want to, I'm always praying in my head, I gotta do stuff to get the "Please God, kill me" thoughts out of my head, I always re-check things, I think someone is gunna die if I lie or something...I always have to confess, I keep trash...

...I took a test and it said if you scored 9 or more than you PROBLEY have O.C.D and I got 29! And I told my mum and she said "SURE YOU DID!" every test I took said see a doctor she said it's all lies...

And...I dunno what else!

She won't believe me, she laughs and says I have no problems....and I tell her I am dead serious and she's just like yeah riiiight.

My grandma believes me, she knows how I re-do everything and keep trash such as old ripped up school tests and empty bottles.

Help me convince my mother (and dad)...please....!?

How can I convince my mum that I REALLY think I have O.C.D?
You didn't mention how old you are but I assume you are still in school. If so, they probably have a counselor. Go talk to that counselor and get his/her advice on what to do.

Don't try to diagnose yourself. You should be evaluated by a psychologist (they are the ones qualified to test and diagnose these sorts of things). Your school counselor should be able to point you in the right direction, and talk to your mother also. Your mother may listen better if it comes from a school professional.

Good luck
Reply:The issue isn't convincing your parents that you need help. You KNOW you need help, go get it. Let yourparents know that you cold use their support in this, but if they tease you or dont' offer any support, don't let that stop you from getting the help you deserve and need. Here's the outcome if you dont' get any help- you blame your parents for not taking care of you and the problems still dont' go away, Solve the main issue and then through that you'll be able to solve the next issue, which would be your parents and their lack of support. Good luck!
Reply:If your Grandma believes you then you should have her help you to explain it to your parents.Sometimes parents don't want to think their child has a problem, so go talk to your doctor and tell him or her and they will really help.Just call the doctor you usually go to.

Am I totally CRAZY b/c I think Christian Leblanc(Michael on the young and the restless)is hot even though..???

Am I crazy for thinking he is hot even though he is like over twice my age lol???? I know I am totally like losing it or something for even asking this or even thiking it lol. Are there any other 20+ girls out there that think he is kinda cute well kinda hot for an older dude??????? I am just really curious to see what others have to say on this topic that is all BTW!

Am I totally CRAZY b/c I think Christian Leblanc(Michael on the young and the restless)is hot even though..???
Reply:well, I'm older than he is and yes i think he is hot..his personality and sneakiness makes him hotter
Reply:He's in fact smokin' hot
Reply:He is a total HOTTIE!!!!!!!! I would love to date him even though he is a lot older than I am.
Reply:well,he is too young for me and i think he's hot too!!!

flowering plum

2 weeks after d and c i think im pregnant?

Could i be pregnant three weeks after my d and c. i had sex 3 or 4 times about 5 days after the surgery and i took at pregnancy test yesterday, it said positive. could this be right ? when i m/c my hcg level was dropin very fats. it was at 400. HELP!please

2 weeks after d and c i think im pregnant?
Take a test. If it is positive call your Dr. ASAP!
Reply:go see your doc and get a pregnancy test...
Reply:wow u could have sex that soon? i couldn't, i waited like a month then it still hurt
Reply:see a dr and have them check the levels again you may have to do like 2 blood tests in a week to see if the levels are droping or they are going back up thats how they will tell for sure good luck!!!!
Reply:see a doctor!
Reply:I had the same thing happen to me...I miscarried last April and got pregnant 2 weeks later and I just had my little boy 4 weeks ago. So yes it is really possible that you are pregnant! Congrats!
Reply:Consult a gynac. Get the urine pregnancy test done in a laboratory.

I am interested to know what Man U fans think of C Ronaldo now - will they still like him?

Hey Jaws i noticed you answered my questions on the C Ronaldo issue. I think you know where i stand on this mate! As ManU sypathizer who is actually from Manc i think Ronaldo should get his just-desserts and take it like a man just as Becks did when he foulded against the chap in England v Argentina but only worse he he!

I am interested to know what Man U fans think of C Ronaldo now - will they still like him?
Good question.
Reply:they should appreciate the fact that, as any good professional, he gives his best for whatever team he is representing.
Reply:i will like him forever :)
Reply:At this time he is playing for his country and in this tournament you gotta do what you gotta do to win, they are only team mates at Manchester United not at the world cup you cretins.
Reply:if ronaldo plays very well for man.utd he will be fine.

BUT IF NOT the fans will go crazy at him.!!!!!!!!

It would probably be scary for him to go to England again!
Reply:uggh i used to like him but i absolutely HATE him now!!!wut the hell was he thinking?? isn't rooney ur teammate???UGGHH that move was very disgusting and afterwards winking at the bench??? come to think of it i used to protect his name wenever my friend told me he's not man for crying!!!now i understand...he's absolutely not a man cuz of wut he did and i suggest rooney to stick one in him when they meet and i would personally boo everytime he touched the ball
Reply:which one of brazil or the one of portugal?
Reply:I am his fan
Reply:I am not MU fun so I am interested too.

Would I beein their shoes i would boo him every time he would touch a ball

Why does J.C. Watts think he is above the law?

OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) - An aide to Rep. J.C. Watts said Monday

that the congressman lost his temper when he stuffed a parking

ticket for violating airport security rules under an officer's


Watts, the fourth-ranking House GOP leader, was cited Sept. 28

after he left his car unattended in a loading zone at Will

Rogers World Airport, a violation of security measures that

police have enforced especially aggressively since the Sept.

11 attacks.

After arguing with police Sgt. Edward Stupka, Watts shoved the

$15 ticket under his badge and told him to "take care of it,"

said Pam Pryor, Watts' chief of staff. The officer tossed it

into the congressman's car, and Watts' wife later paid the


Watts throws a temper tantrum and gets in a police officers face at an airport less than three weeks after 9/11?


Could you imagine Hannity howling if Hillary Clinton did such a thing?

Why does J.C. Watts think he is above the law?
Reminds me of that record company executive from South Park (tv show) -- "I am above the law!"
Reply:Hillary has done such a thing many many many times. If the secret service could talk publicly you would be amazed.
Reply:i never did like jc watts

Democrats don't like real successful African-Americans who believe in God.
Reply:Hillery Clin-toon murdered a man in the white house and used the Office of The President of The United States to have it declared a suicide. Every airline passenger has thrown a tantrum of some degree since 9/11. Power was given to megalomaniacs to enforce new rules and they let the Middle Eastern Businessman board without checking him, while spending two hours on a 96 year old American Granny. Had the officer checked the front window of that car for the Con-gressional Authorization to Park there, things may have been different. Had this been Ms. Clin-toons car, he would have been fired (or killed???).
Reply:I'm not convinced that he does, because I'm not sure I believe everything I read, especially from the AP, but regarding Hillary being above the law ... what does the AP write about Whitewater?
Reply:Umm... JC Watts hasn't been in Congress in YEARS, and is not in politics anymore.

Maybe you should consider current controversies. Were you so indignant when the Congresswoman from Texas manhandled the House guard when she refused to show ID?

Want to know what I think about the a.c.l.u.?

The A.C.L.U. is working against all "Americans." I think they are advocating for the destruction of america, it's values and morals. They go against everything that is good, in and for America. A.C.L.U. is creating total chaos.

Want to know what I think about the a.c.l.u.?
the aclu is doing what the acronym stands for....i just hope you never find yourself needing their help if perchance your civil rights are trampled one may find yourself eating your words
Reply:you are dead wrong, they are working for america to uphold the laws it passed.
Reply:Are you just spouting garbage that you've heard from others? The ACLU protects your civil rights, the rights of "Americans", what is your problem with that? If your civil rights were being violated they would help you. And how do you know you wouldnt need them? With that gang in Washington working their magic, you never know when you will lose your civil can happen.

And for the brain ball that says the ACLU support NAMBLA, they DON"T support what they ARE, they are supporting their right to freedom of speech. They do NOT support what they do. What NAMBLA does makes me SICK, but SICK as they are, they also have their right to freedom of speech as guaranteed under the US Constitution, same as the rest of us.
Reply:In that sense they share much with "you're doing a heckuva job Bushie" total chaos.
Reply:You are absolutely correct !! AND your tax dollars are paying for this anarchy !!
Reply:I can't agree more.
Reply:That is correct, we do not need any more rabble rousing loud mouths, Hollywood has it covered. Enough already
Reply:I couldn't agree with you more!


Choose the sentence that is incorrectly punctuated. i think its C?

Choose the sentence that is incorrectly punctuated.

Watching his ant farm, Gavin sat in front of the television.

Settling into his chair, Dad picked up the evening newspaper.

The dog, purchased from the local animal shelter, was now considered a member of the family.

The girl playing with the kitten is my younger sister.

Choose the sentence that is incorrectly punctuated. i think its C?
I think it is C
Reply:It is D, "The girl, playing with the kitten, is my younger sister."
Reply:It is C. You don't need commas to break up the noun phrase unless it is written as a w-clause i.e. "The dog, which was purchased from the local animal shelter, was now considered a member of the family.

My son broke the space bar off my lappy. Do you think P.C. World will charge for fixing it?

I can see what needs to be done but am not able to 'connect the clips' at the myself. It would take a trained 'Tech Guy' seconds. Who thinks they will take pitty on me and mend it for free? I only say PCWorld as they are nearest to me. Thanks Have Fun :0)

My son broke the space bar off my lappy. Do you think P.C. World will charge for fixing it?
where did you buy it? how old is it?

if its under 1 year then you should have no problem getting it fixed for free where you bought it, but PC world might also fix it for free and if not for free then it shouldnt cost that much for them to clip it back on or order a spare one!

good luck!
Reply:maybe if you beg and look pitiful enough,

you should let them do it, then say

"thanks, how much do I owe you?"

and slowly start for your wallet, even bring it out,

but DON'T open it.

if you open it and the egghead smells or senses money he may take just it.

if he says 20 bucks you say no way, here's 5

then grab your laptop and jet.
Reply:most likely... i would start with "how can i fix it".. maybe they have pointers for you
Reply:just depend how lucky you are. I can't imagine charging for it, that seems bad business.
Reply:did he break it off or did he merely "pop" it out? because u can force the key back into place if it just popped out
Reply:Ehh probably not and if they did charge you it couldn't be a crazy amount.
Reply:theyre part of a business, no time to help every sponging customer for free every five minutes
Reply:Maybe if you get a nice guy. You can only try.
Reply:my freinds baby pulled half the keys off his lappy, it ended costing him 30 quid to get them put back on, I don't know if they charged per key, lol
Reply:Check your warranty. if you have accidental coverage, then probably, but if you don't a warranty isn't going to cover it.
Reply:Of course they will,when has anything to do with technology been free in the last five years.
Reply:Without getting too libelous, yes they most likely would charge you judging by my experience. You would probably have to stand around waiting to be seen by one of the "tech guys" for about an hour, only to have them stare at your lap top for about an hour, go away and talk for ages and then ask you what's wrong with it. And then tell you that buttons aren't covered under warranty but they can send it away next tuesday for some uber geek to decide its fate for £50. This bitter response is based on when my a and w keys fell off after a week of buying my lapdog and I naively assumed PC whirled might fix it under "accidental damage", even though there was no accident just a poor quality issue.
Reply:Nothing ventured.......! ! !
Reply:I doubt they'll fix it to tell you the truth, they might get you to buy a whole new keypad...but then again, i doubt they'll get you a whole new lappy!

What do you think of paramore's c.d RIOT! ?

i got a couple of the songs from itunes..... did you like the c.d?? do you think i should get the rest of it?

What do you think of paramore's c.d RIOT! ?
I love all of the songs totally worth it!!!!!!!!!!
Reply:yes, you should

i really like them

and if you like some of their songs you'll like the rest
Reply:Its garbage.
Reply:It's AMAZING!!! I got it for Christmas and its probably my favorite present. My favorites are Hallelujah and Fences. I don't know how I lived without it. I'm disappointed cause I didn't get the acoustic version of Misery Business. =[ Oh well. I personally think some of the songs that haven't been publicized are better than those that have. I definitely recommend it.
Reply:I think the person two spaces above me is obviously a cat lady that has nothing better to do than criticize your personal taste and opinion. Good God, no one asked you if you liked it, they asked if they should get the rest of the CD.

Besides, sounds like you've gotten a good chunk of the CD, and from what I've heard, it's a pretty good CD.

Get it.
Reply:Since you are a younger girl, looking at your picture.

You will like it.

My younger sister does and she is 12.

That is her favorite band.


RIOT! Special/Limited Edition MVI

(if your a big fan of them)

my sister had to get this version,

even though she had the first version

it's around $15

you CAN'T get it on iTunes

you get...

"For a Pessimist, I'm Pretty Optimistic" - 3:48

"That's What You Get" - 3:40

"Hallelujah" - 3:23

"Misery Business" - 3:31

"When It Rains" - 3:35

"Let the Flames Begin" - 3:18

"Miracle" - 3:29

"crushcrushcrush" - 3:09

"We Are Broken" - 3:38

"Fences" - 3:19

"Born for This" - 3:58

Bonus tracks

"When It Rains" (Demo) - 3:24

"Misery Business" (Acoustic) - Live from Q101 Chicago - 3:17. It starts out rock and in the middle it turns softer.

"Pressure" (Acoustic) - Live from Q101 Chicago - 3:01

"For a Pessimist, I'm Pretty Optimistic" - Live from London - 3:59

"Born for This" - Live from London - 4:20


3 live videos filmed in London

"No Home but the Road" from the Vans Warped Tour 2007

"Hallelujah" and "Misery Business" music videos

"The Making of RIOT!" in-studio footage


"Misery Business" karaoke

"crushcrushcrush" karaoke


Photo gallery

Paramore merchandise discount code

Make your own mix of "Misery Business" and "crushcrushcrush" with Nu-Myx

Create your own ringtones with Ur-Tone

Lyrics, digital booklet, wallpapers, buddy icons and more!
Reply:I love their cd!!!! in with all the songs...thats just me...if u like them then get the rest of their songs....
Reply:all the song are completely and totally AWESOME!!!!!! i just got their last album (all we know is falling) %26amp; their new album (riot!).
Reply:Yes, get it. It's an awesome CD and buy their older CDs too. I saw them in concert 2 years ago when they were one of the opening acts for Simple Plan. They totally blew me away and I've been a fan since.
Reply:I think that all of that music is garbage. So no.

Cat lady?


Takes a 14 year old girl to come up with that.
Reply:paramore is terrible. thats just what i think
Reply:there cd is really good..... if you like wat u have..... u should get the rest!
Reply:I've got it and I love it, much better then the first.

I really like all of there songs except for 3 and even those aren't that bad.

I think Fences, Misery Business, Hallelujah, Broken, Born for This, Crushcrushcrush are the best songs on the album

On the show "The Hills", do you think L.C. will get into trouble for having her friends at that party?

I think she may get into a lil trouble. but nothing serious. I doubt shes gonna get fired i mean the show is basically about her getting the internship. I just cant wait for JASON to come on. i wonder if shes really gonna be getting married!!!

On the show "The Hills", do you think L.C. will get into trouble for having her friends at that party?
Duh, cause the woman told her not to sit, dont let anybody sit in the vip area and dont have any long conversations with anybody and she did all that. But its her fault cause if i had her job and my friends called me to let them in, i would have tell them no. But she has no back bone.


What do you think of Hickory, N. C. for relocating from Florida ?

I'm looking for a "Back to the Future" type of town, like Hill Valley! and was told i'd love Hickory, N. C. What do you think?

What do you think of Hickory, N. C. for relocating from Florida ?
NC is a fantastic place,especially the mountain areas=lots of small towns and friendly people. Having relocated from Fl, as well, I will tell you 2 things:Don't come here and expect it to be FL recreated with all the stores and shopping, and get ready to pay a state income tax of 7 %...............blend in and accept the ways of the people who live here.

What do you think will happen when C. Ronaldo starts playing on club again?Furgerson still wants him!?

Rooney said either he goes or i go, but the coach is keeping c. ronaldo.. do u think rooney will actually leave?

What do you think will happen when C. Ronaldo starts playing on club again?Furgerson still wants him!?
both will stay
Reply:I dunno im SO scared i dont want Cris to get hurt! BRITS are CRAZY
Reply:He wants to leave, but they wont let him

so hes just not gonna try, then hes gonna sit the bench, and then their gonna sell him,

because he costs too much money, and hes not playing

and i dont think Rooney said that
Reply:rooney didnt say that. dont believe what the media says. specially the english media. they've all gone bananas becuz this seem to be the HIT story in english football at the moment. ronaldo is an important inclusion in manutd and everyone including rooney knows that. rooney and ronaldo will work things out if ronaldo decides to stay. after all, if u love football and u're playing in one team, u'll have to work together. i just hope the fans will back off when ronaldo sets foot in england... the england fans and the english media are simply crazy!! if u love football, dismiss all those dumb politics and focus on your team! i just hope i get to see ronaldo and rooney together in action again!! and i dont give two rats **** about what people or the english media says! i love them both and i hope they'll remain where they are and be great!
Reply:Everything will be forgotten for the Manchester United cause.
Reply:when did Rooney say that? do you have a link?
Reply:I think it was settled between them. Fergie have had a little conversation with Rooney, and also guaranteed Ronaldo's safety to play for MU. Maybe what will happen is going to be similar with what happened to Becks. After that incident with Simeone in 1998, Becks was public enemy number one for several months. But then the MU (and English) fans forgave him after he gave wonderful performance in MU's matches.

However, Becks is English and Ronaldo isn't, so maybe things won't work out the same with him.
Reply:As far as I know both of them are staying. Ronaldo only said he wanted to join Real if Juan Miguel Villar Mir took over as the manager, but now that Fabio Capello is taking over he's unlikely to be going. I don't think Rooney will leave -- he's the best English player at the moment and Fergie's not likely to let him go. As for Ronaldo he'll likely be benched until the English fans start calming down a bit.
Reply:I think that C. Ronaldo is going to leave because of the way the English media and fans have been treating him. Ronaldo said that he still might move after Man.U said he couldn't. If Ronaldo really wants to leave and doesn't show up for practice, then Man.U will have to sell him or just waste their money by keeping him. The statement by Man.U that Ronaldo isn't for sale is probably just to raise his price, as they are already looking for replacements for him.
Reply:no, i dont think. time is a cure for every problems. after 2 or 3 months from ending wc 2006, everything will be forgotten and roony and ronaldo will play in man u as they did.

Why do some people think that just b/c i'm muslim I'm going to blow up america?

I mean, the thought has never crossed my mind. Maybe if I was a loner and cried b/c for having no friends and wanted revenge on everybody for that., but I have lots of friends. I think i'm too lazy (summer vacation from school has turned me into a couch potato) and love my life too much to become a suicide bomber.

Why do some people think that just b/c i'm muslim I'm going to blow up america?
because some people are truely head ******.

The people that think all muslims are terroists are usually the same people that drive around cities in 4WD's or try and sue McDonalds for making them fat.
Reply:well.....i think ppl just have the wrong idea about you.............i mean they took that all the muslims are going to blow somethin!!!!!!!

but they don't know that muslims also think that the other countries are gonna blow you guys.!!!!! right?????
Reply:Because people are stupid.
Reply:Exactly people are stupid and do not follow the whole "don't juge a book by it's cover". People are so selfish these days they refuse to learn more. I have one thing to say " Why do people with closed minds always open there mouths". Lol this just makes me think of that.
Reply:some people are really judgmental..don't mind long as you don't do anything harm to anybody...everything will be fine for you...
Reply:If just one Muslim would publicly denounce Osama... and his followers actions , maybe then Americans would feel better about them. As of this date I have not had one Muslim denounce the actions of him or his followers.

I have heard them say things like it is sad that has to happen, but the USA should have been more on the side of Muslims. I have heard it is a bad thing... but Muslims are not denouncing this lunatic. Have you as a Muslim, I bet not.
Reply:Cos the last 20 people who wanted to blow up America were Muslim?

Its sad, but dude, a lot of people also realize that not *all* Muslims want to blow up America, even if the last 20 who wanted to do it happened to be Muslim.

We're just not very knowledgeable about history, probability, statistics and philosophy. And thats not even taking religion into account yet.
Reply:Obviously it's because ALMOST everytime something blows up, a muslim is behind it - or at least a part of it. It can be sad how people is afraid even of innocent muslims but is is unavoidable as others are afraid and since it is impossible to determine whether a person has terrorizing tendencies or not, most citizens choose to steer clear of the "same" people that does that whole terrorism thing. I am afraid that I am one of those, but I mean no offense to you... You can call me ignorant but please know that I am aware that even NON-muslims can blow up stuff... I hope things change soon...
Reply:I personally wish that we lived in a world that doesn't think like this. I consider myself very open-minded, but I am nevertheless mistrustful of Muslims from the Middle East when I meet them. I am not mistrustful of all muslims. I don't pay a lot of attention to Muslims from Pakistan or muslims from Malaysia or muslims from Indonesia and so on. However, I do pay extra attention to those who's origins come from the Middle East. To be honest, I don't like the fact that I pay extra attention to those who come from those areas and I feel bad if you experience any blatant discrimination.

The Middle East is at a dangerous cross roads. There is a lot of hate against Americans for its support of the Isreal and it foreign politics in the Middle East. In addition, U.S. represents a type of evil capitalism and a western way of life that is incongruent with the Muslim Sharia. This hatred towards the west have been propagated by the ruling Muslims and elite rich muslims.

This propaganda against the west may in the end backfire on the the ruling Muslim groups. Many wealthy and elite Muslim class get their education in the west. They go to Universities in the west. They are exposed and interact with the west a great deal. So, you have a contradiction in the Middle East where the interaction with the west by the elites have been secretly supported, while their message to the public have been the opposite.

In the end, they've been creating a breeding ground for radical islamic group. These radical islamic groups may prove to be a threat to the current elite ruling class of the Middle East. For instance, the Hamas have been a radical group. The PLO for years have turned a blind eye to them and secretly supported their activities. Now, you see the Hamas taking over and become the ruling party for Palestine. The Hezbollah is yet another example of radical groups taking more control over governments, such as Lebenon.

Middle East leaders haven't looked far enough a head to figure out that problems for us might become a problem for themselves.
Reply:Because some people are prejudiced idiotic morons. They assume that if one is bad, then they are all bad, which of course is absurd, but they lack the intellectual capacity to realize that. It isn't helping that Muslim extremists are the ones throwing the bombs, but they forget about Christian extremists like Eric Rudolph, who killed innocent people with his bombs.
Reply:i dont think that and im american
Reply:I don't think that you're going to blow up America. I know the difference between Muslim and Terrorist.
Reply:From what you said, it sounds to me like you are just as ignorant as those who think that about you.
Reply:Judging others and ignoring what God says is one thing I've found that many narrow-minded Americans do best! I wish this were not true, but few Americans actually live up to what they preach. Jesus said to "Judge Not Lest Ye Be Judged." You will find bad apples in EVERY religion on the face of this planet, but there are good ones too. I'm so very sorry and ashamed that bigots in my country have made you feel like this due to the 9/11/01 actions of only a handful. We do not ALL think that being Muslim instantly means you are a terrorist, and I'm one who does not believe this. Yours is a religion that teaches non-violence, and it is not your fault that a few decided to be violent in the name of religion. Please accept my deepest regret and apologies for my fellow country men %26amp; women who judge in such haste. Allah bless you, and try not to give up on us Americans yet.
Reply:Don't let a (very) minority of racists get the better of you. Most people aren't racist.. but unfortunately it is those people who get the most attention and therefore make it seem to look like we all think that.

I will never understand ignorant, racist people. America celebrates the melting pot their country is. It is rich with culture. And I especially love living in LV becasue of the diversity of culture here.
Reply:Your explanation alarmed me a bit. I mean you said that maybe you're too lazy and love life to much to become a suicide bomber-Are you implying that if you didn't have these personality traits you might consider it??? But I agree that just because you're muslim we shouldn't automatically assume the worst. I am a Christian, and I love Christ, but I hate for people to assume I'm a fanatical holy roller type like they see on TV who bad mouths everybody or blows up abortion clinics.

Mostly, Americans don't know many Muslims so they don't have much else to go on except the actions of extremists.
Reply:One of your "brothers" just posted the question linked below. I think it will explain just what is going on.


Reply:because theyre meanies
Reply:If only the extremists felt the same way it would be a much safer world
Reply:Sorry man, that's just the way the world is. I know that there are good hearted muslims but I know you would agree that all of these terriorist are muslims even though not all muslims are terriorist. Unfortunately that's just the stigma you have to deal with but you can start by making a difference to clear your name by showing people that you guys are also good-natured.
Reply:Because people are afraid... of your skin color it's not you - but the people from certain Countries that they are afarid of... too bad things work out that way for "skin" color's... I am sorry for you my friend
Reply:Your religion breeds terrorists, which makes everyone suspect.Keep making friends and let people get to know the real you. I hope someday you will rethink that religion.
Reply:i dun think all muslims are crazy bombers. But from what you are saying, if you were lonely w/o friends you may comtemplate such actions out of revenge? Again, this is not just about muslims but a normal sane person should not be thinking of taking innocent lives for whatever reasons, esp in the name of religion.
Reply:ignorance, intolerance and stereotyping.
Reply:Those some people like to put blame on something and just because u happen to be muslim, theyre gonna take their anger out on you. Dont mind them.
Reply:because some ppl are not thinking
Reply:because they are afraid, and they are racist A holes who need to be educated. Look hon it is going to happen because people think that one certain race is the problem, but its not. It sucks that you can't believe in your religion without someone pointing a finger at you. Just keep your head up high. Good luck.
Reply:Because those people are stupid and ignorant.
Reply:Because of ignorance. I am a Christian, but don't think that of every Muslim. I know that freaks like Osama don't represent the true faith of Islam. Just ignore the idiots as much as possible.

Determining Cause & Effect: Why do you think the C.I.S has to depend on foreign nations for some farm produce?

Most nations depend on foreign nations for farm produce, even the few nations that are net food exporters. In the U.S. we import bananas because there is little land in the U.S. where they can be grown. I suspect that Canada, which is a net wheat exporter, must import oranges from elsewhere because Canada is too cold to grow citrus crops outdoors.

Determining Cause %26amp; Effect: Why do you think the C.I.S has to depend on foreign nations for some farm produce?
C . I. S. is the best which is your favorite the one with gary sinese or william peterson or david carusso ?


Is there any other female that think BURTON C BELL is hot?

He is a little cute.

What do you think about the new C Class?

The dealer was trying to sway me away from a CLK; he insisted the new C Class is better than the 3 series. What do you think about the new C Class?

What do you think about the new C Class?
way better and more classy
Reply:I think it is freaking awesome. the chassis is great, drivetrain is amazing, and the car has a very strong styling with an amazing stance and presence... go with the c-class
Reply:c class is stylish to look in exterior and in interior many luxury options r fixed its comfortable tohave a long drive

bettr go for c class
Reply:I really like the new C-Class, especially the 451 hp C63 AMG.
Reply:I think they are nice, but I was disappointed in the fuel economy ratings for the base model hitting the mid 20's on the highway. A small displacement V6 should be be getting closer to 30 mpg. Also there is no diesel option. I think the car is a tad overpriced as well. At least for the base model. I would still look at the 3 series though and compare for myself. The dealer is going to tell you the Mercedes is better since they sell it. If I were going to buy that car, I would look at the 3 series and the Cadillac CTS as competitors.
Reply:I think the new C-Class is an awesome car, especially the C300 for the money!!
Reply:I think that the C class is definitely more classy than the 3 series but the 3 series is much more performance oriented and is much more fun to drive. I like the BMW's interior better than the Mercedes but it is all about what you want in a car. The Mercedes is a great highway cruiser but the BMW is very sporty. Personally I like the BMW more but that's my opinion.
Reply:Those guys know who can afford the best.So there you are man.He knows what is saying!!
Reply:It is more classy than the Beamer (Bimmer, Bemmer, w/e) and its so Mercedes, from its square headlights to everything else, such a cool car.
Reply:I have the 2008 C350 in Palladium Silver and I just love it. I've put about 6000 miles on it and I have yet to find anything about it that I don't like. The performance isn't quite as good as the like BMW's but it is much nicer for an every day driver. Also the performance gap is not as big as most people think.

Do you think that The O.C. will have a season 5?

I am literally such a BIG O.C fan. I'm totally bummed that not many people are watching it anymore, and that Marissa died...

I'm scared that this will be the last season, does anyone know if it's official? Or tell me what you think...

Do you think that The O.C. will have a season 5?
I think it will only have one more season,the show is dwindling in popularity.

and two y do u even wast your time watching that show?

What do you chicago fire fans think of C.Blanco? Honestly?

cuatemoc blanco

What do you chicago fire fans think of C.Blanco? Honestly?
he still has got plenty skill.I like chicago and I hope they make the playoffs.also I think they need mapp back in the squad.hes awesome.
Reply:douche bag mexican
Reply:hes cool, but slow.


Do u think the race between C.ronaldo and drogba will effect ......?

C.ronaldo vs drogba, who is the best till now?? and do u think the race between them will effect ( positivly ) the challenge between chelsea and man u for the title???

Do u think the race between C.ronaldo and drogba will effect ......?
At Chelsea, stars may be multiple but one man has got the shape to score goals Didier Drogba

C.Ronaldo is a one-man spectacle who is tantalising even the old-men at Old Trafford!!!!

Drogba should really get it at the edge of the campaign!!!

The best bit of it is that both players are gearing their teams up for Champions (as eventually Chelsea will be emerging as )

Come on Chelsea!!!!!
Reply:nope, not going to affect anything, man utd are going to win the league and beat chelsea at stamford bridge
Reply:they are not on the same level,pop didy is the best of them all.believe that drogba will become the best at the end of the season.

Also chealsea will definately dethron man u at the end of the season.
Reply:I am Chelsea's fan,but Ronaldo is better
Reply:YES or NO or even I don't know.
Reply:Drogba will win......c ronaldo sucks.......he a sly fox....
Reply:If there was a race which one would dive over the line first.
Reply:ronaldo is better

but no not really

one player doesnt make a team
Reply:well ronaldo is a midfielder and drogba is a striker.A midfielder challenging a striker for the golden boot definetly shows tht ronaldo is the better player because he creates and scores goals .

these 2 will determine the race as their goals will be vital in clinching the title .
Reply:Cristiano Ronaldo excels everywhere in the field for a winger! Therefore to give it justice, he should win!!!
Reply:What race? There is no race? As a striker, Drogba should only be scoring goals...but Ronaldo is a midfield player and the very fact he's scored the same number of goals as a striker proves he is the better player.
Reply:no battle.DROGBA is better

Reply:Drogba is the best
Reply:yeh definetly
Reply:i think c. ronaldo

good question

stay happy
Reply:There in a battle to be the top scorer. Who ever falls behind will have unnecessary pressure and might effect their confidence a bit, thus, effecting their team.
Reply:I totaly think its C.Ronaldo

He is higher than drogba already!!
Reply:Cristiano Ronaldo is better and hotter!!!!!!!!!
Reply:yeah..i think it will effect the title race in a good way...

Drogba is a good striker, Ronaldo is a great midfielder....

both of them are great...
Reply:i don't think it's a race, both players like challenges, but on the other had both of them one to be winners. i think there is no effects because mu is a team the same can almost be said about Chelsae they are almost what we call a team.
Reply:No doubt that Ronaldo is the better player. But Drogba may score more goals, as he is a striker.
Reply:C.Ronaldo is better
Reply:pressure is on drogba to score chelseas goals, ronaldo is a winger and has contributed loads all ready, so no pressure for him he can now just enjoy and set up larson, rooney, saha, ole giggs and scholes. lampard only other player who can score for chelsea. utd to win title at stamford bridge
Reply:Drogba is a class better player than ronaldo,but man.utd is a better team than chelsea. The race between them will surely effect (positivly) to the game and rivality of the teams

Hmmmmmmm grls what do u think of c****?

c**** is brilliant lol wtf is it???

Hmmmmmmm grls what do u think of c****?
c**** is f***in awesome!!!! what in gods name is it?
Reply:what is c****??????
Reply:luv it... can't get enough
Reply:whatever that means.......
Reply:say what?
Reply:say what!?!
Reply:Huh? What?
Reply:whats that
Reply:If u know know how to do it right then i luv to c****!!!

Does this sound like a best friend to you?I don't,but lets c what u think.....?

Long story:Im 21,Im 19 weeks prego,just got married 3/2/08 well I've been b.friends w/ girlfriend for 10 years now,she's 20,well we used 2 do everything together,but she was really a BAD influence now that my hubby has pointed it out to me,I would never stand up for myself to her,she slept around,I did it too,we both got hooked on drugs,but I got off easy %26amp; she was very addicted(coke),well I have helped her through so many things in our life time,I was there when she was coming off her drug problems,boyfriend problems,so many things,I have been the nicest friend you could think of.Well now that Im prego,I really need a her,I changed when I met my hubby,matured more,I go 2 church,I didn't do the things I used to so that led me to not really hang around w/ b.f,Well I wrote her on m'spce %26amp; told her how I felt,like she could come c me,%26amp; call me sometime,well she pretty much blasted me out,saying bad things about my hubby,%26amp; me,n how i was not a friend to her really anymore,bc i changed,

Does this sound like a best friend to you?I don't,but lets c what u think.....?
She's very insecure and afraid she's losing you--to the new baby, the husband, the new life, everything. When you start going to church, and your friends don't, it seems to threaten them more than anything else. I don't know why.

And weirdly enough, when some people fear they're losing you, that's when they try their hardest to push you away.

It sounds like you've tried all the right things, and she's just too mad, hurt, and selfish to listen. You can try talking to her one more time. Tell her how much you value her friendship, and how hurt you are by the things she's said and done. Reassure her you will always be her bf, even when everything changes, but she has to make some changes too. She can't badmouth your husband and baby, and you need her to be there for you too.

She sounds like a very self-centered person though, who has taken advantage of you a lot. She needs a lot more help than you can give her, like counseling and rehab for starters. I know it hurts, but you may be better off without her in the long run. Like your husband said, she was a bad influence once and could be again, trying to drag you back down into your old life. Look at all the pain she's causing you. A true best friend doesn't do that.

Pray about the situation and ask God to lead you. Do what's best for you, your baby, and your husband. They're making your life better; she obviously makes it worse. It's a no-brainer.
Reply:its not your fault you decided to lead a better life. she needs to buck up her ideas. she might be jealous of how youve managed to change your life for the better.
Reply:Well shug she doesn't seem like a good friend to me everyone grows just some at different paces you are both young let her go it was fun while it lasted good that it ended you have a family now you can't expect her to follow in your footsteps. Awww poor thing I totally understand you seem to be very caring when "friends" get jealous there is little reasoning to be done just let it go time heals all wounds. Good luck
Reply:She probably misses having you in her life and doesn't understand the change. But People are going to change its a fact of life. Friendships change as people go through different phases of life. It sounds like you have bettered your life and shes got to learn to be happy for you. Maybe she is just hurt but that is no excuse to be mean to you and your husband. If she wants to remain your friend then she needs to be happy for you and maybe the two of you need to find a way to be friends that doesn't contaminate your new way of life. Who knows maybe you could be her inspiration to change her life as well.
Reply:Well first off a best friend should never talk badly about you or who you are seeing, and she probably can't handle that you have a better life than her. She might also be jealous that you have pulled your life together and brought you down to boost herself up. Moving on could be the best thing for you and your family.
Reply:The bottom line is your old friend is a selfish person and really doesn't wish you well. It sounds as though you're trying really hard to get and keep your new good life of track, don't stop now. Pulling away from a bad influence is a good thing, you're on the way to becoming a Mom and that is the most important thing in your life there is nothing else besides your husband.Good luck.
Reply:Believe it or not, i went through the exact same thing with my best friend when I was pregnant.

We used to be drinking/drugs buddies, but I settled down with my fiance and got straight, and when I found out I was pregnant, that was pretty much it, she wasn't interested anymore if I wasn't there to party.

Right now, you need to focus on what is best for you, your baby, and your husband.

And having someone unpredictable and causing stress in your life is just so pointless.
Reply:personal growth is in your best interest not hers thats why she's struggling with it. you're on a different path and she is afraid of loosing her friend . Perhaps when she decides to move forward you will cross paths again. one of my favorite things someone has ever said to me is .. " change is inevitable growth is optional." my hats off to you !
Reply:She does not sound like a good friend or the type of person who it is nice to be around you didn't do anything wrong and I feel bad that you had to put up with her for this long and if shes going to be a bitc* she is not worth your time! people grow up its natural, however there are some people who never grow up and then they take advatage of their friends (like shes doing to you) and wonder why there lives suck later, sorry if i'm being to harsh talking about her like this but I think you should be happy that you got rid of her and you do not need her as a friend!
Reply:to me it sounds lyk ur mates jelous =]

uv grown up and found somebody u wunt to share ur lyf with nd she hasent.
Reply:Just because you have grown up and matured and she hasn't, doesn't mean she should blast you and your new husband. Most likely she's jealous of him, you and your relationship, maybe it's your relationship with him, or god, or maybe she's jealous that you got your act together and she didn't. Regardless she doesn't sound like a very good friend at all, but if she's a great person on the inside then it's worth trying to smooth things over with her, or to attempt to end it on a good note.(be the bigger person) Good luck with the new hubby, the baby and your old friend.
Reply:Leave Her Be.

At The End Of The Day, Do You Really Want Somebody Like That Hanging Round With Your Kid?

If You're Happy, Don't Let Her Spoil It.

Get On With Your Life And When She Realises How She Been Acting And Grows Up Then Think About Whether You Want That RelationShip Anymore.

10 Years Is A Long Time But If She Treats You Like That Then I Wouldn't Run To Her And Apologise.
Reply:I drifted apart from my Bffs when I met my hubby and got pregnant. I had a friend similar to yours who luckily also got pregnant, so...But I bet she is thinking (not that this is right) that you ditched her when you got pregnant, and that your husband is making her seem like the bad guy when realistically you two each made your own desicions, she didn't force you to do these things did she. I would just explain to her, that you are always gunna be her BF but that if that is how she really feels about yalls friendship, then it's prob best that things worked out this way. My hubby changed my life too! Def. better in the end
Reply:That's not a friend at all! Just ignore her until she apologizes with a really good explanation. You're pregnant for Pete's sake! She is also a terrible influence. Stay away from her. She's probably just jealous. She's a ******. Don't talk to her. You'll make better friends. I'm sure. Your hubby will always be there for you. Good luck with your baby. P.S: Girl or boy?

Hmmmmmmm grls what do u think of c****?

c**** is brilliant lol wtf is it???

Hmmmmmmm grls what do u think of c****?
c**** is f***in awesome!!!! what in gods name is it?
Reply:what is c****??????
Reply:luv it... can't get enough
Reply:whatever that means.......
Reply:say what?
Reply:say what!?!
Reply:Huh? What?
Reply:whats that
Reply:If u know know how to do it right then i luv to c****!!!


Does this sound like a best friend to you?I don't,but lets c what u think.....?

Long story:Im 21,Im 19 weeks prego,just got married 3/2/08 well I've been b.friends w/ girlfriend for 10 years now,she's 20,well we used 2 do everything together,but she was really a BAD influence now that my hubby has pointed it out to me,I would never stand up for myself to her,she slept around,I did it too,we both got hooked on drugs,but I got off easy %26amp; she was very addicted(coke),well I have helped her through so many things in our life time,I was there when she was coming off her drug problems,boyfriend problems,so many things,I have been the nicest friend you could think of.Well now that Im prego,I really need a her,I changed when I met my hubby,matured more,I go 2 church,I didn't do the things I used to so that led me to not really hang around w/ b.f,Well I wrote her on m'spce %26amp; told her how I felt,like she could come c me,%26amp; call me sometime,well she pretty much blasted me out,saying bad things about my hubby,%26amp; me,n how i was not a friend to her really anymore,bc i changed,

Does this sound like a best friend to you?I don't,but lets c what u think.....?
She's very insecure and afraid she's losing you--to the new baby, the husband, the new life, everything. When you start going to church, and your friends don't, it seems to threaten them more than anything else. I don't know why.

And weirdly enough, when some people fear they're losing you, that's when they try their hardest to push you away.

It sounds like you've tried all the right things, and she's just too mad, hurt, and selfish to listen. You can try talking to her one more time. Tell her how much you value her friendship, and how hurt you are by the things she's said and done. Reassure her you will always be her bf, even when everything changes, but she has to make some changes too. She can't badmouth your husband and baby, and you need her to be there for you too.

She sounds like a very self-centered person though, who has taken advantage of you a lot. She needs a lot more help than you can give her, like counseling and rehab for starters. I know it hurts, but you may be better off without her in the long run. Like your husband said, she was a bad influence once and could be again, trying to drag you back down into your old life. Look at all the pain she's causing you. A true best friend doesn't do that.

Pray about the situation and ask God to lead you. Do what's best for you, your baby, and your husband. They're making your life better; she obviously makes it worse. It's a no-brainer.
Reply:its not your fault you decided to lead a better life. she needs to buck up her ideas. she might be jealous of how youve managed to change your life for the better.
Reply:Well shug she doesn't seem like a good friend to me everyone grows just some at different paces you are both young let her go it was fun while it lasted good that it ended you have a family now you can't expect her to follow in your footsteps. Awww poor thing I totally understand you seem to be very caring when "friends" get jealous there is little reasoning to be done just let it go time heals all wounds. Good luck
Reply:She probably misses having you in her life and doesn't understand the change. But People are going to change its a fact of life. Friendships change as people go through different phases of life. It sounds like you have bettered your life and shes got to learn to be happy for you. Maybe she is just hurt but that is no excuse to be mean to you and your husband. If she wants to remain your friend then she needs to be happy for you and maybe the two of you need to find a way to be friends that doesn't contaminate your new way of life. Who knows maybe you could be her inspiration to change her life as well.
Reply:Well first off a best friend should never talk badly about you or who you are seeing, and she probably can't handle that you have a better life than her. She might also be jealous that you have pulled your life together and brought you down to boost herself up. Moving on could be the best thing for you and your family.
Reply:The bottom line is your old friend is a selfish person and really doesn't wish you well. It sounds as though you're trying really hard to get and keep your new good life of track, don't stop now. Pulling away from a bad influence is a good thing, you're on the way to becoming a Mom and that is the most important thing in your life there is nothing else besides your husband.Good luck.
Reply:Believe it or not, i went through the exact same thing with my best friend when I was pregnant.

We used to be drinking/drugs buddies, but I settled down with my fiance and got straight, and when I found out I was pregnant, that was pretty much it, she wasn't interested anymore if I wasn't there to party.

Right now, you need to focus on what is best for you, your baby, and your husband.

And having someone unpredictable and causing stress in your life is just so pointless.
Reply:personal growth is in your best interest not hers thats why she's struggling with it. you're on a different path and she is afraid of loosing her friend . Perhaps when she decides to move forward you will cross paths again. one of my favorite things someone has ever said to me is .. " change is inevitable growth is optional." my hats off to you !
Reply:She does not sound like a good friend or the type of person who it is nice to be around you didn't do anything wrong and I feel bad that you had to put up with her for this long and if shes going to be a bitc* she is not worth your time! people grow up its natural, however there are some people who never grow up and then they take advatage of their friends (like shes doing to you) and wonder why there lives suck later, sorry if i'm being to harsh talking about her like this but I think you should be happy that you got rid of her and you do not need her as a friend!
Reply:to me it sounds lyk ur mates jelous =]

uv grown up and found somebody u wunt to share ur lyf with nd she hasent.
Reply:Just because you have grown up and matured and she hasn't, doesn't mean she should blast you and your new husband. Most likely she's jealous of him, you and your relationship, maybe it's your relationship with him, or god, or maybe she's jealous that you got your act together and she didn't. Regardless she doesn't sound like a very good friend at all, but if she's a great person on the inside then it's worth trying to smooth things over with her, or to attempt to end it on a good note.(be the bigger person) Good luck with the new hubby, the baby and your old friend.
Reply:Leave Her Be.

At The End Of The Day, Do You Really Want Somebody Like That Hanging Round With Your Kid?

If You're Happy, Don't Let Her Spoil It.

Get On With Your Life And When She Realises How She Been Acting And Grows Up Then Think About Whether You Want That RelationShip Anymore.

10 Years Is A Long Time But If She Treats You Like That Then I Wouldn't Run To Her And Apologise.
Reply:I drifted apart from my Bffs when I met my hubby and got pregnant. I had a friend similar to yours who luckily also got pregnant, so...But I bet she is thinking (not that this is right) that you ditched her when you got pregnant, and that your husband is making her seem like the bad guy when realistically you two each made your own desicions, she didn't force you to do these things did she. I would just explain to her, that you are always gunna be her BF but that if that is how she really feels about yalls friendship, then it's prob best that things worked out this way. My hubby changed my life too! Def. better in the end
Reply:That's not a friend at all! Just ignore her until she apologizes with a really good explanation. You're pregnant for Pete's sake! She is also a terrible influence. Stay away from her. She's probably just jealous. She's a ******. Don't talk to her. You'll make better friends. I'm sure. Your hubby will always be there for you. Good luck with your baby. P.S: Girl or boy?