Thursday, July 30, 2009

What do you think of C.S. Lewis' Screwtape Letters?

Excellent book, one of my favorites. It gives you an almost inside look at what is happening beyond our sight. Makes you think.

What do you think of C.S. Lewis' Screwtape Letters?
With all the conviction contained in the book, I think (MY opinion ONLY) there is direction for Christians to live their lives. Many profess to follow the word of God, but only "talk the talk". This book shows the side of those listening and watching those who are 'professors', and not 'producers' of the Christian way. The letter writer and his responder see what "Christians" do when they're not being observed by other Christians. i.e. - not "walking the walk".
Reply:very inventive and creative way to extol Christian point of view
Reply:One of my favorite books. I totally agree with christina. The novel stands as an excellent guide and model to humanity and the christian faith. Other people i know that read to novel have said that it was really funny??? I loved it
Reply:what is that?

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