Friday, July 31, 2009

What to do when this girl don't want to talk to me b/c she think i'm slow?

We had a lot of fun yesterday and today i kind forced her to hang out with me. And later on today she told me we hang out too much and she don't want that anymore. I said we see many times at work and church but not hang out and she told me she is pissed b/c i'm slow and not understanding what she is saying. What is she trying to say? We know we like eachother and we are close as boyfriend and girlfriend but we just never had relationship.

What to do when this girl don't want to talk to me b/c she think i'm slow?
You need to ask HER what she meant by that. Communication is the only way you can figure any realationship out, friendship or more, that's just the way it is. She may mean she just needs some space, things are getting to complicated or she may be confused because she wants a commitment from you and you don't see it. As I said, you will only get your answers if you ASK HER, not us.
Reply:If she thinks you are 'slow', then find someone that thinks you are 'faster'.

Do not get involved with someone that thinks you are less than intelligent.
Reply:Friends need to be understanding. They should understand each other and also accept each other the way they are.

if this girl does not want to hang out with you because she thinks you are slow, then I don't think she deserves to be your friend. She is being selfish and thinks she is better than you. Maybe you should keep some distance from her for a few days. Try not to talk to her much. Wait and see. When she will see that you are not giving her as much attention as you gave her before, she will probably herself come and talk to you.

Maybe you should look for people, who understand you and don't judge you, to hang out with.

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