Monday, May 24, 2010

Do you think the O.C show represents teens in society today?

There is no defenite answer for that question... It depends on how you take the concept.

Do you think the O.C show represents teens in society today?
Yeah. The O.C. has a lot of screwed up cast member's in it, just like society... exept society just keep's getting worse..
Reply:Absolutley not. Although most teens posses the inner struggle of feeling different, trying to fit in, etc etc...most arents as dramatic as this show. They do, however, seem to be more and more insecure due to shows like this.

spending money is also a form of contribution to society. it redistributes wealth to the economy from which their mega-rich parents were sucking money.
Reply:A bunch of retarded kids with no problems and nothing to contribute to society because they're too busy spending money they don't earn nor deserve.

Overall a very unrealistic view of what life is like.
Reply:no way! im no where near that rich!


Do you think Liverpool.F.C. can go all they way again and win it for the SIXTH times?

that would give them bragging rights for the rest of the premier league to be envy at.

Do you think Liverpool.F.C. can go all they way again and win it for the SIXTH times?
I definately hope so.

And whoever said, 'not after the way they played on sunday' had better get their facts right because Man U were given a goal that should have been disallowed because their player jumped on the Liverpool defender to head the ball and then had to play without Mascherano, the player that probably does the most work. Had the little chief not been sent off, i'm sure the match would of gone differently.

I don't remember who it was, but one of the guys who does the review at half time is so right, the ref should have control of the field, thats their job, to have authority. Had he given out free kicks fairly, i'm sure that Mascherano would have had respect for him, and not been sent off. I mean come on. Fernando Torres was getting bullied by the defenders on Sunday, and when he finally gets a free kick, he also gets booked. Everyone can understand why Mascherano kicked off.
Reply:I hope Arsenal will win against them since they were beaten by Chelsea last sunday... I'm almost certain that Chelsea will go through, but I dare not to underestimate the confidence of the Turks... Liverpool's doing a lot better in the CL than in the PL. And football is a mysterious sport, ANYTHING can happen.
Reply:The way they played against Manshitter United,I don't think they'll get past Chelsea.The odds are stacked against them but anything can happen in football
Reply:i hope so
Reply:beeing realistic i have to say yes but i realy hope not cus' i dislike english clubs
Reply:Hey Wake up ! Its noon time.

but no one know for sure.
Reply:Hope so!
Reply:no they won't if they played like they did against manu on saturday arsnal will thrash them in the quaturs manu will win it by far
Reply:No. Arsenal will stop them.
Reply:no chance arsenal will take them out
Reply:they can
Reply:Of course they can!

i think they already have braggin rights as things stand!!
Reply:lol yes liverpool couldve won against united had mascherano hadn't chase down the ref on 7 diff ocassion, stop running across the field just to make his points heard, stop aproaching the ref when being held down by alonso and most of all stop being so stupid and said i dont know why i was sent off i was just asking why... truly a world class idiot and so is the pool fan who believed they didnt see it coming and thats why liverpool r having a ahrd time beating united in the last 4 years... cos ure having an idiot for player and support em
Reply:the simple answer is no
Reply:its possible,done it before,but as for bragging not being in the top four might just put a cap on that,that's how important it is to be up there with the elite





Reply:In your dreams ... After the way they played on Sunday I don't think so!

Reply:don't put money on it lad ,if i were you.if they manage to get through to the final and face Man. utd. i'm afraid they will be crushed, yet again!
Reply:I hope so
Reply:yes. we would hav won agenst man u suck if macherano had not been sent off for asking "why?"
Reply:you were "bragging"you'd beat man u last week and that did'nt quite happen did it?so in a word no........
Reply:No, sorry.
Reply:well we will just have to see on that but at the moment they have a 2-0 lead over inter milan going to the next leg which is due to take place in the san siro

Do you think the O.C should of ended with taylor and ryan together??

no-i was just watching a rerun of that show-that is like the beeeest show ever! i dont think marissa should have ever died. that sucked

Do You Think "The O.C" is being overplayed on Muchmusic?

When ever I turn on Much, it allways seems to be on!

Do You Think "The O.C" is being overplayed on Muchmusic?
i agree. lets have MUCH less O.C. and MUCH more music.
Reply:Thanks. I agree... Bella, what ARE you smoking? Report It

Reply:ya, it's kind of annoying. I like that show though. I don't know why they always have to have these "marathons" it's so pointless... they're not showing all the episodes. It's just the first season. Bring back the music.
Reply:Does Much even play music anymore?
Reply:All i know is my boyfriend is obsessed with that show. He's tall, skiny black curly hair and ...well hot. The other day, he came out of the bathroom and said to me "You'll never believe who was in there!!" i was like, who? "Seth Cohen"...He dresses, shops, and believes that he himself is Seth. I cant even talk to him on the phone without him saying , i gotta watch the OC no its a popular show, but im glad my bf doesnt get that channel, or i could say goodbye to hugs and kisses too!!
Reply:They play more shows than they do videos and music. I hate the movies on Saturday night too. Even MMM is starting to waiver to shows.

Im 13 starting puberty why the hell do my balls itch??????? i dont have an std. but my sis has hep c i think

i hope i dont have anything but they just itch and its annoying it could be my underwear right? maybe i should try boxersm like loose thin boxers. idk but is there a cream or powder i could put on there?

Im 13 starting puberty why the hell do my balls itch??????? i dont have an std. but my sis has hep c i think
What you need to do is make sure that you keep yourself as clean as possible. shower before and after school a lot of times it occurs because of suet and i'm pretty sure you have to take gym class which will make you very sweaty. Also make sure you dry yourself properly and moisturize you body. Another reason this is happening is because you are starting to get hair on your testicles.

Reply:Just make sure you wash it good and wear boxers. It could also just be because your getting hair down there.
Reply:maybe you need to wash more often? or try all cotton boxer briefs.
Reply:Commonly called jock itch, you have a yeast infection in your groin area. You need to get some lotrimin or other antifungal ointment and put it on regularly. Wash with soap well and try cotton undies. Tell your mom.


Night Of Hell. Girlfriend thinks she has flu, mad b/c I don't want to kiss her/have her at my house......?

My girlfriend is having body aches and feels feverish. I was worried so I went over her house. She didn't have a thermometer so I run up to the store to get her one and buy her some vitamin c halls drops. I lay with her and hold her, kiss her on her head and rub her for an hour before I go to jiu-jitsu. She noticed that I wasnt kissing her on the lips so she got pissed. Said she can't believe I won't kiss her on the lips. I just missed 3 weeks of work because of a muscle tear in my neck and wont be able to pay my bills this month if I get the flu. I told her that, in a nicer way of course. Then she asked if she could come over my house tomorrow. I have 5 people that all work in my house being my mother, father, sister, and her husband. I said I don't think it would be the greatest idea for you to come over, because I don't want anyone getting sick. I said I would go to her house to take care of her every day.. She got pissed at that as well. It's one thing if I get sick and another if.

Night Of Hell. Girlfriend thinks she has flu, mad b/c I don't want to kiss her/have her at my house......?
sounds like she is being a bit over the top yes. hopefully u can put it down to her being grumpy with teh flu and making some rash decisions before thinking about them.

i dont kiss my gf on the lips if she is sick. we live with echother, so wen one gets sick the other usually does too... hasnt happened for ages now thou which is good

Does anyone know the title and artist of this old drinking C&W song lyrics: I thought I was walking fine till?

This song was playing in the seventies or eighties. It is an old C%26amp;W song about drinking with these lyrics: "I thought I was walking fine until someone stepped on my hand." Cannot find it on any of the lyric search sites.

Does anyone know the title and artist of this old drinking C%26amp;W song lyrics: I thought I was walking fine till?
...this may not be it but it was the closest thing that I could find...



MGM SE-4421, November/1966


(Billy Sherrill - Glenn Sutton - Sheb Wooley)

« © '66 Al Gallico Music, BMI »




Last night I stumbled in to a barroom

I met a girl with a pint in her purse

She was cute as two speckled puppies

And I said Ben you could do worse

Then I walked across a room full of tables

Walked across her table too

And I flopped myself down in a chair

And said hi there

She whispered my name is Mabel

And all I could say was hi there

I said permit me to introduce myself Ben Colder here

She said it ain't been no colder here than anyplace else

I had her almost persuaded

What happened to the do del do del do... piano... thank you

To slip strip herself of her pride

Almost persuaded to slip me a drink on the side

Then we danced and we danced and we danced and we danced

That is I thought I was dancin' somebody stepped on my hand

Then I looked in her eyes and I saw it

The reflection of my wedding band

And I thought that sure is strange I ain't even married

What it was it was my wrist watch

I had her almost persuaded

Once more there Hargus

To come and be my own

Smart alec

(Almost persuaded)

Then her boyfriend came and made me go home


What song is this? b b b baby i think im going c c c crazy?

it also says never be lonely without you but i cant for the life of me think what it is!!!

What song is this? b b b baby i think im going c c c crazy?
The Feeling - Never Been Lonely
Reply:your right feeling good album .

Who thinks S.T.C Still Trill Christians Is a Great Rap Group, There myspace is

Yep they are sick mayne J.T., LaLow, Ace, Erupt, L.A.

DJ Undefeated, and Tray.


Sorry typo --i meant to say i only know 2 bad words and all of you ppl sound mean b/c u think i'm just playing

What in the world is this referring to?!?

Sorry typo --i meant to say i only know 2 bad words and all of you ppl sound mean b/c u think i'm just playing
I suppose this (fourth) question of yours is in response to your first and third question of, when some people gave a few comments which you didnt like.

You need to be clear in what you want to know from others. Please take the help of someone who can properly frame your question on 'use of bad words', so that you get answers that satisfy you. This way you would save yourself a few points, besides attracting good answers.
Reply:So, what's your question?
Reply:bad words are bad... dun say em......

Where do you think blues (b.c.f.c) will finish this season?

Stay in the premiership, or relegation?

Where do you think blues (b.c.f.c) will finish this season?
Sadly (I am sad cause my Dad was a blues fan and I have a bit of a soft spot for them) I think they are going down.
Reply:Top of the Coca Cola Championship
Reply:relegation. the **** are going down
Reply:,,,,going down sorry
Reply:At St. Andrews in their last fixture of the season against Blackburn, where they will be looking for a point to avoid relegation
Reply:anywhere between 18th and 15th
Reply:This is what I think;


19-Birmingham City.

20-Derby County.
Reply:They will finish 18 th and get demotad

Who thinks The O. C. was a much better show in the first season?

It was. I followed the whole series till the end, even though I didn't like the direction it took, I hated the girl that ended up with Ryan and the story line was so stupid at the end, but I'm glad they decided to end it. Did Marissa's mom killed Mr. Cohen? They never clarify that.

Who thinks The O. C. was a much better show in the first season?
Oops I meant Caleb (Don't remember his last name, instead of Mr. Cohen.) Imagine my surprise when am watching Ugly Betty, same actor dies in the episode same day as I wrote that. (actually he didn't die, thanks to next week preview where they show him alive) Report It

Reply:The first season of the o.c. was it's best season
Reply:i love the oc,

i think they were all good, but yeh i suppose it was better at the start, ryan was so much sexier as a bad boy!

i really think they should do another series.x

What does it mean when a girl you like says i don't want to go out with you b/c i think of you as a brother

It means that she has a very close relationship with you. She thinks of you as a brother not in a sexual way. Dating could end up destroying your relationship. Is it really worth that?

What does it mean when a girl you like says i don't want to go out with you b/c i think of you as a brother
It means she doesn't like you romatically, but more as a close friend.
Reply:I am probably much older than you, but: I feel personally she is asking you 1, to rspect her advise as a person, and 2 maybe @ a later time things might shange 3 this may be meant to be a START of a GOOD FRIENDSHIP, wich are hard to find.Hopefully this will take you in the direction from this point, to accomplish all 3 points.Time has a way ofworking things in Life out for the best, as sometime it is not until later you see the results as they are to be. And there is not much can be accomplished in Life [ w/o RESPECT.]

Feel free to email me. Have a good day And I hope I have been of some help to you with your issue.
Reply:she like you dude,

but not like that.
Reply:It means she likes you, but doesn't like you "that way".
Reply:It means she has NO interest in you physically and she want you to stop bothering her.
Reply:It means you don't have a chance in hell
Reply:It means she is not attracted to you and you been placed in the friend bin, which can be difficult to get out of. My advice is to move on.
Reply:she's letting you down easy and doesnt think of you in that way sorry dude
Reply:it means she thinks u more of a person she could go to for advice on relation ships instead of having one with you
Reply:She couldn't very well date her brother, could she??

It just means that she doesn't think of you as "boyfriend material," but like someone she's known all of her life and doesn't want to ruin anything.
Reply:It means that you are and WILL NOT get any from her.
Reply:Stay away from that it never works out.....sorry
Reply:It means she's not attracted to you
Reply:She doesn't want you to hit it.
Reply:it means she likes you but doesnt love you... yet.

depending on how old or mature they are and how many previous relationships they have, it could be because they dont get what love is yet - in that case keep talking and doing what your doing and maybe eventually she will. If she does get what it is, then probably its a signal that she just wants to be friends.

try talking to her about it...
Reply:It means she wants to stay close friends... sorry buddy but you got shut down xD
Reply:she likes you just as a close friend
Reply:i guess she says you not mature enough
Reply:She loves you but she's not in love with you.
Reply:It probably means she is shallow. 9 times out of 10 they regret it later in life. Don't worry I have seen many girls get thier hearts broken and end up giving it a try. Do not give up. Maybe she will wake up some day. But don't just stick to her either, look around and view the opportunities.

I dont want to go out with you, but I dont want to hurt your feelings by telling you I have no feelings for you. I want to set a boundary with you that I can change at a later date, but you will not, so I will call you a brother, and hope that keeps you at bay.

In the language of Shrek 1, she is telling you that you are not her "true love".

You should watch Anne of Green Gables. It can teach men to understand a little of what goes on inside women, but still it doesnt bore them to death. Great fathers watch this movie WITH their daughters.
Reply:it means exactly what she said, you're like a brother to her. you guys must be really good friends for her to feel that way. hang in there and maybe her feelings will change.
Reply:That's her way of turning you down nicely!
Reply:She's telling you she values your friendship and wants to keep even though she is not romantically interested in you. One always needs a good friend of both sex's , you are lucky to have that.
Reply:She's not interested and that's her polite way of saying it!
Reply:well think about this..would you want to date your sister?
Reply:She's not seeing you.
Reply:I dont mean to sound harsh - but 99% of the time .. it means they only look at you like a brother - mainly because they are not attracted to you. HAD she been attracted to you - TRUST me she would have said yes - no matter what.

Dont take it too serious - you cant be everyones type - just move on and find a girl who sees you as more of a boyfriend - rather than a "brother"
Reply:means, you lost it!

you lose out to some other guy...

hey at leats she didnt ask you to be her dad??

Reply:That she really doesn't like you as more than a friend, but doesn't want to hurt your feelings.


What is the flower called that's most commenly given on Vday... not a rose but it starts with a "c" i think!

thankkkksss :)

What is the flower called that's most commenly given on Vday... not a rose but it starts with a "c" i think!
I hate to burst everyones bubble about the carnation but the VFW passes out the poppy.

See Source links

If you are talking about the flower that they pass out on the street corners or in front of stores it's a POPPY.

Buddy Poppy

Among all the flowers that evoke the memories and emotions of war is the red poppy, which became associated with war after the publication of a poem written by Col. (John McCrae of Canada.) The poem, "In Flander's Field," describes blowing red fields among the battleground of the fallen.


History of the Poppy Campaign

In Flanders Fields

By: Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae, MD (1872-1918)

Canadian Army

IN FLANDERS FIELDS the poppies blow

Between the crosses row on row,

That mark our place; and in the sky

The larks, still bravely singing, fly

Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago

We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,

Loved and were loved, and now we lie

In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:

To you from failing hands we throw

The torch; be yours to hold it high.

If ye break faith with us who die

We shall not sleep, though poppies grow

In Flanders fields.


why the 3 thumbs down?

I didn't pass out the others!!!!!!!!1
Reply:Carnations,come in all colors and are inexpensive.
Reply:"Vday"? VE Day of V J Day?

There is a day they give ot carnations. I thought it was Mothers Day.

But carnations are easy to give out, and very nice.

The answer above about Poppies is good info. That is the traditiona V E Day flower.
Reply:i think you are thinking about carnations.... :-)
Reply:Carnations are a great choice. They come in large or small bloom sizes. They are available in a rainbow of colors and last as cut flowers for a very log time. Chrysanthemums, commonly called Mums, are typically found as potted plants and do not last long as cut flowers.
Reply:carnation?? I don't think chrysanthemum's are a popular v-day flower...
Reply:Do you mean carnation.
Reply:If you mean Valentines Day, then you would be talking about the carnation.

Who thinks Wshington D.C. should be destroyed and we start all over?

Only in my dreams, only in my dreams. I always wake up wet. It would be a good start toward a government of the people, for the people and by the people.

Who thinks Wshington D.C. should be destroyed and we start all over?
Maybe not such a bad idea if all the elected represenatives are there at the time. But I doubt it, there is another pack of vultures waiting in the wings, no doubt.

What I believe is the only thing that will fix the problems is non elected government representatives. Instead of elections, they will be selected at random from all social security numbers of people over the age of 18. That way the representatives do not represent anybody and can pass laws that are in the countries best interests insted of their campaign contributors.
Reply:Only seditious, lying socialists. We know we ARE our government. WE choose our leaders. We choose every two years (four for the President). We'll fight the people undermining our country, all of us, Democrat, Republican, etc., until they are gone.

No one will attack us with impunity.

Why? Are you one of them? Are you our enemy? Should we be destroying you?
Reply:Most definitely. Let's raize that pentagram imbedded in the streets of D.C. just north of the whitehouse. Check a map.

Muncie, I like that idea about evryone being picked randomly for government positions.

Who thinks England were C R A P today?

No,they were so good,but come on-who can win against the best team in the world Macedonia?!!

Who thinks England were C R A P today?
Rock on macedonia!
Reply:I agree, a very poor performance. They've had a few 'easy' games lately and were probably getting complacent. If they play like that against Croatia, they will get thrashed.
Reply:They were so crap they made Macedonia look good.
Reply:Sven's training methods certainly worked on McLaren
Reply:same as the last 10 games
Reply:I blame the Managers(club) for this they hate it when there is a International. i also think that they put so much pressure on them it affects their game just like today. The under 21s were much better.
Reply:yes you are right they were crap
Reply:Yes they where crap right enough.
Reply:Why pick today? They've been CRAP for years. The trouble is, they believe their own publicity.
Reply:nothing new there now is there.
Reply:C r a p is too polite a word for it. They were S H I T E,,,,,,,,,,,,
Reply:looked 4ward tto the game all week, and for what. For a bunch of multi million pound players to play like a they havent even seen a football in there life. Rooney sucked. Crouch kept giving the ball away. Gerrard now booked and misses croatia. To make matters worse scotland beat france. Well done scotland you were the better team today. But im gonna go against the grain now and say when u need someone to step up to the game and change a dire match around like today when we played against macedonia, only one man springs too my mind. BECKHAM. Lets see if im right. It may take our new boss a while to realise this.
Reply:Why do England fans think that England has to win all and every game they play? We do not have a God given right to win them all. Give them a break!
Reply:just today
Reply:'Scuz meh? Courageously Rapacious in their Attacking Play? Not at all.
Reply:i think they were crap today.
Reply:The Kaiser Chiefs could have beat England today. I don't mean the Joburg soccer team I mean the Leeds band!
Reply:Anyone who doesn't is living in a dreamland.
Reply:Me, myself and I.

Who thinks Portugal's C.RONALDO is perfect..perfect....PERFECT?!?...

Not only can he play football....but listen to his interviews...he's soooo modest...and just look at him...he's friggin GORGEOUS!

Who thinks Portugal's C.RONALDO is perfect..perfect....PERFECT?!?...
I DO agree with you.
Reply:i can tell that hes attractive
Reply:MODEST? Are you high? He is really arrogant and cocky. Plus, his temper's worse than a baby who's bottle fell out of the crib. He's good looking, yes. But in the cute guy gone bad sort of way.

Perfect...not the world to describe him.
Reply:he is very aggressive
Reply:wow !! you sure understand !

i really love cris !! he's so hot i have tons of photos of him he's my favorite football player :) i really love him ! u have a good taste thank god that someone agrees with me


Who thinks that christopher c is funny?

he is on here alot and his questions and answers are so random and hilarious. i've also been told he started the KFC thing a couple of days ago. (i'm still trying to figure out that mystery)

Who thinks that christopher c is funny?
I do, an american 29 from Washington who lives in Germany and works at "El Gringo". Great Guy !!! and fun too !!;_ylt...

He is a natural-born asker and I try to be one more answerer.
Reply:Christopher C is a great guy, and yea..his questions always crack me up.
Reply:Christopher C is one of my favorites.
Reply:yes I think he, yea he had a little someting to do with the kfc thing. One of the best things about him besides the being funny part is that he is generally a nice person.Not mean
Reply:I think he is very funny and I look forward to his questions.
Reply:hi, thanks found this one by luck, I would say the KFC thing was a 50 50 thing between me and Joni B, she asked if anybody liked KFC bowl, then I asked what it was, I got tons of responses saying how great it was, so I asked if there was anyearthshaking develoupments in the states besides the KFC bowl, and after that pow, everyone started asking, weird huh!? So thats the Legend of KFC bowl in a nutshell...
Reply:I think he's hilarious, but he's also got a serious side too. He didn't start the KFC bowl thing though, that was Joni B.
Reply:regular jokester..
Reply:Chris C is THE barman of the P%26amp;S pub, a fantastic fella and the reason I take so many showers (you'll have to ask him about that one!)...

If he's on he'll answer it, but if not then he probably won't.

Think of a C & A contact right now...?

Syd. is cool because she likes Ichigo 100% =) (I hope)

Now you have to say something cool about the contact...

** Note %26gt;%26gt; You can't use Syd anymore =) or whoever else has been used...

Anime Q %26gt;%26gt; Was Ichigo 100% changed to Strawberry 100% in the USA?

Anime Q 2 %26gt;%26gt; What is your favorite Anime couple?

☆ Star if you want Stabby to answer on the second page XD

Think of a C %26amp; A contact right now...?
*High 5's Boots!*

I pick um... Chu... because he's um.... random and fun! (This is me trying to be nice =p)

Anime Q: Yep... T.T

Anime Q 2:... Don't really have a favorite...
Reply:well I'm new to this so I don't really know someone but my Friend in real life who I showed him this site and he really likes it. We have been friends for seven years were hoping to be like all the regulars on here.We call ourselves animal names, ( although he doesn't but I call him Gaoru-kun which means Hungry Wolf, the person I'm referring to is MagekyoChidori2089) And I'm called Kuma-kun. We both love Anime (yes because of you I remeber to capitolize Anime and Anime tittles and names.)and again we hope to be just as popular as the regulars like you

1.)Ichigo100% is Strawberry 100% here in America

1.)NaruHina!!!!! FOREVER!!!!

I'm starring becauce this was an instresting question, because I don't know Stabby but whoever that is I would like to know.


Reply:Hitakiyuki %26amp; Kakashi's Lady - they're both really kewl an i love their questions! (both have great taste in anime %26amp; manga too... %26gt;:3)

an yes, it's definitely been changed to "Strawberry 100%", coz i've seen that title @ borders (yesterday, actually) and not "Ichigo 100%".

and my fav anime couple... umm... either Dee %26amp; Ryo from FAKE or Liyan %26amp; Kaede from Hell Chronicles (it's a doujinshi, an not an anime, but hey, it's FREAKIN AWESOME!) XXX


Wha's this about starring an stabby, anyways?? (-- . --)*...?* people took a lot...ONEE-SAN PICKED ME!!!

ummm...i pick....TALLY-WA!!!

REALLY sweet, we have the same personality, and we can both be REALLY dangerous at times....

*evil grin*


Anime Q- It sounds really strange...strawberry 100%....i think i'll stick to Ichigo 100%!

Anime Q 2: ummm...don't really have one


NOOO! tally-wa's taken!

FINE i choose Jazmin! she's REALLY interesting and really funny at times! PLUS, she's really NOT serious at all!!!
Reply:tally wa we have almost the same taste in anime

yep is it was changed to strawberry

but that's the english translation for ichigo

my favorite anime couple

well they're not a couple yet but hopefully they will be soon

tsukimori and hino (la corda d'oro)
Reply:Light's Kira....likes yaoi and always has great answers. :)

I love yaoi anime! Light's kira has great taste in anime and is really nice! :)

Anime Question:

Don't know?

Anime Question 2:

Shurichi and Yuki from Gravitation. :)

( don't know how to spell )


lol :) I didn't even know Light's Kira picked me. Cool! :)


Thank you animegirlfan60. :)
Reply:Kuro-ne!!! She's so random and funny! I laugh everytime she sends me an email. And she's also a true yaoi fangirl. ^_~

Anime Q ~ I think so. People are put Strawberry in the title instead of Ichigo. But it doesn't really matter 'cause ichigo means strawberry in Japanese.. lol. But I guess Ichigo is more authentic. People probably pronounce ichigo wrong or somethin...%26gt;_%26gt;

Anime Q 2 ~ SasuXNaru, HikaruXHaruhi, CloudXVincent, KyoXTohru -- my favorites!!
Reply:Amber 1020 because she's really nice and helpful. :3

Anime Q: Yes, it was changed to Strawberry 100%

Anime Q2: Tamaki/Haruhi from Ouran High School Host Club :3

Edit: @stabby: I don't hate you DX...unless you want me to hate you. O.o I starred cuz I thought this was interesting. :3

Edit: @stabby: You're welcome. ^-^

@amber: no problemo. :D

Edit: why did I get thumbed down?! DX
Reply:Haruka, we both apparently like to write eachothers names in our Death notes(but I shall write hakura's in my Death note first*evil smirk*)

Anime Q: Idk, I don't read ichigo 100%........ yet.

Anime Q2: I like the couple RemXRyuuk, it's just a funny couple and they look nice together.


Long live NarutoXHinata!!!!!
Reply:You SUCK CHU!!!!!

I hate anyone who stared this!!! ALL OF YOU!!! I'll hunt you down...... maybe not cause I'm too lazy to =_=

I pick Lez..... unexpected ain't it??

-- Better than Choo Choo in all aspects ^_^

And that's a HUGE compliment cause I hate Lez %26gt;.%26lt;

I hate you more now!!! You will definitely get hunted downnn!!!


And no one likes you Choo Choo.... I'm STILL sticking to that!! And WOOOOT!! FIRST PAGE!!! Stuff that up your @$$ hole :P

18 of you now... in one hour?? You guys hate me that much?? -_-'' uhhhh YAAAAYYY!! I enjoy being hated so it backfires xD


Q1- no clue

Q2- uhh.... too many to pick =_=


Animefangirl- thankees %26gt;.%26lt;


27 now huh?? You people are beyond all hope... I should have never said that -___________-''


What do you want from meee?? 4 thumbs downs?? I feel hated-ded T_T

*Edit- yet agaaaaaain*

I'm clam now.... I guess I can take the greater portion of that back..... and someone already picked Lez soooo I guess I pick ummm.....

Mizu!!! WHOO!! Did no one take him yet?? Cause Mizu's funny and he's one of the few guys that'll show us his pic and he likes yaoi!!! Woot for Mizu ^_^

why did you take syd???

---She's MY partner...not yours! TAKE THAT!

lolXD jkjkjk

i pick..lets see...SAKURA SHADOW MIST!


lol [= she's cool and likes ROCK LEE! YOSH!~

anime Q: lol idk...i'm still watching it ^^

---tally is doing a great joe ne ne pikachu??

anime Q2:...Honey X tally %26lt;---don't we look cute together?


awww meanie! i starred it...but not because i wanted her to be on the second page...take that pikachu! [=



awww thanks rumika, belle-chan, and Miyuki!

i woooovs you guys too!!! ^^

*launches self to all of you*


Reply:Talrimk [tally wa] !! ^_^

she's just plain awesome...she so awesome im speechless xD

o love u gurl!! lol

Anime Q: not exactly sure but that would be GAY!

Anime Q 2: favorite................?? ehhh..... LightxL ♥♥♥

muahahaha XD


you welcome tally *glomps u* xD
Reply:Belle-chan (Isabelle)

She's weird, quirky, funny, and loves FMA. She can be random, and likes to be sadistic and create scandal. ^_^

Anime Q: Uhh...I think it was %26gt;.%26gt;

Anime Q2: Ichigo and Renji, all right %26gt;:D

Because she's in the top 10, despite being young.

She is genius..

She can write stuff well...

She is funny and scandalous...



I don't know about that... %26gt;.%26gt;

Couple- Ichigo x Rukia

Wow... o.O I actually got PICKED?! *amazed*
Reply:shock wave... he's my next victim.... bwahahahaha!!!

ok... he's not the first contact that i thought of but he'll have to do.

A Q 1# not sure maybe coz they usually change the tittle.

A Q 2# deidaraxIno

why? i was bored and i thought of this pairing, and well wanted to know how others would react...

i know it's an unnatural pairing but what the heck....
Reply:Well, then.

*goes through list of 7 contacts*


You guys took 3 of them.

Anyway, left is Solcrest, BDS, Anime Rose, and Darth.

I pick...*pulls random name from hat*...Solcrest!

--Sweet little 'kid' that can go a little crazy at times, but a true anime lover indeed~!

Anime Q-

Yep, and the name sounds odd....%26gt;%26gt;

Anime Q-

Hitsugaya x Yori

...*ahem*...*anime-fies self* There we go!
Reply:Amber1020 %26lt;3

She's a really cool contact! I think she's funny and seriously friendly! And!! She has some great choices in anime!! =]

AQ1: IDK...

AQ2: Hmmm.....

Yaoi 1: SasuNaru (Naruto)

Reg 1: KanameXSousuke (FMP)

BWAHA! Everything lol! She is Pyro-sensei lol

AND... we had a yaoi battle lol. FUN FUN XD

CGA!!! How can you be Lex's apprentice when you said HE's a SHE?! Lex= guy! I think so anyways lol

Anime Q: *shrugs*

Anime Q2: LxLight XD uhm.. yeah *changes* lessee.... NaruHina I suppose..
Reply:I pick ♪♠Jigoku Shonen!♦♫'s

He's got great taste in anime and he likes yaoi!

1. I've always seen it as Ichigo 100%

2. Makoto and Yura from Futari Ecchi.
Reply:Marimo Man! She's a Sanji/Zoro fan (like me) and loves One Piece. %26lt;3

AQ1: Yes it was, which is a shame. They should keep the original names.

AQ2: Zoro/Sanji/Luffy (Yes I am a yaoi fan)

~The Otaku Twins~
Reply:ok i choose squishy

squishy is funny, smart, cool, loveable, cute, awsome, realistic, wonderful, great, and THE BEST!

Stabby should answer on page two.

Oh yeah, other

Tri-Edge is starting a dating service...WTF!?

1. Don't know.

2. Here's a shocker for all of you, Naruto and Hinata

☺She is my master.

☻She gives out cookies.

☺She asks interesting questions.

☻She gives interesting answers!

She is awesome, really nice, and likes a lot of cool anime~

I also love her Ginko avatar ^_^

1~ That must be because Ichigo means strawberry in English

2~ Ichigo and Rukia~ !
Reply:YOU! You like Ichigo 100% (who doesnt?)

Yea, hot girls in skirts and bikinis! LOL

Anime Q%26gt; Yes, dunno why.

Anime Q2%26gt; SasuIno

And, hell yea, Stabby will answer on the second page. Mwa ha ha ha ha! LOL.
Reply:You!!! cause you Ichigo 100% XD

erm... yeah Ichigo100% was changed Strawberry100% i have no i idea why thogh

and my fave name couple is NaruSaku =D
Reply:AriGatō! is cute!!! =]

1)I have no idea! but I love strawberries....yummy :D

2)Yuuki %26amp; Zero ;]
Reply:Animelover Yori ,i just love the randomness in the questions

Anime Q %26gt;%26gt; not sure

Anime Q 2 %26gt;%26gt; sakura xsasuke
Reply:Love Only Yourself.

Anime Q %26gt;%26gt; idk

Anime Q 2 %26gt;%26gt; Goku %26amp; Chichi
Reply:Innocent Bliss. I love answering all her random polls and she gave everyone free Blue DS's.

Q%26gt;%26gt; I haven't read it yet, unfortunately.

Q 2%26gt;%26gt; SasuSaku 4ever!!!
Reply:Anime lover Yori...coz shes cute i love her randomness...and we both are Indians!!

my fv anime couple is sakura and syaoran from cardcaptor sakura

I have to leave fiance in a week; he broke up with me and asked me to leave b/c he thinks we are incompatible.

I'm looking for support groups in Connecticut to help me deal with this. I'm devastated and ready to give up on everything. He was the love of my life for four years. Can anyone from Connecticut refer me to a support group ASAP?

I have to leave fiance in a week; he broke up with me and asked me to leave b/c he thinks we are incompatible.
I am not sure of any support groups in Conn. but I am in Georgia check the yellow pages. You may be able to just go to a counselor, or try the women's shelter they may have resources for women in your situation, they are not just limited to domestic violence. Or try a local church..with that being said, I can only imagine how hurt you must be, but don't give up on your life, it was his loss, and you should at this as a blessing in disguise, you saw what kind of an a**hole he was BEFORE you married him and wasted your life with him. It is NOT the end of the world, believe me we have all been rejected and hurt at some point in our lives. DON'T give up on YOU, start putting the pieces of your life together and start new. It's easier said than done, but it is not the end you will heal. He is not worth you giving up on everything, because after its over (if you are referring to suicide) he will move on with his life, just like he is doing now. The world does not stop when someone dies, again he is not worth it. Good luck.
Reply:if you are looking for some one who will agree and say poor you, I am sure they are there. But why are you not doing a victory dance and thanking god for not making a mistake that in 10 years from now with 2 kid you hear the same statement, The guy tried to be Honourable and do the right thing and you are devastated, , get a grip, and take charge of your life and stop looking to others to supply all your emotional needs look in a mirror and see the best friend you will ever meet
Reply:I dont live in connecticut but i am sure if you check the yellow pages you will find some gtoups that will help you cope with seperation, there are always woman's support groups.

Good Luck!

Don't you think U.S.C. is so good, they could make N.F.L. playoffs?

I think they are that good. They could make N.F.L. playoffs. At least they should be put in college level by themselves.

Don't you think U.S.C. is so good, they could make N.F.L. playoffs?
I think that is crazy. It's like having a really good inter-mural team take on the varsity team.
Reply:NFL teams are made up of the BEST college players,usc for all their talent will have only a handfull get drafted,so do the math. usc would be destroyed by the browns,simple as that.
Reply:Dude you are nuts. There is no way they would be able to compete at the NFL level as a team.
Reply:Really you and Austin need to get jobs.
Reply:That is so stupid...Even the Raiders would beat USC...Even the Falcons with Joey Harrington would beat USC...
Reply:No they wouldn't win one game in the NFL. I've got a question for you though... Why do keep asking people jackassy questions like this?
Reply:I doubt they could make the playoffs, but they are certainly better than several NFL teams, including the Falcons (right now) and the Vikings and the Chiefs.
Reply:Absolutely not! they would be lucky to beat any NFL Team much less make the playoffs! That's akin to a pick-up team playing in a BCS bowl. While theoretically %26amp; technically possible, the skill levels are completely on entirely different planes
Reply:Ummm no they not that good.
Reply:Maybe in the NFC, but in general keep on with your delusional fantasies.
Reply:what kind of reefer r u smoking???? i mean come on,,,, just wait till USC gets beat in their own division this year,,, then all you Bandwagoners will shut up
Reply:Your question shows your complete lack of football knowledge. No college team could ever compete in a serious game with any NFL team. Even the worst NFL team is still a collection of the best talent college football had to offer. Only the cream of the crop get drafted into the NFL so even the worst NFL team has what would be the equivilent of a college all-star team.
Reply:They prolly won't even make it to the national championship this year much less the freakin playoffs. HA!
Reply:They can beat the Giants, that's for sure. They'd put up 70 points on that lousy defense.
Reply:Yes, they should be in the NFL because they pay their players like the NFL.
Reply:If every NFL starting QB died in a plane crash tomorrow and the USC football team joined the NFL, they would still go 0-16.
Reply:Dude, you need a serious reality check. If the trojans played an Oklahoma (for example), they would get dusted. Just about ANY NFL team would push you guys around, too. Your head is about to explode from enlargement just because you beat Osh Kosh B'Gosh and the John Deere operators down in Bugahaw.....big deal. I'll give USC their record in the past and the fact that they have a damn good coach, but they ain't a dynasty. Oh, and EASY on the Botox, Blackberry text messaging, and flavored bottled water.
Reply:Obviously there isn't any college team that could compete with an NFL team... That would be like saying a D 1-AA team could beat a D 1 team... Oh wait...

The worst player on the worst team in the NFL still has a heck of alot of talent. So I don't think any NCAA team could compete week in and week out against NFL teams and realisticall post a winning record and then get into the playoffs. The game is just so much faster at the NFL level, and defenses are so much better that I don't see it happening. And since we are only a few weeks into the season, I don't think any NCAA team has really demonstrated their dominance over the others. Ask again after the BCS rankings start, and conference games really start, and then we can talk about who the greatest team in all of the land is.
Reply:Austin N we all know that is you.
Reply:ozbe you arean idiot, the vikings, chiefs and falcons would kill the Trojans thats a dumb question, thats like say a highschool team can beat Notre Dame, This is a dumb question dont know why I wasted my time to answer it.
Reply:sure so the rest of the country can hear about some one else
Reply:Its always silly when people say crap like that. Even the worst teams in the NFL are better then any college team. College teams have individual players that are good and all, but they aren't as a whole going to be better top to bottom.
Reply:dude even the worst nfl teams are MUCH better than the best college teams


What od u think when u c some1 with bad skin?

my skin is good lookin,,,i have a few (very lil) blackheads and like no pimples....but when u see some1 like me ... what do u think?

What od u think when u c some1 with bad skin?
That she is human and it is a natural part of life.
Reply:i do no think anything to bad skin i was in a relationship with some one for 2 years how had the worst skin ever it was full of spots but i didn't think anything of it! a dint think anything of it now about any one no one is perfect!!

What is the title of a Religious person who works at the hospital? I keep forgetting!Starts with a "C" I think


What is the title of a Religious person who works at the hospital? I keep forgetting!Starts with a "C" I think
Reply:A chaplain.
Reply:Its called cadunt.Person
Reply:Chaplain. Also used in the military.
Reply:duh, chaplin?
Reply:If I wrote it, I'd get reported.....Oh wait, Chaplain. ;)
Reply:'Chaplain' is one - I believe, although such a person wouldn't actually 'work' at any given hospital.
Reply:Crazy Person
Reply:a christian?
Reply:It is a Chaplain.

What do you think of the C/L draw ??

roma v united

PSV v liverpool

chelsea v valencia

AC milan v munich

i think its a great draw for the english clubs we couldnt of got it better and the semis will be

chelsea v liverpool

munich v man united

pos a all english final?? lets see.

What do you think of the C/L draw ??
utd will draw away, win 1-0 at home , then go on to beat the scally "s ! utd utd. i think the scally,s will beat chelsea in the semi,s, UTD will beat bayern 3-1 on agg, and the final , a 3-0 utd win .
Reply:lol, u live and learn on this site eh ? cheers Report It

Reply:I think Chelsea may lose

Man Utd vs Valencia final. Utd win in extra time.
Reply:a great line-ups for the quarter-finals as all English teams avoided each other but there could be a potential semi-final meeting between Liverpool %26amp; Chelsea. we all know what happened in those two matches in 2005. overall, it's a good draw.
Reply:predictions....after both legs

man utd to win

liverpool to win

valencia to win

and....hmmm.....milan to win


milan to win

liverpool to win


milan to score 3 in quick succession...but the pool!!
Reply:Yea I think they are good. Maybe we will see an all English final. Up the Reds!
Reply:I think of the English clubs Liverpool have got the easiest.

Chelsea will probably just shade it but United might struggle now Larssen has gone back and they're a bit lacking in depth.

Munich should do it against A.C.
Reply:I think it's very interesting.

I think Liverpool %26amp; Man Utd will go through. Can't pick a winner with the other teams, but if I was putting money on it then I would go for Valencia %26amp; Munich which would make it

Valenica v Liverpool - Rafa knows them like the back of his hand.

Munich v Man Utd - Munich to get revenge for 99

Liverpool v Munich final
Reply:Nooooooooh Valencia will thrash Chelsea - I am a Valencia fan, and I think they will win it.

Chelsea are no match for Valencia, but I think Man U will be in the final, hopefully against us!
Reply:i think no english team will make the final
Reply:As a Liverpool fan I'm delighted with the CL draw today, as we have already proved we can do the business against PSV. As a Chelsea semi goes, I'm not really relishing the idea although I would love to beat them again something tells me their going to be possesed this time. The other draws are good on a hole for the english sides and should produce some tasty games!
Reply:man u v psv final
Reply:Valencia will make it to the final! and will make Chelsea go home without a victory! and we will also thrash them in their home!!!
Reply:Don't make me laugh Valencia fan...Chelsea will crush the emotional Valencia...and please don't break anyones nose this time okay...and for the draw I think its a fair one...and whatever the draw Chelsea will still win it for the first time...
Reply:very tough one to predict

i think it depends on who plays better on the day

bayern have got a new manager and Milan aren't doing so good in the serie a

so its tough and anything can happen but i say bayern simply cos Milan will concentrate harder on getting a cl place for next yr

well Liverpool and psv have already met each other but psv have just knocked out arsenal but i think Liverpool should go through

when i first heard that we had Roma i was pleased but like i said its football and anything can happen

Roma just knocked out Lyon and the can beat r Madrid suppose man u have the second leg at home so i think man u should go through

OK when i heard that these lot had Valencia i wasn't pleased but Valencia are underrated i think they just knocked out inter

although they were lucky to get such a late equaliser at the San siro

but i think Chelsea will go through

theres a good chance for a all english final

hope that helped

Did anyone else think 10000 b.c was a disapointment?

Aside from the visual effects which were not that great. Did anyone else think the movie was a big let down? The acting, the storyline, the odd mix of ethnicities within his small tribe, the lame dialogue (telling the cat "don't eat me", how they got from mountains to desert in a breeze. I know its a hollywood movie but come on a little more realism would have been more engaging.

Did anyone else think 10000 b.c was a disapointment?
I got about 40 minutes into the movie i wanted to go home it was boring , predictable i lost the storyline within the first 15 minuets i give it 4 out of 10
Reply:you guys are so frikin picky i loved it!!! Would you rather it be in some language you didnt understand? and it was adventerous, romantic, action packed , and it had humor. they did get from mt. to desert in a breeze but would you rather them spend all that time filming the trip? and to tell the truth there are places like that.
Reply:so disssssapointed... i mean check the actors and actress they are so freakin modelled bodies and skin, they should at least get someone who is really just ordinary lookin peeps and throw them on the movie. the clothes its like a new fashion stlye and i got the feeling it might come out soon.

totally hollywood crap.

i mean watching discovery,national geograhic,history channels are more realistic,more detailed, more accurate, etc...
Reply:I was very disappointed! The only good thing was that I was sitting next to a really hot guy in the theater!
Reply:Eh...i didn't care about the realism at all. I watch the discovery channel for real stuff....i don't look to movies for that.

Although the woolly mammoths in the desert part was a little absurd.....i thought that was sorta the reason they died out.....climate was too warm, but no where near to being that hot.

Didn't quite hit the soo bad its good point either.

But yeah i thought it was horrible.

Apocolypto (which i guess is similarish) i thought was bad, but a ton better than this (but you do have mel gibsons anti-semetic tirade setting up the back-story for that movie and the retarded soundtrack).

I came to a realization a while back that if its not rated R, its not good.

This reconfirmed that.

No boobies was my #1 turn off point.

Lack of action was #2. ( i compare all action to hong kong standards though....nothing American ever gets close)

Lack of gratuitousness was #3.

Yeah and the dialogue was just lame too.

I thought the random ethnicities were funny though. Like the "bamboo men" (thats what we called them). They showed up for 2 minutes then decided not to man up to the occasion.

The white men that lived closer to the equator than the dark people had the random asian in their tribe?????. And what the hell with the dreads.
Reply:I loved it!!! i thought it was quite brilliant and they did a wonderful job! Seriously, how smart do you think the cavemen were back then? Give them a break. I find it very hard to make a realistic movie about 12,000 years ago. How the hell would we know what went down that long ago? I liked it a lot and found it very engaging! Just my opinion


Thought's on C. Rice and Pakistan's angry response to her comment's on election ?

En route to Islamabad, Rice told reporters "there has to be, the world expects there to be, democratic, free and fair elections in Pakistan in 2007.

Thought's on C. Rice and Pakistan's angry response to her comment's on election ?
Goes back to a point I made in another question...who died and made the US king of the world? Why can't they fix their own problems and let well enough alone...just because we don't like something doesn't mean it is our responsibility to change it. However, having said that I do think it is good for all countries to be fair and democratic but not if it's done by the barrel of a US gun. As for making a country fair and democratic perhaps Bush Co could start with America?
Reply:She and Bolton are loose cannons.
Reply:We need to clean up elections here before we go around telling other countries what to do. The last 2 pres. elections in the US were a joke.

Why do some people think so highly of themselves b/c they don't believe in God?

Y do u who don't believe in God think ur better than Christians? And what makes u think Christians r so stupid for actually believing in something? I c it everyday on YA- The Christian bashers. It gets old. Everyone is so rude about it! Y do u care?

Why do some people think so highly of themselves b/c they don't believe in God?
When a person is angry it is usually because they are HURT. Whether a person is a Christian and hurts when they are constantly ridiculed by some, or feel their faith is attacked, or whether a person who is an Atheist feels they are attacked or demeaned for their lack of religion- it's the same. In either case, I don't believe it is because the person thinks highly of themselves. the rudeness, from either viewpoint, is usually reaction based in hurt and a lack of thinking highly of self.

Sometimes it's a reaction of something a person hears over and over again, whether being told how their faith is a weakness or being told their lack of faith dooms them to hell for eternity or makes them somehow a lesser person.

A person that has a healthy self-esteem won't be shaken in their faith or non-belief in a God because of what someone posts.
Reply:YVW, thanks for the question. Report It

Reply:to make their self esteem go up. nobody is superior to anyone. Most of these people would NEVER say most things that are said if they were face to face. cowards.
Reply:Religious folks have been busting our kind for millenia, I think its finally our turn to say aha we were right!
Reply:Yet you appear to be judging others. Hmmm.
Reply:I think highly of myself anyway. The 'atheist' label is but a tiny part of my life. My high-flying, international lifestyle is the envy of all, I'm devilishly (sorry) good looking, intelligent, witty, 6'5" and built like a brick outhouse.

And I have a bunch of rigidly minded, ignorant people who wouldn't know me if I passed them on the street, reminding me how wrong I am on here. Their opinions validate my choices in life enormously, because I know I'll never be like them.

Thanks! :)
Reply:What is so bad about thinking highly of yourself?

Do you have to have low self-esteem to believe in a god who listens to your prayers? I would think it would make you feel very powerful that a god would bother with you.

I think highly of myself because I am smart, capable and nice. I take good care of myself and my family. I love lots of people. I enjoy Yahoo/answers. I enjoy my life.

I think a lot of Christians think they have a corner on truth and god's will. Talk about arrogance!

I do not have a corner on anything except my own life/decisions. I do not know or care what a god's will is since I quit believing in fairy tales at about age 12-13.

I believe in the strength of love to overcome bad things.

I believe in families and friends.

I believe in using my brains to make sense of life.

I believe in using my talents to make the world a better place for myself and others.

I believe religious people as a group are deluded and hypocritical. There are some exceptions, of course.

I think Christians tend to be under-educated about other people's ideas. Like thinking a thought not "Christian approved" will ruin them somehow.

I resent big time, christians trying to legislate how I live based on their book, not mine. I am an American, not a religious zealot.
Reply:I'm sick of the Christian bashers too. Christians follow Christ who mainly told people to good to each other....we could use a lot more of those people around couldnt we????? Wait til those people have a problem in their life, then they might just realize they arent so great without some DEVINE intervention.
Reply:Wow, could you possibly fit any more generalizations in there?
Reply:I am a Christian and I feel your pain sister. I am highly educated. And why refer back to the earth not being flat as a point reference? I know why you used it because it was a scandal. But, really. To answer you my sister. We know it was prophesied that in the last days people would be "boastful, proud, rude, arrogant, lovers of themselves and lovers of pleasure and not lovers of God." The Bible also says that "knowledge puffs up, but love builds up." They keep inflating themselves with "knowledge and depend on their cultural correctness" . We as Christians and many of us with Doctorate degrees, and other degrees we depend on love and we seek to love others by building them up. Don't worry about it. All these things must come to pass. You know the Word. I pray you'll be encouraged and know you're not alone in this dark and dying world.
Reply:Because I know earth is not flat and universe is not 5000 years old.

I am more intelligent than god for sure.
Reply:Sad as it is, it's actually an accomplishment in the world today to be a grown adult and not believe in fairy tales. It should be standard, but there's a lot of religious delusion affecting people globally.
Reply:Well for starters, we take the time to actually spell out complete words. Honestly, it's not like typing is all that hard... now if it was like doing a triathlon then I could see taking the shortcuts, but seriously, how freaking hard is it to type out WHY and YOU???
Reply:People are being rude about it on both sides.

And even in the middle (Agnostics).

Those who don't think particularly highly of themselves often don't participate in such conversations.

OK, so now I'm going to be rude:

Militant agnostic: I don't know AND NEITHER DO YOU!
Reply:Satan fell because of Pride.

It is in fact the original sin, and will drag more people down to Hell than any other one thing.
Reply:I agree, and maybe they want to believe but to hard headed, rude AND arogan too!

Reply:y = why

u = you

ur = you are

r = are

c = see

I paid attention in biology class and I know the earth is billions of years old. Noah did not have tame dinosaurs helping him build the ark. Continents did not get tossed thousands of miles while volcanoes exploded during the flood. There are no such thing is sky fairies.

I don't think I'm better than anyone, by the way.
Reply:well, we typically are educated....

AND I care because your church is trying to legislate morality...
Reply:Hello Pebbles! You seem so nice, but you are generalizing, which is just as serious an infraction as those you accuse of Christian bashing. Idiots occupy every station in life, as do decent and well-meaning people. There are idiot Christians and there are reasonable atheists. It is my sincere belief that anyone possessing the requisite humility WILL eventually find God.
Reply:I don't think Christians are stupid, I think they are misled.
Reply:I think so highly of myself on account of my blinding awesomeness.
Reply:Who cares? Questions like this just stir up trouble. I believe you should believe what you want to believe and let others have their beliefs. You can think as highly of yourself as you want to, and it doesn't affect me, so why do you care? If you are christian, great, if not, great. I don't care. You shouldn't either.
Reply:I don't think I'm any better than you. What makes Christians think they're any better than me? I'm constantly judged because I don't believe the way you do. I'm not considered a trustworthy person because I don't believe in god. I am viewed as immoral. I live a good life. I love my family and friends. I give to charities and donate my time. I am not a thief, a murderer, a cheater. But Christians feel they are better than me. I don't feel that I am any better than you. If you truly believe, I respect your beliefs and your feelings.
Reply:When we are children we do exactly what we are told, or else we're punished. As we grow older, we are able to figure out what we can and can't, should and shouldn't do.

So to believe in something that we can't see, to believe in something whose truth we rely upon from what we read in a 2000 year old book and what people tell us, to non-christians that way of thinking is childish.
Reply:Could it be that they think that having a "degree" makes them think they are superior to ordinary humankind? I knew that all that book learnin' would do nobody no good. I told 'em.

I'm a nominal Christian, I am wary of today's "organized" religions. Did not Jesus say that whenever two or more were gathered together in his name they were as his church. Yes, I know that God exists just as much as Satan exists.
Reply:I'm not a crisitain but i am a muslim and i believe in a god and i kno wut u mean...

i think they do that because they dont have an almighty to look up to so them make themselves the almighty... just my guess
Reply:I am Catholic, I do believe in God and I think the reason people dont belive in God is because they don care about it or it could be because of what their parent tought them to not believe in God if is that the case you could not judge them that hard because is not realy their foult that they parents tought them to belive in nothing but themself
Reply:Because it took a tremendous amount of thinking, reasoning and contemplation to rid ourselves of a story we were told and raised with since childhood.
Reply:people who bash other people either feel very insecure about themselves or their beliefs, so they have to put others down to build them up, OR their lives are just so boring they have nothing better to do. good question. :D
Reply:Did we not evolve?!?!
Reply:Well, we are. Usually people who believe in mystial, magical, made up characters well into there adult life, are not very smart and lack a lot of common sense.
Reply:I know exactly how you feel. Absence of proof is not proof of absence.


What do you think about Jason C. Sandstorm?

he acts like women are amazing nd then he acts like he is better than them.

what do you think?

What do you think about Jason C. Sandstorm?

he's bipolar!


Reply:I don't care; why do you?

What do u think when u c a girl with a tattoo on her shoulder?

just one tattoo?-do you think its tacky or not classy like?

What do u think when u c a girl with a tattoo on her shoulder?
I like 'em. I agree with Leslie- it's in the way she presents herself. If she looks trashy, then, in all honesty, almost anything she does will be trashy.

And I love it- people who DON'T have tattoos are the ones saying people will regret them. They speak without experience. Yeah, it's true, some people do regret them, but it's normally people who went and got one when they were drunk or underage and got one for the sake of being able to say they had one.

Most people who do have tattoos, have thought long and hard about it, the location, the meaning, and if they really want to remember that meaning. Most tattoos tend to not be a spur of the moment thing.

I think it also depends on the tattoo- I've seen alot of scene girls with tattoos of cupcakes or robots smply because it's what's trendy now. Talk about stupid. But, again, it's not my place to tell someone not to get a tat of a trend and to put more though into what they have, and, who knows, maybe they got a cupcake or a robot because someone they loved and passed away had a passion for those things. My assumptions and instant classification of 'stupid' or 'tacky' demeans any possible meaning behind those tattoos. It is a purely ignorant assumption on my part, and you know what they say about people who assume; it makes an "*** out of 'u' and 'me'."
Reply:It depends on the girl. If she's tacky on her own by how she dresses, acts and shows herself then yeah it is but if she's sexy, confident and smart then no, it's just a tattoo on a girl who isn't afraid to show it. I have one on my ankle and one on my back. Tattoos don't change who someone is, if you are worried about people thinking that of you then a tattoo probably isn't for you. But if you don't really care what others think then do what you want as long as it's legal. It's your body not theirs, don't let their opinions run your life. After all, someone who makes a split second trashy or not judgement JUST because of a tattoo isn't worth the time since they didn't take even a minute to get to know who you are. It should mean something to you and if it does then more power to you!

-Thank you Alex! I totally agree with what you said. The tattoo has to fit the persons size as well. What is it of? If you don't mind me asking.
Reply:i don't really like tatoos. people regret them sometimes or they go out of fashion,etc. i just don't like how they look but that's my opinion...
Reply:thats hott! i love tattoos!!!
Reply:My bf thinks it's sexy, he kisses it all the time.
Reply:in my opinion

Reply:It depends on the size of the tattoo and what the tattoo is of. If it's a HUGE tattoo of something trashy, then I would think it's tacky! If it's something small and classy, then that's cool.
Reply:I think..not to be mean or some what way to insult people, Maybe it will depend on what kind of girl has a tattoo though you know what i mean , Not good with this explaining business. I got no problems with girls with tattoo, just do what you want and go for it
Reply:it don't really matter to me its her body she can't do whatever she wants
Reply:I love my sun tattoo on my shoulder, and so does my bf. I've had it for 10 years now and I never regretted it for a second.
Reply:When I see a girl with a tattoo on her shoulder,

I think that she must like tattoos.

But I think your back/shoulder area should be for one huge piece - not tons of small ones.
Reply:Not classy.... and what else do I think? She is going to regret it one day. Whatever happened to being original? Being original and doing your own thing these days would be to NOT have a tattoo. I am very proud to say that I don't have a single one and never will.


Wht do u think whn u c a bald man ? does baldness lose ur sex appeal ?

wht do women think abt a bald guy do u feel attracted to tht person ?

Wht do u think whn u c a bald man ? does baldness lose ur sex appeal ?
Bald can be EXTREMELY sexy if it on the right man, like a man who is just a cool nice guy.

EX: Bruce Willis;.Ving Rhames, Chris Doughtry, Denzel Washington (in the movie Glory); Usher; Michael Clark Duncan; Jamie Foxx; Patrick Stewart; Vin Diesel; Sean Connery; Jesse "the Body" Ventura. Many others who I can't think of at the moment.
Reply:naturally bald or shaved bald? Big difference. Shaved bald is sexy in my eyes =)
Reply:bald can be hot........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

just look at the Right said Fred they rock... and they are bald....;)
Reply:ARe u just talking about looks? IF so, not all bald guys look bad. Some can actually pull it off. I go for personality if a decent looking bald guy had an awesome personality, then yeah, I"d be attracted to him.
Reply:Women don't make fun of bald guys...guys make fun of bald guys...remember that
Reply:yes it does
Reply:hmm i feel sorry for them

no i don't feel attracted to a bald guy

if its shaved bald...then okay
Reply:There are some really sexy bald men out there.
Reply:Do you mean completely bald? If so I think it is very sexy.

If you mean getting bald like on the top but have hair around the side, I am not into that.
Reply:im dateing a guy who is bald and i find him just as attractive as any other guy, he turns me on and we have a great relasionship, if people think badly of a bald man they are just shallow leave them well alone xx
Reply:I just hate when a guy leaves that little donut around their head like that's sexy or something. I think if you're going bald, you should just shave your head and there is nothing wrong with a guy with a shaved head.
Reply:being bald is something out of league

but how u carry urself matters,

how u project yourself makes a difference

have u ever thought about vin diesal Hollywood actor

just pick up some good things from him, I am not asking u to copy him, instead take some inspiration
Reply:i dont find it attractive but thats just me

What do u think of f.c barcalona?

they just won a game against Recreativo Huelva, they r pretty good 2

but they lost against chelsea %26amp; real madrid

there my team but do u think there good?

What do u think of f.c barcalona?
FC Barcelona is one of the great clubs in Europe at the moment. never mind losing to Chelsea %26amp; Real Madrid CF recently but they will bounce back beginning on Tuesday, 31 October 2006 when Chelsea visit the Nou Camp in Barcelona.
Reply:they have many great players - they are the winner in their way always...
Reply:They're a good team, but without Ronaldinho and Eto'o they're average.
Reply:not as good as Madrid, because of cannavaro, robhino, and ronaldo
Reply:personally my favorite team is the St. Petersburg Zenit but I also like Manchster United. However Man U, Chelsea, Aresnal, Real Madrid, Barcelona, and FC Lisbon along with others are all overrated teams who just are able to buy players who are at thier peak. Theses players perform good for about 3-6 years and then become old and not as consistant. The only reason theses teams can buy these great players is because they are owned by extremely rich guys ex. Chelsea-Roman Abromovich. Though Barcelona is a great team they are overrated in thier play.
Reply:Barcelona are a lot better team than real madrid. They are the 2 time running la liga champions and also the defending european champions and frankly the best club in the world. Their form of late has been disappointing, especially their attack. Against chelsea well it was an even match and only briallance from drogba was the difference. I dont think they played bad against chelsea, it was just that on a given day any of these top two teams could have won. But against real they were disappointing, especially the world player of the year, Ronaldinho. But as champions always do they will fight back and regain form.
Reply:I think they're great but they need to work harder. As for the match against Real Madrid i excepted them it lose cos Real has Ronaldo, Raul and other great players.
Reply:They are THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply:theyre awesome, they have the best people in there.
Reply:Well Real madrid and Chelsea are better then the other 2 teams it's no surprise they lost. But my favorite team is also Barcalona. Barcalona needs a good 2nd striker behind etoo to.
Reply:They are so awesome!!

They are not overrated!!

They will get their revenge on Chelsea!!


My husband hurt my feelings. He suggested we go see my family a couple of hours away b/c he thought we'd be

able to afford it. I gave him plenty of chances to tell me if we couldn't but he never did. This morning we all got ready (we have 2 girls) he drops the bomb %26amp; says we can't afford to spend the night but could go for the day. I got upset and said forget it. He hurt me because I feel like he lied or kept something from me. he apologized over and over but I'm still hurt %26amp; can't seem to forget. Am I over-reacting...should I not trust him anymore? This is our first big fight.

My husband hurt my feelings. He suggested we go see my family a couple of hours away b/c he thought we'd be
Don't distrust him over this. it's likely it was a mistake on his part.either because he thought you'd be able to afford it or because he had his head buried in the sand but wanted really bad to do this for you.

Talk with him about how you feel about it. Let him give an explanation and talk about how he feels (it sounds like he really wanted to please you by find a way for you to visit family).

You'll do fine. Just talk about what's going on inside your heart %26amp; you'll all be ok.

Tonight we celebrated our 21st anniversary %26amp; we've been through a lot. We're happier now than ever before.
Reply:Get over it. Sometimes you have to compromise and this is one of those times.
Reply:It sure seems like a waste to throw away your marriage and children for one incident. Surely you've disagreed with your husband over something before? You can probably use the same strategies that you have used to reconcile those differences. It seems like the big problem is that you don't understand why he waited to tell you you couldn't afford to stay over until the day. Sometime when tempers are calmer, why don't you ask him that question and listen to what he has to say? I have faith that the two of you can work it out.
Reply:i dont think ur over reacting. i think u should tell him how u really feel and why u feel that way. maybe u guys can reschedule the family get-together when u can afford it. he migh be alil aware of what he did and how he made u feel if u tell him, and then he might speak up alil more about things like that.
Reply:grow up, get off Y/A and talk to your husband
Reply:get a job and help him pay the finances.
Reply:you are only a few hours away,its not like it would take you all night to get back home.he did not say you couldnt go at your girls are not being able to see their grandparents because you are being selfish.its not an act of keeping it from you,he still wanted to go or he would of said no to the whole trip,gas isnt need to weigh this out and see how you are making a big issue out of nothing.
Reply:Your husband needs to be more communicative and you need to tell him not to drop any more bombs at the last minute. You should have gone anyway to see your family even for the day and talked about it on the way. The 2 of you might have been able to come up with a solution to staying overnight. At least you could have had a nice visit after resolving the issue on the way there. It wasn't very considerate of him to tell you at the last minute.
Reply:you have the right to be upset but don't let it stay long. you have to have a good talk about it though. help him develop his communication skills maybe that's what he lacks... goodluck!
Reply:What's the big deal? He was nice enough to suggest going to see them. A two hour drive back home isn't a big deal.

he apologized.

Men are like that, they worry about money a lot. Be glad you got a husband that will go see your family.

It's not like he said that ya'll couldn't afford to go at all....

lighten up.
Reply:Was this possibly an error in communication? Was he saying "we can go visit period" and you thought "we can go stay the night" or did you two previously discuss clearly "we can go visit and stay the night" and then he changed? Perhaps it was just a misunderstanding... or perhaps he just got another bill in the mail.. Have you asked him why he had a sudden change of plans? And can you not stay with family? Why does the staying the night alter the money situation?
Reply:the way you over reacting about this matter makes me understand why your husband didnt want to tell you that you couldnt go..... you have been together for a while, if that is the only reason why you dont want to trust your husband then its silly. if YOU think you can afford to stay the night then come up with the money/solution for the trip or whatever you need to "afford" then the matter will be resolved.
Reply:im sorry that you didnt get to go see your family,my family lives out of town also.tell him your hurt by what happend today and for now on before you plan a trip the money needs to be set aside.tell him its importnant to you to see your family once in awhile.take care
Reply:well i kinda don't think it's anything to hold a grudge over. You might be over analyzing the situation. Maybe he just made a miscalculation in the budget and realized that y'all couldn't go. I mean he's your husband and he's gonna make mistakes but when you are in a marriage you have to learn to accept him for his mistakes and all because that's how a couple makes a perfect team. You are only stronger as a married couple when you two learn to accept each other's faults for what they are and look past them and still love that person regardless. So if you can just forgive him and move on then life would be so much better than staying mad at him and causing conflict for no apparent reason. You miss out on the joys in life when you choose to stay mad at a person.
Reply:it's just normal for a girl to have that feeling..but of course, you have to ask him first of his reasons before you judge have to still trust him because he is your husband..
Reply:One more reason why wives should work.
Reply:I must say .....A hell of a thing to fight about!
Reply:Trust? this has nothing to do with trust. You are over-reacting. What if he thought he would be able to get enough money so you could stay the night, but it didn't work out that way? Now he will never feel as if he can be the man and try and give you the things you want. Sit down with him and ask him why he didn't tell you earlier and then go from their.

SOME GUY KEEPS IM-ing me from here i wanna know where i can get his email b/c i think its the same guy asking?

perverted questions..please help me he keeps using different SN's

SOME GUY KEEPS IM-ing me from here i wanna know where i can get his email b/c i think its the same guy asking?
1. Click ignore every time that he IMs you and don't respond back to him.

2. Make sure that you have every Yahoo ID that he's used to IM you with on your ignore list.

3. Make a list of all of those Yahoo IDs to report to Yahoo.

4. You can report them at

5. Keep reporting him every time he harasses you and maybe ,with so many reports, they'll ban him from ever using Yahoo again.

Good luck!!
Reply:That's the danger of giving out your Messenger ID here where thousands of strangers can see it. Try changing you ID and don't give it to anyone you don't know.
Reply:You should just block him from all of the SN's he IMing you from and report all of them to Yahoo for abuse. His email is probably private to make sure you can't find it but to be sure you can search the profiles for the SN's he's using.
Reply:His Yahoo messenger ID is the same as his Yahoo ID that he uses for mail. Report him, and don't respond.
Reply:just delete it all and he'll finally move on to his next victim.
Reply:Report them to Yahoo, then block their A$*
Reply:First,,dont answer any im u dont recognize..Dont ANSWER!!!..he/she will soon get bored and move on..

Second, DONT ANSWER ANY IM U DONT RECOGNIZE!!!..oh by the way..i think Yahoo messenger ID are not the same as Yahoo ID ...i have 4 yahoo messenger ID and one yahoo ID
Reply:tell him to **** off.


What is that concept where you buy a more expensive item as opposed to a generic one b/c you think it's better

it's more like a scientific term; however, they used regularly in the 90's to describe something medically tricky. for example... you have a headache, you buy an aspirin, and it's not working on you. you go to the doctors, the doctors prescribe you $75 pills, and it works for you... only to find out that those $75 pills are just aspirin. but since you paid so much for a pill, your mind tricked your system into believing that those are "miracle" pills and they can help you relieve your headache. what is that called? is it the doppler effect? i forget...

What is that concept where you buy a more expensive item as opposed to a generic one b/c you think it's better
Right--placebo effect. Placebos are sugar pills, which don't really do anything, but when the belief is that one will get better while taking them, sometimes it actually works!

Brand name drugs sell better and are generally more memorable than generic drugs--primarily because they are advertised on TV and the name is easily pronounced.

It is the same thing as stating "natural" on a label. People think it is better for you when it is actually just an advertising gimmick.
Reply:placebo effect

Why do white men think that b/c their wife or girlfriend has a big nice a** that they are fat?

I've notice that alot of white men think that white women are fat when they have a big nice a**. I work with white girls that have some nice round a**es and they know it, I wonder if their men think their fat, I don't and I see you ladies and I like it.

Why do white men think that b/c their wife or girlfriend has a big nice a** that they are fat?
Them white honkeys are crazy they like them girls with about 8 kids and live in a moble home and drive a toyota pickup nasty azz damn.they dont know the beauty of a big azz.
Reply:Ain't nothing wrong with big booty!White black brown whatever!
Reply:Nuthing nice 'bout cellulite bumps. Eeewww.
Reply:That is an excellent question! Because then they wanna get all mad and act all sh!tty when they see a white girl with a black man!
Reply:They (the men) may have some doubts as to whether they're properly endowed. Chances are that size matters... to them.
Reply:You must have done a strange poll to come up with this conclusion. Perhaps it's the type of white men you hang around with that feel this way.

There are many men, myself included, that find a nice, thick, rounded bottom on a woman very sexy.
Reply:Fat people are lazy.
Reply:There's a difference between a woman with a big a** and a big a** woman.

morning glory

Is it realistic to think that b/c we work opposite schedules my fiance and I will be able to care for our own?

baby (instead of having to use and pay for daycare)?

I work early days, he works late nights.

My SIL says that leaves no time for us to sleep... but I think it's not like stay-at-home moms have a set sleep time either...

I have no kids yet, so what do you think?

Is it realistic to think that b/c we work opposite schedules my fiance and I will be able to care for our own?
As long as your schedules over-lap so either is home with baby, or you have a back-up sitter for emergencies. Husband %26amp; I worked different shifts for years, it's true you don't have as much 'couple-time'. You don't get burn-out from too much time together, which we saw a lot, in those couples who would never think of not being together ALL the time. It can %26amp; does work with effort, is boyfriend okay with it, has to be mutual desire to make it work, otherwise, you're a single mom.
Reply:I do this exact thing, and it works SO well and we dont have to pay a dime for daycare OR see our child be raised by someone else.

However you should know that he will get less sleep than you. Hopefully he's a good "napper" and can do okay with less sleep.

You should keep baby up with you as late as possible. My daughter and I go to bed together at 10:30pm. She is 5 months and sleeps until about 10Am. Since hubby goes to bed at 4-5am, he gets 5-6 hours of sleep.

As soon as you get home from work, if there is a few hours overlap, take her off his hands if he needs a nap.

I think its a wonderful way of doing things becuase it really makes the parenting 50/50-- he has to learn to do everything and function on his own, rather than having you do things for him.

btw-- my daughter is 5 months, so things are ever-evolving (with regards to how much they are up and how much they sleep) but it's working great so far!
Reply:It can definitely work, with the right people and the right work environments.

Can your fiance work overnight, and then stay up all day though? My sister and brother-in-law tried her working 1st shift and him working 3rd and he just couldn't stay up all day, it was too tough for him. He switched to second shift and it works out well, although they have little "us" time now.
Reply:As long as you both are okay being on different schedules than I think it is okay. My fiance and I do it, but we have the weekends off and I make sure to take a day or two off through the month for us time together.
Reply:it is very realistic since my husband and i were able to do this. however, we didnt have "us" time so it sucked! We decided it was best if he stayed at home, and i worked full time. i stayed home the first 3 months, and he is a stay at home dad and loving it.
Reply:Absolutely! I actually have a friend who seeked another job so her and her husband could have opposite schedules and save money on daycare. Daycare is VERY expensive nowdays. In addition, babies are better off with Mom and Dad than at daycare if it can be arranged. If you can have the same work schedules though, it would make things much more enjoyable to spend time as a whole family together, but if not, then at least make sure you try to get the same days off.
Reply:That's what my husband and I did. But unfortunately, he didn't help out as much as he should have. He always complained about being too tired to come home and care for our son and that he couldn't fall back asleep after giving him his feedings. It really does depend on how you both adapt to this situation. I work full time from 8-4:15, come home and watch my son. For some reason, my husband says he can't do the same thing, even though I have more on my plate since I run errands, cook and clean. Men! I've learned something after having a is not always going to go the way you plan and you'll be handling most of the responsibility with a child, even if your husband loves you dearly.
Reply:My husband works midnights and I work a normal 8-5 job. I am leaving for work around the time that he comes home from work. If he was to try to stay up to watch the kids, he would only get about a 4-5 hour window of time to sleep. That's just not enough for any normal person. Maybe you could look into part time care... it might be a good option for you.
Reply:My husband and I tried this and it was hell. Seriously. I work days, he works nights. By the time I got home he had 4-5 hours before he had to be back at work. Plus newborns do not sleep as much as you expect. In fact, they tend to not sleep when you need it most!! My husband had the hardest out of us for sure, because our baby really didn't nap for him during the day, so after working a full night shift, he had to take care of the baby for 9-10 hours. We lasted about 3 months before we decided we had to do part-time daycare. Now he takes care of her for the morning, but when it's time for him to go to bed he takes her to daycare and I pick her up.