Monday, May 24, 2010

Who thinks Wshington D.C. should be destroyed and we start all over?

Only in my dreams, only in my dreams. I always wake up wet. It would be a good start toward a government of the people, for the people and by the people.

Who thinks Wshington D.C. should be destroyed and we start all over?
Maybe not such a bad idea if all the elected represenatives are there at the time. But I doubt it, there is another pack of vultures waiting in the wings, no doubt.

What I believe is the only thing that will fix the problems is non elected government representatives. Instead of elections, they will be selected at random from all social security numbers of people over the age of 18. That way the representatives do not represent anybody and can pass laws that are in the countries best interests insted of their campaign contributors.
Reply:Only seditious, lying socialists. We know we ARE our government. WE choose our leaders. We choose every two years (four for the President). We'll fight the people undermining our country, all of us, Democrat, Republican, etc., until they are gone.

No one will attack us with impunity.

Why? Are you one of them? Are you our enemy? Should we be destroying you?
Reply:Most definitely. Let's raize that pentagram imbedded in the streets of D.C. just north of the whitehouse. Check a map.

Muncie, I like that idea about evryone being picked randomly for government positions.

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