Monday, July 27, 2009

Do U think w c w like t?

The world isn't confused enough.

U c sp things o %26amp; they s c't g it.

I L it up t U t sp it o 4 e1.

How d U L t 4 sp?

Do U think w c w like t?
you can spell things out and they still can't get it.

I leave it up to you to spell it out for everyone

how do you like that for spelling?

I'm good

and the Caption says:

Do you think we can write like this?
Reply:get some sleep, please
Reply:"You can spell things out and they still can't get it.

I leave it up to you to spell it out for everyone.

How do you like to spell?"
Reply:I don't but I think its great for people who want to talk to themselves.
Reply:I t h i n k y o u t a l k a l o t o f c r a p ...................

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