doctors will only do a c-section if it HAS to be done, like if the baby is breach, etc. or if you have had a c-section before, you can choose to do it again, but everyone that I know that had a c-section and vaginal birth, said vaginal birth is the way to go!
Do you get to choose if you can have your baby the natural way or thought C-section?
yes but if somethings goes wrong then they will give you a c-section or if your baby is to big
Reply:You are unfortunately getting a lot of incorrect information here. Many Doctors DO allow women to have an elective ceserean.
However, any woman who makes that choice based on her own selfish desires, and not about the health of her unborn child has made a risky and dangerous decision.
Cesereans are an epidemic in this country, with the c-section rate now reaching 30% in this nation.
And to say that a Doctor will only perform one in an emergency is also a pharce.
You would need to do some of your own research and reading in order to properly learn the "reasons" why c-sections are so common in the Medical Module here in the United States. Bottom line is, many of them are labled "emergency cesereans" when in reality, they were not.
A c-section is a complex and traumatic surgical proceedure. It hightens the risk of infection for the mother, and respitory distress for the infant. The rate of infant mortality is higher amoung babies born via c-section than those in vaginal births. Healing for a c-section is far more difficult (and painful!) than recovering from a normal physical birth. Some women complain of chronic pain even as much as one year post-op.
If given the choice, the intelligent decision would always be to attempt a vaginal birth first, and resort to a ceserean only in the case of a true emergency on the part of mother or child (or both).
Reply:no you dont they only do c-section if they have too
Reply:I had to have a c-section. I was so disappointed.
Reply:Most doctors won't allow you to have an elected c-section.
Reply:no ,the only way you can choose is if you have had a c section last time,any way you dont want one i have had two and it take a long time to recover i had one a year last week and im only just recovered and now 6 weeks preg again and even tho this baby is planed im so scared of a c section again so go for birth the normal way you will enjoy so much better good luck
Reply:Doctors don't let you choose.
In some cases you will know in advance that they prefer to do a C-section for medical reasons.
But they won't let you choose.
Reply:A doctor will not allow you to choose. A C-Section is for emergencies only, like when the baby is in distress, or when the cord gets wrapped around the baby's neck, or if the baby is way too big to be born naturally. Take it from someone who has had a C-Section, natural is better. You recouperate a lot sooner. A C-Section is major surgery, you don't want it just to keep from dealing with the pain of labor and delivery. The pain you feel afterwards is worse than labor pains. If the doctor insists on a C-Section, don't argue, he has your best interests in mind and he did not come to this decision lightly.
Reply:My doctor asked me if I would rather have a cesarean, but I want a natural birth. I think every doctor is different. I believe most doctors now however will let you chose most women just aren't aware of it.
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