Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Have the Surrender Monkeys in Washington D.C. thought this surrender plan all the way through?

nevermind almost everyone of them voted for this action, it is wise just as a general part of fighting a war.. ?

Have the Surrender Monkeys in Washington D.C. thought this surrender plan all the way through?
Wow, just when I thought I've heard every stupid lily livered left wing lunatic comment, they come up with brand new talking points. It seems the the democrats have very short memories. It was Clinton that first said Iraq was breeding terrorists. It was his administration that started the terrorists thinking Americans will always back down, if you punch and run long enough. Now they hearing we will back out in September. That means they can start planning for October. Think about what will happen to your shallow little world when these people take over my country. Do you think you will actually be able to write things like this on your computer? Do you think you will actually have a computer? Do you think you will ever be able to show your face, or suntan down at pool?

You people are all the same, when faced with a confrontation, you go hiding behind some tough redneck for protection. Then, as soon as it is safe, you come out and tell that redneck just how stupid he is, and how barbaric for killing that person. Take a look at your leaders, they all voted for this war, saying we must do this now. They looked at the same evidence the republicans looked at, and came to the same conclusion, this Iraqi regime must fall. Now that it's done, these politicians try to tear down something good by spreading lies, and their faithful minions (that means you) believe everything they say.
Reply:Democrats are calling for a phased withdrawal, and a phased withdrawal is just that, a phased withdrawal. And a timetable is just that, a timetable. Using politically-charged buzzwords won't change the fact that the present course of action is untenable. It is the height of folly to continue on a tragic and deadly path just to save face.

For those who think continuing with the current policy in Iraq is a mark of courage and changing direction the mark of cowardice, they should bear in mind that courage tempered by wisdom is noble, courage in defiance of wisdom is foolhardy.
Reply:They've apparently given it more thought than you've given that question?

I don't understand why people can't ask straight forward questions. They feel compelled to bust balls while they do it. Pretty childish.
Reply:They are taking a page from republican Surrender Monkey Nixon's play book: Declare victory and get the hell out!
Reply:The only surrender monkey is Bush who has sold America out to Saudi Arabia--you know, where the 9/11 terrorists came from.
Reply:"Progress" and "victory" have been just around the corner for four years now. Even though those in charge can't even define what that looks like in Iraq.

Is it wise to keep doing the same crap over and over and expect different results? Is it wise to believe the claims of things getting better for the 100th time when the previous 99 claims have proven to be crap?

Iraq is screwed. It was screwed from the day we invaded it, and while we might have been able to get things fixed if we had an actual plan going in, we've past the point of no return long ago. There's no unscrewing it now.

Given that Iraq is doomed to it's own fate, the question is what does the US gain by staying? What do we lose by leaving?

Nothing. Not a single thing. The people we're bogged down with are 99.5% participants in a civil war. They don't care about us once we're gone.

And the terrorist who will "fight us here?" There is not a single thing that we're doing in Iraq that prevents them from coming here, except that it's more convenient to kill Americans if we send them over to drive around in circles every day for target practice.

I don't think that using our "best and brightest" as walking bullseyes or the equivalent of Chinese takeout is supporting our troops in their mission.
Reply:Its not surrendering, its admitting a mistake. A mistake your Georgie boy made, I might add.
Reply:No one is surrendering. We need to pull out of Iraq quickly. It should have happened yesterday. Four or five years ago now President Bush stood on an aircraft carrier and uttered, "Mission Accomplished!" What the heck are we still doing in Iraq? I confess, I know the answer but is has nothing to do with bringing stability to the country.
Reply:Well Helmet head, what surrender do you rant about, the one in which you surrendered your logic for a hand full of magic beans that are the Bush plan nothing that he has predicted to date has proved true. but those helmet heads with their tough guy avatars refuse to accept that once lost war cannot be re-won with rhetoric and senseless stubbornness. A plan in the early stages that might have worked was nixed by your hero and now you deny reality.
Reply:Surrender monkeys? That's what you're reduced to? Thank you for supporting a pullout by showing that your only counter to a troop withdrawal and political solution to Iraq is to call Democrats (and a growing amount of Republicans) "surrender monkeys." But more to the question. Yes, we have, actually, with significantly more process and deliberation than the original invasion, during which senior officers (now, the officers are not to blame: the Commander-in-Chief is) had no idea about the people, religion, culture, and geopolitical nature of Iraq!

So, in short, yes, we have thought this out. The few war supporters, on the other hand, apparently haven't.
Reply:What war?

Iraq never declared war - this is an illegal invasion and occupation.
Reply:They are tired of being accessories to war crime. Who can blame them?
Reply:Long ago actually. It was wrong to invade a country that didn't attack us, didn't support terrorists, and didn't have a WMD program. Simple except to the simple minded apparently.
Reply:What are you talking about? What is this surrender? It isn't even a war. Invasion/occupation is what it is.
Reply:The surrender monkeys do not care, all they want is to make GW fail.

And yes all democrats are surrender monkeys.
Reply:No one said anything about surrender.

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