Monday, July 27, 2009

How can anyone in washington,D.C.think we can as a nation can compete with China at a dollar a day? we do something about it or start shopping at the dollar store?

How can anyone in washington,D.C.think we can as a nation can compete with China at a dollar a day?
China is not allowing its currency to float. As a result, China's currency manipulation to keep their workers competitive on the world market is leading to double digit inflation. Pretty soon, China will be dealing with hyper inflation and the collapse of its economy. So I say to you, yes, we can compete against China. Just give it time. Free Markets will resolve any imbalances.
Reply:You can if you really really wanted to. They have done it. Why can't you?

The trouble is, you have had it so good for so long that it's such a climb down for you to go back to that level. Why else would you be asking this question? Your pride and complacency stop you from the reality; to adapt to survive. You feel threatened that you have to lower your standard of living. I thought you americans are very good at adapting to survive. Perhaps I am mistaken.
Reply:That's a flaw question, you can't say that everyone in

D.C. thinks that, maybe someone but not in the White House, and maybe you can look more deeper and find out that the U.S. have another absolute advantages that are more important than cheap labor, for example the Technology and the Know-How just to say something.

You can talk to your representative and tell them to raise the tariffs to specific chinese products.
Reply:if they don't have a brain

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