Monday, July 27, 2009

Should i back off and give him some space.... ? i want this to work b/c i think he's THE ONE!?

me %26amp; my bf have been together for a little over a month.... he's gone out of his way to make plans w/ me, text me first thing in the morning just to say hi, and called me alot.... but it seems like since i have been pursuing him more (the more time i spend w/ him the more i am falling for him) the more he seems to be pulling away.... lately he seems to be almost resenting all the time he is spending w/ me.... i think he feels he has been neglecting other aspects of his life like school/friends/family b/c he's been spending alot of time w/ me.... he cancelled plans w/ me last night to stay home and catch on things.... he mentioned getting together on sunday.... we talked today and i asked him if we were doing something sunday and he said he didn't know what he was doing and we'll play it by ear.... is he losing interest... getting scared.... feeling suffocated.... ? am i making myself too available... ? (when we first started dating i had my guard up and wasn't so available)

Should i back off and give him some space.... ? i want this to work b/c i think he's THE ONE!?
Reply:All the questions you posed at the conclusion of your post are right on target - Keep in mind everyone wants some'One' that is worth-wild... guys want a girl that other guys are envious of - they don't want a girl that all their guy friends ridicule %26amp; rib them about, So you have to respect yourself, keep your own hobbies - maintain your friendships (don't drop your friends), pursue your own dreams %26amp; let the guy in your life be a part of your life NOT be your life! Too much of anything can and usually does get boring. Let him call you, and don't keep a phone attached to your hip so that you don't miss the call - it's okay if you miss the call - he'll call back %26amp; IF he doesn't then it's better to find out sooner rather than later...Relationships are supposed to add to your life, not become your life %26amp; it's supposed to be fun %26amp; pleasant, not a nerve-racking, walking on egg-shells, worry about everything stress-filled mess.

Good Luck!
Reply:You've been dating just a little over a month and already think he's the one? Slow down! Give this time to build and grow. Instead of trapping him into some long relationship, just take this day by day and DON'T let on you think he is the one. Keep yourself busy away from him and stop suffocating him. If you want this to work, have your own life aside from him.

Just let it flow. Relationships are hard enough without adding unnecessary pressure.

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