Sunday, August 2, 2009

Curious to c wat u guys think......?

I hv known this guy for a lil over a yr.....we hv this physical relationship....however he is in love with his ex....he has been for 4 yrs now....i hv feelings for him....n they r pretty curious to c if you guys think i shud just stop talking to him or seeing him altogether or just keep doin wat im doin rite now....????

p.s. we go to the same skool.....

p.s.s. i already told him once about my feelings but the second time i just denied it b/c i know he doesnt like me n hes in love with some1 els as i mentioned above.....

Curious to c wat u guys think......?
try this... its going to b hard to stop taking to him or even trying to disappear jus lyk that, so..... slowly start taking to other guys... i no it sounds hard but tak to them n jus flirt around. u can stay doing wat u are doing now. u no its wrong so u have ur answer, i do understand that its hard but once u realize that there are other guys n not all of ur attention is on this one guy, hes gon to start to realize that u cant b his plan b all of his lyf. if hes not going to move on for wat ever reason u can always b there as his 2 option! believ it or not this guy thinks that ur pretty ez becuz he nos that u no hes in love with his ex. n that ur still holding on lyk a dog on a leash. lyk i sed b4... tak to other guys, but keep in mind that u will b doing this jus to c how ur lil fren reacts wen he sees that u arent there!

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