Sunday, August 2, 2009

How long after a C-section do u think it'll be ok to start netball?

I had a baby 3mths ago by C-section. When do you think it should be safe for me to start netball? I havent played for a few years say about 6yrs. And i wanted to start up again. Ive just moved interstate and i havent got a doctor here yet so i cant ask them. Please any ideas, whats did your doctors say to you?

How long after a C-section do u think it'll be ok to start netball?
my dr released me to start playing soccer after my 8 weeks check up. he just said to take it a little easy until i get back into shape, and if i start hurting to slow down. since you are post 3 months you should be fine, as long as you are not experienceing pain
Reply:my guess would be now is fine if your scar is all healed. i delivered vaginally so i wouldn't quite know... but i tore so i had to wait about 2-3 months till i could work out again (and have sex lol)
Reply:You'd better discuss this with your doctors. Since you haven't played in some time he may want you to wait. It takes at least a full year for the body to recover from major abdominal surgery...a C-section IS major abdominal surgery.

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