Sunday, August 2, 2009

Does anyone think i'm stupid b/c i'm terrorfied of lice?

My friends think i'm a tad crazy, but i have this really bad phobia of lice. I have a pick that i use everyday at least three or four times a day. I pray that I don't get 'em, b/c last time I did, I lost it, I went loco. Shaking, sobbing, ect.. now i'm scared that people will think i'm a freak b/c i'm so scared. My hair is my pride and joy, and if I get 'em, I'm cutting my hair. I hate large gatherings b/c of the risk, and I hate going out in public. SIgh, I guess I am crazy. :(

Does anyone think i'm stupid b/c i'm terrorfied of lice?
Lice cannot fly or jump. You would have to sleep in someone's bed who has them, use someone's brush who has them, or wear a hat of someone who has them. That's it. If you go out , the lice are NOT going to fly into your hair or jump from one person to your head. IMPOSSIBLE. Here's some info for you. You really need to read this--you'll feel much better:
Reply:no you are not stupid because of your fear, you have had them once so it is natural you don't want them again, what is not natural is the way you are handling it, it is becoming something that is determining how you are living your life. you need to get it under control, or you will miss out on living. just because it happened once does not mean lice is everywhere. but you are not crazy.
Reply:It's healthy to have some innate disgust when it comes to bugs and vermin, particularly parasitic ones; it's probably a survival technique with years of evolution behind it.

But -- going after imaginary lice 3-4 times a day? Hating going out and seeing people? You're probably _bordering_ on something like:

Talk to your doctor.
Reply:No I don't think you are.. You had it before and you know it was an awful experience... you don't want to go through it again??? Understandable. I had a minor std that was cured, awhile back and I was so disgusted with myself I vowed to never have sex again until i am married
Reply:no, me to
Reply:You aren't stupid dear. You just have fears. We all have them.
Reply:You are not crazy or stupid or a freak. People have many different fears. There are people that are afraid of fleas, aluminum foil, leather, etc. Some people just deal with their fears differently.

Since lice can be removed, you have little to worry about.
Reply:They don't jump off of peoples heads onto someone elses head! They can only get in your hair from close 'head to head' contact. I'm terrified of them too. My kids got them last year, and even though I checked my hair I still could feel them!!! I don't know what it was. So I got it professionally checked out, and I didn't have any! Crazy huh? It drove me crazy!!

but you shouldt be that afraid
Reply:I think it's ok to be a little afraid but you are taking it too far. You are likely not gonna get lice simply by being near people. And even if you get it, it's really not the end of the world.
Reply:no ur not stupid or crazy u probably just don't like bugs and insects and stuff like that, and u love ur hair. If u wash your hair often then u don't have 2 worry about lice.
Reply:no your not there are vile and some people have them for ages and dont bother doing anything about it at least you are clean.
Reply:I don't think you are stupid. However, I think you run the risk of your fears becoming overwhelming and debilitating. Perhaps you should seek professional help to see if there is anything you can do or take to make the symptoms easier to deal with. If you hate gatherings and going out in public, you sound like you might have some form of mental illness that needs attention now before it gets any worse.
Reply:that is a serious phobia. It sounds like you should see a psychologist who specializes in DBT. it could help your phobia lots. you are not crazy just phobic.
Reply:Of course not, we are not dogs.
Reply:You are not crazy. Everyone is aftraid of something. You had a bad experience with lice, so being afraid is understandable. Some people are afraid of wierd things for no good reason. Like I have heard of people being afraid of aluminum foil. I mean, that is crazy. I myself don't like clowns. Maybe it's because I watched Steven Kings "IT" too much, I don't know. I just feel like with the makeup and costume, they are hiding something. Tell me that's not wierd. Anyway, there is nothing wrong with you.
Reply:No, You're not crazy at all. Lice are so gross and nasty. With their little gross bodies and nasty little paws or claws or whatever they are. GROSS. Maybe I have a phobia of them too........

Good Luck. :D
Reply:You are not crazy! I am scared of them too.

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