Sunday, August 2, 2009

Naughty c i think is an Australian ?

He shows same love to Harbhajan as an Australian would show . Bhajji is not a psycho that he would slap a person without any reason

Naughty c i think is an Australian ?
Yes Bhajji is the man in Indian cricket team.Who fought against the abuse of Australian girly boys under the captaincy of Ricky Pontic.
Reply:ohhhh, geeee, naughty c is an Australian, big deal, what if he is, which i don't know.

whats the big deal, you don't have to be an Aussie to know barge is complete crazy man, but then again Indians probably don't see it that way, it's normal to slap burning hessian bags with your shoes in India, so what is normal when they all do that, lol.
Reply:no he is from pakistan and if you see his answers (the source has or something similar but he is pakistan noob)
Reply:so bloody what if he or she is

its once again a case of attacking the person who doesnt agree with you or your opinions
Reply:But Srisanth is not a child who he should have slappped
Reply:u can think whatever u like
Reply:i agree

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