Sunday, August 2, 2009

Do you think they buy their own c.d?

Do you think celebrities/artists buy their own c.d. when it comes out? Cuz that would just be ...well kinda weird...idk how to put it...

Do you think they buy their own c.d?
Sometimes it happens, especially in the case of a rookie artist who is just starting out.

When the Bee Gees got their first recording contract with Festival Records in Australia in the early 1960s, they had flop after flop at first, partly because the fact they didn't appeal to kids because they were kids made it hard for the label to market them (and partly because the label wasn't giving them enough time in the studio to develop their material properly). But then the Gibb brothers started studying the charts and the workings of the record business and discovered that they had to sell at least 400 records to even get onto the charts. So they gave money to the members of their fan clubs to go around and buy copies of their single "Wine and Women" from the local record stores.

That move placed the single in the top forty, at which point the radio stations started paying attention to it. As Robin Gibb later pointed out in the Bee Gees autobiography as told to David Leaf, the airplay was now there, but airplay doesn't necessarily sell records. People have to go out and buy it, he said, but they won't know it's out there if it doesn't get played. "Wine and Women" eventually reached #19 in the charts.
Reply:im not answering this question...i ddint eve read it, but i dont kno any other way to write u, well yea i do kno her email address...friken retard
Reply:That would be dumb. How would they make a profit? And it'd be sad too.
Reply:well, i dont think they go to the store and buy it. they just get one.
Reply:typically artist/actors get 50 to 100 CD /DVDs to keep or give out and can get more from there distribution company
Reply:Maybe some of them do buy it on the day that it drops...they go to the store incognito to pick up a copy and see if anyone else is getting it...yeah they get a bunch of free ones to give out...but maybe some of them buy a copy just to see what it feels would be kinda surreal you know...
Reply:i sure as hell hope not!! but you never know really there all a lil weird!!
Reply:OMG! WHAT SKOOL DO YOU GO TO? and btw, no they dont buy their own, they get like, 100 free ones to hand out to friends and family, and then one for the band members.
Reply:I imagine some must have, just for the experience, right? Would you? It has never occurred to me, but it could be a funny thing to do incognito.

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