Sunday, August 2, 2009

His parents forbid us together b/c they don`t think I have changed?

my boyfriends parents hate me and say I am immature.The reason for this is because they think I treat him horribly and get jelous very easily.

Another factor in this could possibly be that my mom went over to his parents house and said that I demanded birth control one

day after school when I really didn`t.His parents know that my mom is unstable but they got mad at the fact she said I wanted

birth control.Now,his parents say that we can`t see eachother anymore or he will be sent to military school again because they

found out we were secretly dating a few days after we broke up.They were so proud for him finally dumping me and getting a new

girlfriend about 3 hrs after.I was hurt tremendesly but I still loved him so I went back out with him.He said the reason he

dumped me in the first place though was b/c I kept him on a short leash.We just recently got back together b/c I have changed

my attitude twords him but now wants to split up again b/c he doesn`t want to go behind his parents..

His parents forbid us together b/c they don`t think I have changed?
I can see that you truely LOOOOOOVVVVVVEEEEE him but his parents dont want you guys together because they are afraid you will take thier precious boy from them and that you will try to turn him against them.And of course hes gonna listen to his parents, the ones who feed,clothe,and take care of him.He loves you but hes probley not sure if he loves you enough to loose his family to you.Right now hes at the place where he has to choose YOU or his PARENTS,he has you and his parents in his ear every 5sec. telling him what right and whats wrong.He's having a hard time standing up to his parents right now and all you can do is let him build up the courage to tell his parents he loves you and dosent wanna feel like he has to choose anymorebetween the love of hi life and the loves of his life.His parentd cant see the good in you guys relationship, but i bet they made some mistakes in thier life and they just dont want him to do it, their trina save hm the pain and regret they had when they were in his shoes but they have to relize once hes 18 they wont be able to do anything about who hes dating or who he loves.Thats the reality chech they need.Maybe if you all sat down and put everything on the table and held nothing back and was completly honest then maybe they wouldnt have a prob with you.But its the fact that you guys are trina be sneaky and date without them knowing,HONESTY,RESPECT,AND TRUTH, is the keys threw life, you use them and you will neva go wrong.Babe i feel your pain and all cuz i feel you deeply Love him,just be honest and try it, it will all work out!
Reply:if he's over eighteen he doesn't have to obey his parents. If he's under talk to him and com up with something comfortable for him if you are in love you should be able to come up with something.. I personally think if he loved you he wouldn't care about his parents only you. try putting him on a little longer leash because he might feel like your too needy. Plus if his parents are telling him stuff about you, you want to prove them wrong so he doesn't think they are right about everything. most of it is probably lies. BEST OF LUCK,

XoXo Smiley : )
Reply:You may never change their opinion of you.

It may be the fact that you were asking for birth control and they are worried. Most parents don't want their teens being sexually active. The way your mother handled it probably didn't help matters any.

It would probably have to be him that pleads your case to his parents.

If I thought someone was treating one of my kids bad I would probably be just as upset. They are trying to protect their son.
Reply:1st how old are you?? i think that you are young and need to grow up a little. If you are truly ment to be then you will be together down the road whenyou have alittle more life under your belt. Honey live some life first and then worry about who you are going to be with. my guess is your about 15-16 and this is your 1st love. i thought i was goign to be with my 1st too. take some time for your self, leave him alone for awile and then later if you BOTH still want to be together, i am sure his parents will not object. may even bless the relationship.

Ifyou are truly his sould mate then you will find your way back to him.
Reply:ok i have been with my boyfriend for 7 years now starting just before my 16th birthday . we had been going out a year (roughly) and his parents went away on holliday leaving him with the house to himself anyway long story short he had a party and i was blamed for it (even though i was the one saying it wasn't a good idea) now his mother actually rang me up and said that i was no longer welcome in her house among a few other hurtful comments, anyway i tried for a long time to sort it out it really didn't help that my father had just commited suicide but i still kept trying she ended up saying to me that she wasn't going to change her mind about me and i was wasting my time talking because she wasn't going to listen, when my boyfriend REFUSED to brake up with me he was kicked out of home so my mum let him move in with us and a year or so later we moved out on our own we have been happy and in love ever since , but 5 years had past and my bf and his parents still weren't talking till last may we found out i was pregnant he called his parents to tell them now my son is 5 months old and his parents are back in our lives ok they just swept everything under the carpet and now act like nothing has ever happened his mum even rings up now just to talk to me ! whilst i proberly will always feel akward around them i will NEVER doubt my boyfriend he stuck by me through thick and thin and i know he loves me with all his heart because he chose me over his family!

i think the problem with your situation is not with his parents but with him it shouldn't matter what ANYONE elses opinion is if he loves you no one would be able to tell him to leave you because he just wouldn't listen . i feel for you honey i really do but i really think you might have to bite the bullet and say goodbye to him you need to find a man who will put YOU before anyone else.
Reply:damn..... you spend all this time writing this than you are grow up and get a life
Reply:dump him. i highly doubt you're in love with him. and if his parents are threatening to send him to military school just to get rid of you, then you don't need to take that from them.
Reply:this sounds like more trouble than it's worth, kid.

I think it's time to move on. You really don't want to be with someone who has psycho parents, believe me.

I've tried it and it doesn't work.

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree if you catch my drift.

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