Sunday, August 2, 2009

YAHOO! PHILOSOPHERS: What do you think about this C.S. Lewis quote?

"All nonsense questions are unanswerable. How many hours are there in a mile? Is yellow square or round? Probably half the questions we ask-- half our great theological and metaphysical problems-- are like that."

--C.S. Lewis, A Grief Observed

YAHOO! PHILOSOPHERS: What do you think about this C.S. Lewis quote?
a point-blank way of saying, "use your common sense."
Reply:He was soooo sad at the time that he wrote this, he had just lost he wife. It touches on the thought that, thinking on unanswerable questions may be pointless, if not fruitless. Yet where would we be today without asking these questions?

-Back in the day, there was this guy and he said, "the world is round..." and everyone laughed.-

Where did we go from there?
Reply:a grimpin saved is a veeble. an ill gotten fleet saves nine.

wonderful quote. you might like koans. check it out.
Reply:Oh I wish I were an uninvited reader that is what I'd truly like to be cause if I were an uninvited reader everyone would show their lies to me. and I'd get to sort them out from truth. It takes truth to know truth. All who write well have their own expertise. I have my own.

Reply:Sounds like Lewis is talking about category mistakes. One of the oldest fallacies in the world. It is like ascribing blindness to a wall. That would be a major category mistake.
Reply:He was right that many of the questions we ask are completely nonsensical and unanswerable. There have been questions here on YA that are presented as great wisdom, but which are nothing but linguistic soup.
Reply:I think it's a good way to live your life. It makes me think of that song by John Mayer, New Deep... (I don't know why)

I’m so alive

I’m so enlightened

I can barely survive

And not in my mind

So I’ve got a plan

I’m gonna find out just how boring I am

And have a good time

‘Cause ever since I’ve tried

Trying not to find

Every little meaning in my life

It’s been fine, I’ve been cool

With my new golden rule

Now is the new deep

Down with the old me

Talk is the same cheap

It’s me

Is there a God

Why is He waiting

Don’tcha figure it out

When he knows my address

And look at the stars

Don’t it remind you just how feeble we are

Well it used to I guess

‘Cause ever since I’ve tried

Trying not to find

Every little meaning in my life

It’s been fine, I’ve been cool

With my new golden rule

Now is the new deep

Down with the old me

Talk is the same cheap

It’s me

I' m a new man

I wear a new cologne

And you wouldn’t know me

If your eyes were closed

I know what you’ll say

‘This won’t last longer than the rest of the day’

But you’re wrong this time

You’re wrong

Now is the new deep

Down with the old me

I’m over the analyzing tonight

Stop trying to figure it out

You try to figure, you try to figure it out

It will only bring you down

You know I used to be the back porch poet

With my book of lines always open

No and all the time I'm trying

Never gonna find the perfect rhyme

For heavier things


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