Sunday, August 2, 2009

What word is worse than the c word? I really think women graduate?

I think they start out as little bitches, then big ones, then eventually they have to be promoted to the C*** word. So , is this a glass ceiling or is there a word for them after that..? Anyone?

What word is worse than the c word? I really think women graduate?
putting the f word in front of it--------------lol
Reply:Nope, to me that's the ultimate. I swear horribly, but thats the one word I can't tolerate. Doesn;t get any worse, if they do, you really need to stay away from them.
Reply:haha yeah i know what you mean, and i think c*** tops everything. or maybe c*** licker. or maybe milf. idk.
Reply:Can't think of anything.
Reply:wat is the c word?!
Reply:not much worse than that.
Reply:Huh, I never thought it was that bad at all. But, to jazz it up, you could put "fat f-in'" in front of it, and "whore b-tch" behind it. My brother used to call me that.

Ah, the memories of childhood!
Reply:What i want to know is first of all why are you asking and why does the c word have so much power. Why is it the worst of all names to call a girl. To ma i dont care call me doggie face for all i care.
Reply:def glass ceiling that beats all.

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