Friday, July 31, 2009

2 weeks after d and c i think im pregnant?

Could i be pregnant three weeks after my d and c. i had sex 3 or 4 times about 5 days after the surgery and i took at pregnancy test yesterday, it said positive. could this be right ? when i m/c my hcg level was dropin very fats. it was at 400. HELP!please

2 weeks after d and c i think im pregnant?
Take a test. If it is positive call your Dr. ASAP!
Reply:go see your doc and get a pregnancy test...
Reply:wow u could have sex that soon? i couldn't, i waited like a month then it still hurt
Reply:see a dr and have them check the levels again you may have to do like 2 blood tests in a week to see if the levels are droping or they are going back up thats how they will tell for sure good luck!!!!
Reply:see a doctor!
Reply:I had the same thing happen to me...I miscarried last April and got pregnant 2 weeks later and I just had my little boy 4 weeks ago. So yes it is really possible that you are pregnant! Congrats!
Reply:Consult a gynac. Get the urine pregnancy test done in a laboratory.

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