Friday, July 31, 2009

Why does J.C. Watts think he is above the law?

OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) - An aide to Rep. J.C. Watts said Monday

that the congressman lost his temper when he stuffed a parking

ticket for violating airport security rules under an officer's


Watts, the fourth-ranking House GOP leader, was cited Sept. 28

after he left his car unattended in a loading zone at Will

Rogers World Airport, a violation of security measures that

police have enforced especially aggressively since the Sept.

11 attacks.

After arguing with police Sgt. Edward Stupka, Watts shoved the

$15 ticket under his badge and told him to "take care of it,"

said Pam Pryor, Watts' chief of staff. The officer tossed it

into the congressman's car, and Watts' wife later paid the


Watts throws a temper tantrum and gets in a police officers face at an airport less than three weeks after 9/11?


Could you imagine Hannity howling if Hillary Clinton did such a thing?

Why does J.C. Watts think he is above the law?
Reminds me of that record company executive from South Park (tv show) -- "I am above the law!"
Reply:Hillary has done such a thing many many many times. If the secret service could talk publicly you would be amazed.
Reply:i never did like jc watts

Democrats don't like real successful African-Americans who believe in God.
Reply:Hillery Clin-toon murdered a man in the white house and used the Office of The President of The United States to have it declared a suicide. Every airline passenger has thrown a tantrum of some degree since 9/11. Power was given to megalomaniacs to enforce new rules and they let the Middle Eastern Businessman board without checking him, while spending two hours on a 96 year old American Granny. Had the officer checked the front window of that car for the Con-gressional Authorization to Park there, things may have been different. Had this been Ms. Clin-toons car, he would have been fired (or killed???).
Reply:I'm not convinced that he does, because I'm not sure I believe everything I read, especially from the AP, but regarding Hillary being above the law ... what does the AP write about Whitewater?
Reply:Umm... JC Watts hasn't been in Congress in YEARS, and is not in politics anymore.

Maybe you should consider current controversies. Were you so indignant when the Congresswoman from Texas manhandled the House guard when she refused to show ID?

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