Thursday, July 30, 2009

WHO ELSE thinks Johnny C should get a life instead of telling everybody else to!?

Just check out his answers... He's so mean... This is why Y!A is going downhill... because of people like this!;_...


WHO ELSE thinks Johnny C should get a life instead of telling everybody else to!?
yes he is a prize twat.
Reply:There was no need for that! ♥
Reply:I know, what with him and the trolls, Yahoo need to give this place a good clear out!
Reply:wow that seemed a bit un called for....
Reply:Don't know him.
Reply:he's just an angry little troll.

just ignore him.

if he breaks the community guidelines, report him.

that's all we can do.
Reply:sounds like a prat called jd tw13 or now called jd

i put on a JOKE yesterday, got told to grow up %26amp; i was to be reported as i apparently sexist

someone didn't get a joke book for christmas, bless

they spoil it for the masses


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