Thursday, July 30, 2009

What do you think about C list celebrity Willa Ford winning the role to play Anna Nicole Smith in a movie?

It's appropriate to have a C-list Celeb play another C-lister. Truthfully, Anna's life was already a movie and we've already seen it, there's no need to pay to see it again.

What do you think about C list celebrity Willa Ford winning the role to play Anna Nicole Smith in a movie?
i don't even know why they are making a movie about Anna Nicole's life, i didn't think Willa ford was an actress i thought she was a singer
Reply:i have not heard anything are you sure this is not a rumour??
Reply:Great, she is a good looking woman and maybe will sing, but knowing Anna as most of us do, she didn't do much right except look good for a couple of years, maybe this film will show us that Anna had other hidden talents.
Reply:Hmm, a "C" list celeb to play a "Z" list loser.
Reply:Yeah, I don't think anyone is going to have a problem with this except you and Howard Stern maybe.
Reply:Who really cares
Reply:Well I would have to say good for her. I think if people are willing to give it a chance then yes it does have one. I dont know maybe I'll see it!
Reply:Well, who better to play someone who can't act then someone who can't act.

Actually I don't know if she can act or not, I'm not sure who she is. But who on the A or B list would want to play such a train wreck?
Reply:Doesn't look anything like Anna Nicole, it will come off like a parody...definitely skip this one.
Reply:Did Anna Nicole Smith accomplish anything in her life that deserves to be made into a movie?
Reply:I think she will do a great job. Anna wasn't known exactly for her brain storming IQ so it shouldn't be too hard for Willa Ford to stand around and smile at the camera. Her lines don't even have to make sense.

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