Friday, July 31, 2009

What temperature should platy be kept at? My pet shop won't sell them for coldwater tank?I thought it was 20 c

My pet shop sell them as tropical but I thought they could be coldwater? My coldwater tank contains danios, and is usually at 21/22 degrees c

What temperature should platy be kept at? My pet shop won't sell them for coldwater tank?I thought it was 20 c
Danios. white cloud mountain minnows and guppies will live happily in an unheated tank in a heated house 65For 18C but platys, swords, tetras, corys, barbs and plecs are tropical and require a heater at around 70F or 23C or warmer.

I own a pet store and care sheets are free on my web site
Reply:30 degrees Celsius
Reply:No platies are ropical fish, and should be kept at 76-80 and those danios are also tropical and the lower the teprature is the shorter there life will be.
Reply:platy's are tropical fish, requiring temps at 77F/25C.


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