Friday, July 31, 2009

WHy does everyone think a C-section is so bad?

I had one with my third and it was so easy! It was an emergency, and I was scared, but I recovered much faster than I did after my vaginal births. It didn't hurt to pee. I wasn't as tired and I only felt pain at the incision when I sneezed and the first time I got out of bed. I went grocery shopping a week later!

WHy does everyone think a C-section is so bad?
Probably because women who havent had a c-section are scared of the fact of being cut open while awake! And supposedly recovery time is longer then as a vaginal delivery. I had a c-section w/ my daughter and will have to have another one w/ my baby this time around. But like you I was up and shopping and doing other things w/in the first week too!
Reply:I dont think its bad, I would just prefer to have a vaginal birth because I heard it was easier to heal. Plus all of my friends who have had C-sections say its alot more painful afterwards, but Im sure its painful either way. Getting the baby out is all I care about. Having a baby vaginally is the natural way to go, C-sections were only supposed to be used for emergencies only. Like if the baby was in breech, or if the doctor felt that the baby was too big to come down the birth canal. Now women can choose to have a C-section regardless if anything is wrong or not. Its all about how the mother feels and what is most comfortable for her. I dont think any delivery method should be judged. As long as the baby is fine and the mother is fine, thats all that matters:) Some people look down on other women for using pain medication during labor and delivery, I know Im getting the Epidural no matter what, who cares what everyone else thinks!! Everyone has their own beliefs and experiences, but no..I dont think that C-sections are bad.:)
Reply:Maybe because it's a surgery and surgeries are always risky!
Reply:a c-section is not that way we were designed to have babies. Yes, emergecies happen and its important to have this life saving surgury, but far too many mothers are pushed into elective c-sections (or premature inductions which often result in unnecessary c-sections) by dr's who want to deliver a baby according to their schedule, not by allowing a mother to go into a natural labor.
Reply:Ive heard awful things about them,

but really if I could choose one I would. I dont like the idea of pushing a baby out and hours of painful labor.

Everyone Ive told that to says Im insane because for 6 weeks after its hell and you get a nasty scar.

I guess everyone has their own opinion on it
Reply:My sister had both of her daughters c-section and my mother's sister had all 3 of her sons the same way. As long as both mother and child are healthy, what's the difference.

Nothing worng with it.

They are just tied up with the way things are "supposed to be" and need to get over it.
Reply:I think they're only considered "bad" when they're unnecessary. It is major surgery, after all. Having an emergency c-section, or having one for a valid medical reason, is one thing, but doing it for "convenience" is quite another.
Reply:i dont understand either, for me it was the safer choice as i have a problem with my left hip so the dr was afraid i would not be able to dialate completely and my daughter would end up in distress. my recovery went so well i cant imagine having a natural birth. like you within a week i was pretty much back to my normal activities.
Reply:I have had 2 csections. The first was worse than my second. The only thing I hated was my feet swelled. But other than that, I was out running around 2 days after I got home from the hospital. Other than that it was not as bad as I thought and I had a 3 yr old to take care of.
Reply:I had two emergency c/sections and neither was easy. My second one was actually a planned vbac. It was moreso painful than the first, and the recovery period was very difficult.

I'm glad that you had it so well.
Reply:well, I hope I feel as good as you did!

I had a c-section with my first because of complications and the dr's all said how "great the incision looked" and that it wasn't going to scar bad "at all." Well, I had the hardest time getting out of bed, I had no problems going to the bathroom either, however after one week, my incision split open and I had to have my husband put packing in my stomach for 3 months. It became infected and was just a terrible experience all around.

I'm currently pregnant again and because of last time, they want to do a repeat c-section. I'm not looking forward to it but maybe I'll feel as good as you did? lol I can only hope!

oh! did you have staples or regular sutures? I had staples last time and this time I believe they're going to do the sutures instead.

Glad to hear you had a good experience!
Reply:EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT. may have been easy for u, but it isnt for some. And not everyone is ok with the fact that they might be cut open.
Reply:well, you had an emergency, so the risks of the surgery were outweighed by the benefits.

otherwise, c-sections are major abdominal surgery %26amp; shouldn't be "elective" as they carry FAR more risks to both mother %26amp; child than delivering vaginally as nature intended.

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