Thursday, July 30, 2009

How many years do you think the C's will last?

If they are really gonna win the Championships this year..(THAT IF IT HAPPENS)...How many years do you think the big three will last?




How many years do you think the C's will last?
You have to factor in the age of the Big 3:

Garnett: 31 Allen: 33 Pierce: 30

Allen and Garnett in particular have begun to show their age already with their statistical regressions. Allen has 3 years left on his contract at 16M a year and Garnett has 5 years and 23M a year left. Pierce has a bit over 16M at 4 years. We should also note that all 3 players are past their prime years (normally between 25-30 for most players). Considering the lack of cap flexibility because of the massive contracts, it would be hard for the Celtics to develop young talent as they move along unlike Detroit who are developing young talent like Stuckey, Affalo, Hayes, Maxiell so that they could take over when the vets begin to show their age. In fact they would have to take a luxury tax hit if they want to resign a rising young stud like Rajon Rondo in 2 more years. You also have to factor in the eventual rise of young teams from the East. Toronto has Chris Bosh. Cleveland has LeBron James. Orlando has Dwight Howard. 76ers have a young core as well as Atlanta. Sooner or later the Celtics and Pistons will fall due to old age. I say the Celtics have 2 more years after the 2007-2008 campaign to win the championship(s) because these young teams are closing the gap. Peace!!!
Reply:they are done after K.G is done.
Reply:The window for this team is 2 years. This year and next year. The wear and tear will take out Ray Allen first. Kevin Garnett will try his best to hang in there for another season or so. Paul Pierce will be the last man standing in a team that could put up another banner or two. They do have some good young talent and those 2 years might be enough to develop it but they will never be back to this level. Another blockbuster trade will get them back on the map in another decade.


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