Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Do you think E & C will get back together?

Maybe not right now but ever in the future..... that would be fun! fun! fun!

Do you think E %26amp; C will get back together?
That would reek of awesomeness, but would only happen IF:

WWE absords TNA like they did to WCW.

Or Edge jumps to TNA.

But I doubt either will happen.
Reply:Nah, Edge as world Champ and Christain as Former Tna Champ? Maybe in a few years.
Reply:yeah that would be really cool i think too
Reply:That wold be cool.

Rated RC, because Soda RULES!
Reply:It would be great, but I seriously doubt it.
Reply:edge %26amp; christian?

Reply:not anytime soon, but eventually. those two are lifelong friends.
Reply:I dont think so...... well definitly not right now because their in different brands maybe later

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