Thursday, July 30, 2009

Do you think b/c Torri Spelling was disobedient toher dad about her show airing onVH1 that it caused his death

no that's ridiculous...that guy was sooo old!

Do you think b/c Torri Spelling was disobedient toher dad about her show airing onVH1 that it caused his death
He was tired of funding her and her many personalities! I didn't know he died though. I thought he just had a stroke last week. That's sad but God had a plan for him. Sorry to hear that!
Reply:Have you ever heard of someone called God and that saying about his will be done?
Reply:if your times up it's up whatever!
Reply:I didn't know he died. I hate her, but she's a grown woman -- she doesn't have to mind daddy anymore.
Reply:No. Torri was close to her Dad and very proud of him.
Reply:No. He is 86, nearly 10 years past the average life expectancy.
Reply:No. He was pretty old to begin with. He's probably had some health problems over the last couple of years that the public just doesn't know about due to family privacy.
Reply:no way. it was his time to go.
Reply:No, and I hope that there's no way she'll ever see a question like this. She probably will though - in the tabloids.
Reply:I don't think so but I'd feel sooooo guilty if I were Tori!
Reply:No, it was his time to go. He was an old man.
Reply:no, not at all. he was just an old man, his time just came.
Reply:no he was old and he died

that is what happens when you get old
Reply:come on are you that dumb
Reply:I sure do. bad BAD Tori!
Reply:You're so mean
Reply:No I think that it was just his time to go, he was an old man and we all have a time set for us to go. I don't think it had anything to do with Tori's decision.
Reply:Torri is an adult, capable of making her own decisions. Just b/c she went against her father's wishes doesn't mean that's what caused his death. Her father was of age and I think that it is very unethical for anyone to think that she caused her own father's death. We all disobey our parents especially when we were growing up, and most of our parents are still alive so that is a very stupid thing to think or say.
Reply:being old and grey!....death was coming soon or later duh!!!!

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