Friday, July 31, 2009

My ex boyfriend is trying 2 get over me b/c he thinks that i am trying 2 get w/ my other ex again help?

well my ex eric broke up w me b/c i didnt tell him that i was at my ex bf travis's house looking 4 travis's mother n i know he still loves me n he wants to be w me but hes pussing me away n trying to forget me bc people tell him lies n wont believe me or let me explain and listen. if he loves me n i love him n we promised each other we would do anything to keep the relationship together than we should work things out right? n im trying so hard to get everything straighted out.but he said we could stay friends n still he doesnt talk to me.....we can work this out i know it in my heart i just need advise on how i can get him to listen to me n believe me that if he gives me a 2nd chance that everything will be better bc im not gonna mess up i love him to much we were soo happy and i know i did wrong by not telling him where i was but before we were fighting n i was confused on weither i should tell him...either way we would still end up like we are how do i change things around?

My ex boyfriend is trying 2 get over me b/c he thinks that i am trying 2 get w/ my other ex again help?
if u are no longer with him why do u worry ur self about him? have u forgotten that u are with someone else and that u will hurt the person if he finds out that u are still interested in your ex? think before u do certain things
Reply:well why do u care about wat ur ex boyfrend thinks?
Reply:M'Lord, the lady doth protest too much.

Write a letter, leave it open for him to decide, and place your luck with the fates.

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