Thursday, July 30, 2009

Did anyone else think "10,000 b.c." was terrible??

So me and my boyfriend used a gift card to go see "10,000 b.c." What a waste!! I thought it was terrible. I didn't think the story was good, I didn't think the acting was good...I had very high hopes. I thought the CGI was gonna be awesome, but the only part that really impressed me were the Mammoths which I thought looked very realistic. When the characters were running you could tell it was all green screen. I expected much more from this movie....we left about an hour in. Did you like it??

Did anyone else think "10,000 b.c." was terrible??
it would have to have been a better movie just to be considered terrible. i would not degrade the word terrible by letting it be associated with that movie
Reply:yeah it pretty much sucked
Reply:my gf didnt like it much either, she went to see alot of asskicking but to her there wasnt enough. I didn't think it was anything special either
Reply:It was the stupidest movie I ever saw.
Reply:Yes I didn't think it was amazing but I didn't think it was bad
Reply:I'm not even going to bother watching this movie.

Roland Emmerich is a botch-master. He's probably the best director at taking an interesting premise and totally ruining it.

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