Thursday, July 30, 2009

What do you think of C.S. Lewis' books?

A million times better than the Potter Krap

What do you think of C.S. Lewis' books?
I only read The Chronicles of Narnia and I think they're good.
Reply:I very much like Lewis's books. They have become part of my psyche. Some of them are especially good. But some of them are becoming dated. This doesn't bother me, as I am dated also.
Reply:I'm not a big fan. I've read "Mere Christianity" which I thought was simplistic theology, "The Screw Tape Letters" which was mediocre fiction and I started on "Chronicles of Narnia" but it didn't hold my interest and I gave it up.

Some people think Lewis is great so maybe I just don't get it.
Reply:C.S. Lewis could be very good and very bad. He had a very narrow, reactionary religious outlook that culminates in tirades, most blatantly in the novel "That Hideous Strength." But he could also be subtle, incisive, and poetic, especially when writing his book-length essays. I particularly like "The Four Loves," which I think showcases Lewis at his best and most articulate.
Reply:I didnt like the Chronicles of Narnia because there was such a big hype about it when i read them i expected too much and was disappointed.
Reply:I love The Chronicles Of Narnia, specially the 2nd and the 7th book. Although they are fit for kids, they were great reads.
Reply:My favorite author!!!

I love The Screwtape Letters

Mere Christianity

I even still love the Chronicles of Narnia series (so does my son - its one of his favorites :)
Reply:I think they're okay. Not outstanding, but okay.


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