Friday, July 31, 2009

Want to know what I think about the a.c.l.u.?

The A.C.L.U. is working against all "Americans." I think they are advocating for the destruction of america, it's values and morals. They go against everything that is good, in and for America. A.C.L.U. is creating total chaos.

Want to know what I think about the a.c.l.u.?
the aclu is doing what the acronym stands for....i just hope you never find yourself needing their help if perchance your civil rights are trampled one may find yourself eating your words
Reply:you are dead wrong, they are working for america to uphold the laws it passed.
Reply:Are you just spouting garbage that you've heard from others? The ACLU protects your civil rights, the rights of "Americans", what is your problem with that? If your civil rights were being violated they would help you. And how do you know you wouldnt need them? With that gang in Washington working their magic, you never know when you will lose your civil can happen.

And for the brain ball that says the ACLU support NAMBLA, they DON"T support what they ARE, they are supporting their right to freedom of speech. They do NOT support what they do. What NAMBLA does makes me SICK, but SICK as they are, they also have their right to freedom of speech as guaranteed under the US Constitution, same as the rest of us.
Reply:In that sense they share much with "you're doing a heckuva job Bushie" total chaos.
Reply:You are absolutely correct !! AND your tax dollars are paying for this anarchy !!
Reply:I can't agree more.
Reply:That is correct, we do not need any more rabble rousing loud mouths, Hollywood has it covered. Enough already
Reply:I couldn't agree with you more!


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