Friday, July 31, 2009

How many on YA is so biased to think Hillary C. doesn't have issue with Obama being elected before her?

I think the woman and her husband played on the blacks and when they lost them with her remarks about Lyndon B Johnson, she blew it and went looking for dirt on Obama, and when the dirt did not stick, she went after his friends. It is just like the Clintons to do this type of juggling. I am sorry, but it is not working with me.

Obama '08 %26amp; Obama - '12

How many on YA is so biased to think Hillary C. doesn't have issue with Obama being elected before her?
Not working for me either

Obama 08
Reply:Right on
Reply:most blacks just voted for Obama because he is black regardless of what Clinton did or say.
Reply:They're playin' hardball and Obama's got a wiffle ball.
Reply:100% agree with what you said!
Reply:Well, what more can I add? You have hit it all on the head. Shrills wants to be the first woman president at any risk, and that includes losing not only Black, but white supporters also.
Reply:The Clintons didn't hold a gun to Jeremiah Wright's head and make him say, "God damn America." They didn't hold a gun to Obama's head and make him sit in that bigot's church for 20 years and LISTEN to all that hatred.

Obama says Wright is his mentor. You do the math. Clinton is NOT part of that equation, no matter how you add it up.
Reply:He doesn't need her help to destroy his run. His minister is doing that just fine for him.

I know you're not voting for his pastor, but this is Obama's adviser.
Reply:So, true! And how about Bill Clinton comparing Barack to Jesse Jackson.

That's like saying all black people are the same!
Reply:Sigh. Finally. Somebody with a might bit of sense.
Reply:Duh....they're both doing it. Haven't you ever witnessed an election before? The last 2 were a lot worse. If you think this is bad, wait until there is only McCain %26amp; whoever the dem candidate is. You ain't seen nothin' yet!

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