Thursday, July 30, 2009

Anyone else think that c-side boyfriend/girlfriend track?

was a hell of a lot better until keisha cole sang on the track.

nothing agaisnt keisha ,but the other girls voice is so much better

Anyone else think that c-side boyfriend/girlfriend track?
LOL i like the track but its not on continuous replay :)

Keshia Cole is aite but she sucks for her own solo records!
Reply:why are yall always hatin on somebody, who gives a damn if it sounded better, if they pick the track with keyshia cole to be a single, thats none of your business, because you will download it on limewire anyway, so you need to shut the FU*K up, and it's not keisha, it's Keyshia
Reply:YES! OMG !

the original was SO much better.

then i heard z100 play the keisha cole version.

i was shocked! :O
Reply:are you all crazy?? the original singer sounded like crap

flowering plum

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