Friday, July 31, 2009

Does anyone think that having a c-section is easier than natural birth?

Considering that i'm not a very emotionally nor physically strong person, i think i might want to choose a c-section from now. I heard a woman trying to give birth in the delivery room, screaming as if there was a ghost, and was shocked ever since. I'm a scared freak, does anyone think i would be doing the right thing?

Does anyone think that having a c-section is easier than natural birth?
C-section is worse in my opinion. With a vaginal birth you can get the epidural and not feel any pain and the recovering after the birth is a lot faster. With a c-section you have been cut open and are in a lot of pain afterwards. After you have the baby vaginally, your good to go. You don't have any cut on your stomach that pains you and makes getting around afterwards hard.

Go with a vaginal birth and get the epidural. You will be thankful you did. It's way less painful than a c-section. You want to be able to get around the house and take care of your baby at home instead of having to be careful because of the cut in your lower stomach that makes getting around very painful.
Reply:Heck, no. The recovery from a c-section can be excruciating--don't forget that it's major surgery--and it takes much longer to recover from a c-section than from a vaginal delivery. Besides, there aren't many doctors who will allow you to "choose" a c-section without a valid medical reason.

And forget about pain medication. You have a baby to take care of who will be waking up every 2-3 hours to nurse. You can't be whacked out on painkillers. I took one that my doctor prescribed, but that was it, as I couldn't function. So I just had to deal with the pain of recovering from major surgery without any medication.

If you are afraid of the pain, you can always ask for an epidural.
Reply:Elective C-sections started about 20 years ago in Argentina.

Today they have spread to the USA and have been embraced by many professional women as a way of not messing up their job having a baby. This includes a number of women doctors.

They simply schedule the C-section like an appointment in their date book and then schedule the rest of their work around it.

Monday, get nails and hair done.

Tuesday, meet with boss about unfinished work.

Wednesday, have C-section.

Thursday, take off for two weeks.

More and more doctors are going along with this as it ensures they do not have to get up at 3 AM to deliver a baby. Makes their schedule easier also.

As far as post-operative pain, if the anesthesia provider knows what they are doing, they can throw in a half milligram of morphine into the spinal or five milligrams into the epidural and give you pretty good pain relieve for the first 24 hours. After that all you will need is pills.
Reply:Oh no no NO! There is nothing easy about a c-section birth!!

I've had two so far and if I had the choice to go natural with my third (which I don't) I sure would opt for it!!

I've heard the women scream too....I still tried the natural delivery first to see if I could do it that way. Recovery is so much faster that way. With a c-section you can expect to do very little for 6 weeks~~that includes carrying nothing heavier than your baby in the car-seat, no motions that can pull on your abs, no driving in the first week or so, no sex for 6 wks, no exercise!! If you don't consider yourself to be emotionally or physically strong, you will NOT put yourself through something as draining as a c-section just because you think it may be easier!

Good luck and best wishes!!
Reply:Most doctors do not allow elective c-sections. And I think a c-section is much more difficult, and you take MUCH longer to recover from it.

The women who scream during vaginal delivery are the ones who are prone to screaming when in pain or scared/distressed. I didn't scream once during delivery because I'm just not a screamer.

I was like you and thought I wasn't strong enough (in all ways) to deliver my baby vaginally. However, I was calm, collected, and shocked my mom with how well I did with labor. You can always get medication to help with the pain. It's really not that bad.

Edit: I got an epidural, and it helped me so much. I was able to feel when to push, but I didn't have the pain.
Reply:I had a c-section and I will tell you, there is nothing glamorous about it. There still is pain, afterwards when all the freezing wears off. Also, you need to understand, a c-section is considered to be a major surgery. It's not fun at all. It's really not any easier. The recovery time is alot longer. It was a few weeks before I could move around really well. Women who are able to have vaginal births are usually up and walking around within a few hours after the birth. After a c-section, you can barely move for about a day. Then the nurse FORCES you to get out of bed after 24 hours. If I were able to have a child vaginally, I me.
Reply:I had a emergency c-section with my first due to fetal distress and a planned c-section with my second. Then I had a miscarriage. So, for me, the first c-section was hard, because I ate before, and that coupled with anesthesia is HARD on the body. The second, was planned and did not hurt at all. The worst for me was the miscarriage since I did not to a DnC, just passed it and had contractions and all. But, I think it really depends on the person and how well you tolerate pain etc. I liked the c-section planned so I could have my OB do it. I felt a very strong connection to her and that helped a lot.
Reply:I had a c- section and wouldn't change a thing. ( I had to have one btw for all the "natural birth" women out there. ) The recovery was rough for a couple weeks, but with painkillers wasn't so bad. I was scared to death too about v birth too. Many insurance carriers won't cover your c-section unless there is a valid medical reason. My insurance bill was 19,000. Insurance paid for all but 210 dollars of it. I would definitely check with your insurance first before doing it or else, you'll be in the poor house. Good luck to you.
Reply:i don't know how easy it is to have your abdomen cut open, and the recovery time is longer. Vaginal birth should be tried before going for a c-section unless you know in advance that you having a larger baby or there are complications. Besides they give you great drugs in epidurals these days, and you will need an epidural anyway for a c-section (unless you want to be completely knocked out for the event)
Reply:I had a C-section and was in ALOT of pain after my sons birth...I am having another C-section for my daughter because of narrow birth canal...but a Vaginal birth is a lot easier and your not in a lot of can get the epidural which a great way to deal with pain if you cant handle it....most doctors will have you try the vaginal birth before you can get a c-section...
Reply:ive given birth to 3 children naturally, my last one i gave birth with no pain relief at all, not even a paracetomol and i didnt even scream once, but everyone is different, but with a natural birth once the baby is out then its over, your up and about, with a c section its major surgery, no driving or lifting for 6 weeks, if you are really scared of the pain why not consider an epidural, if given at the right time your labour will be completely pain free
Reply:You can't choose between c-section or natural. Doctors only perform c-sections if you absolutely cannot give birth naturally. That's what I've always been told with every hospital.

Honestly, the epidural needle is probably scarier than the delivery itself.
Reply:Personally I am totally freaked out about the possibility of having a c-section. You can't feel or see anything going on down there and it would make me feel totally detached from the whole thing. But that's just me.
Reply:i had a c section and its not easy. i had my baby on april 17th and i am still feeling some effects from it. mine wasnt planned but i did have an epidural and i didnt feel a thing.

more like 1008 ghosts

had a c-section (cos i had to ) but would chose it any day

1 problem only - breast milk is slow to come and nothing beats breastfeeding
Reply:I gave birth natural with my 2 year old and I didn't scream at all do what you feel is right no one can tell you witch on is right for you only you know
Reply:easier at the time yes but the recovery is much worse and much more painful, also some women who've had c-sections report that they feel like they cant bond with their child right away bc of the pain from the surgery. afetr all, it is major abdominal surgery.

and I dont know what hospital you go to, but I know at Kaiser we cannot CHOOSE a c-section, it isnt that easy. You actually have to have a good reason to get a c-section, and the doctor usually recommends it in those cases, such as if the baby is breech, or the baby is too big to ft through the woman's birth canal, or the woman had a prior c-section, and in emergency unplanned cases, failure to progress (the woman's cervix fails to dilate accordingly). You can't just say "I want a c-section" and the doctor will give it to you.

I am 30 weeks and feel the same way you do. I am scared of having to go through this process, I think the root is the fear of the unknown. I have never been in child labor before as this is my first, I am a small woman which makes me think it might be worse, and I am terrified of bad pain. But I try to not let the fear grip me, bc I know it's inevitable in 10 weeks roughyl I am going to have to face this pain. I try not to dwell on it, and try to think positive that it will be fast and will come to me naturally. I try not to think of any thing going wrong. But it does help to have a birthing plan, at my next appointment I'm going to give it to my doctor. There are so many pain medication options these days as well. And there is a connection between being active (not over-active) during pregnancy and having an easier delivery. Just think: this is what our bodies were made to do. Pregnancy is a natural condition, and delivery/childbirth is a natural rpocess. Anything natural can't be sooo horrible, can it? I keep telling myself this and surprisingly it does help.
Reply:It would have to be. Imagine pushing a watermelon through a hole the size of a pinky finger....THAT'S what regular birth is like.

It's YOUR body and YOUR baby, so do what's right for YOU. Don't listen to the people who try to tell you that being a martyr is the only way to be a good mom.


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