Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Anybody else think that C and C++ look like an explosion in a punctation factory?

Come back Turbo Pascal for Windows and Topspeed's Clarion, all is forgiven.

Anybody else think that C and C++ look like an explosion in a punctation factory?
Yeah! Whatever happened to Turbo Pascal, and why didn't they go the route of Visual (as in Visual Basic, Visual C#, et cetera)? I heard that there's even a Visual Cobol available!!!! What's up with THAT???
Reply:If I knew what a punctation factory produced maybe I could answer. Are they some new kind of doll?
Reply:Thanks for the machine Language .
Reply:I used to work in a punctuation factory! Yes they do!
Reply:Yes. That's actually one of the things that makes them hard to learn, since there is nothing intuitive about it.

BTW, is that an abstract puncuation factory? (might as well toss in some design patterns while we're at it)
Reply:its only syntax the principals in programming languages are pretty much the same as they always have been, i know that the design environment changes but the fundemental ideas behind all languages are the same.

Also they did follow the lines of Visual Basic. Just look at VB.Net and C# .net. the Visual Studio environment has followed that path.

give it a while you will get used to it.
Reply:dont forget PHP
Reply:yep C, C++, C#,Java, etc...they love special characters
Reply:I quite like it, in a snobby kind of way... it makes me feel like a big-boy programmer, rather than using noddy languages like vb...

I also quite like the mental discipline it encourages, eg having to remember the difference between = and ==, assignment and test for equality. You have to be on your toes! even if it was annoying at first. Other comments have been right, it's not a language for beginners.

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