Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Are you married to a wife who's a C-? Do you think you deserve to be with an A or at least B+?

I tend to think I'm at least a B+ as a husband. I am healthy, have always earned a steady income, am highly educated, do much of the work taking care of the kids and managing the house, am a well-respected artist and professor, have never cheated (unless you count strip clubs and massage parlors), keep up with my looks and have a great sense of humor. I'm only weak in that I perhaps play games and don't shower my wife with attention, as she asks, probably because I work so much.

My wife, on the other hand, is at best a C-, just like she was her whole academic career. She always looks for the easy way out, has cheated with another man, has trouble repressing her trashy background and curses a lot, does not keep in shape, and is generally a bully. She's good with the kids and earns a good income as a lawyer. She's 40 and will never change her ways. I have tried.

So the questions are: What grade do you give yourself? Your spouse? Is it worth giving up a C- for a B+ or even an A?

Are you married to a wife who's a C-? Do you think you deserve to be with an A or at least B+?
Now, this is more like it. We are getting to see the other side of you. I can see that you haven't put in 100% of yourself into hthis marriage, no wonder your wife only gets a C-, in your books. If my husband frequented strip clubs and massage parlors I don't think I would of cheated on him but I certainly would have been nagging him to pay more attention of me.

You need to reconsider all your options now. Walk away from a sinking marriage or pull out all the stops and work on getting it back into shape. But if you are too emotionally tied to Krystka I would let it go, take what you can and be happy with the time you spend with your children.

You know that it is always better to aspire for an A. But alas I don't think you can actually grade accurately grade a couple in a marriage as their are too many unexpected and influential factors that will undermine it, that is why like a student reaching for that A - couples too need to continue to work hard at staying at a compatible, comfortable level.

I am going on holidays, catching a plane in 2 hours, so I will have to catch up with your news in 7 days - no internet access :(

Good luck, and I hope you will take the opportunity to talk to your wife and settle your turbulant situation.

Oops forgot, I would rate my husband as a A-, me a B,

Reply:Why are you with her if she cheats? Everything else, she can fix (the weight). Although lawyers need to be a little bullying to be good at what they do, why do you accept bullying? No one can bully me unless I let them do it.

I give myself an A-, I'm in great shape, by choice. I try to improve myself and set goals. But, I wouldn't cheat, no matter how I rationalized it. I would get a divorce first and be honest about the reasons why.
Reply:with what i have to deal with on a daily basis i am totally an A+ !! my hubby is a b- and i am being generous!
Reply:Is this not the woman that you married? You picked her and now she is considered a c. Well maybe she thinks that you are a d, so she needs to dump you. You need to grow up and live up to you responsibiliites.
Reply:i don't grade ppl i generally think my grade will be decided by how many ppl call me their friend . what grade do u consider your Au pair? are u gonna wait til after the divorce? so u say u are gonna be a professor is that how u are going too grade your students by looks or performance with their art work?
Reply:I would give myself a B+, too. I have made some mistakes in the past as far as my ways of handling things, but I have learned a lot and am trying harder than ever now. As a mother, I would give myself an A+ easily, because I know I was, and am, a good mother.

My husband, in the past, I would have given a D or D+, to, both for his behavior towards me and the way he interacted with the kids. He has made great progress in the last few years and I would now give him a solid B. There's still some room for some improvement, but he is really trying, and he is doing a lot better in his relationships with the kids.

My husband has never cheated on me nor physically abused me, but he didn't treat me right in the past. He was not a really bad father, but he was not always as supportive and kind or patient as he should have been with our children.

The bottom line is, that if you are very unhappy with the way things are and the way your spouse is treating you, and you've tried everything and still don't see any hope for change, then you might be better off giving up a C- for something closer to your "grade".
Reply:if u r really so much better than her, u wld have gotten a 'higher grade' wife. the fact that she is the only one who said 'I do' to u, speaks a lot about your 'true grade'.
Reply:I'm human but a damn good mother and wife! I am definitely an A-

Would give my dh a B+
Reply:Well, it's difficult for me to judge people either on a scale from 1 to 10 or by a letter grade. But I do know that what my husband may lack superficially, he more than makes up for in the things that are important to me. Before I married him, I looked at his character as carefully as I looked at the house I bought and the money I invested. He was a good investment in my future and he's so much more than a letter grade to me.
Reply:I'm an "I" for incomplete, and at times I get a "W" for withdrawn... As for you, if you are so intent on giving her a letter grade like one of your students, perhaps you need to start dating one of them. Then your wife can show you just how good a "C" student can be at "D" for divorce. I only say that to say that you shouldn't judge her as a person, only whether or not you feel she is right for you. No matter how a person may look in school, it still boils down to whether or not they CAN do the job. It sounds like she's a real shark at hers.

So there you have it, you can keep your "C-", and go for creative solutions to your problem. Or go for "D" for divorce in which you will probably get taken to the "C" for cleaners (unless you can prove her infidelity). Either way, I wish you a happy life. Remember your kids, they are certainly worth both of your A+ efforts even if you don't stay together.
Reply:I'm at least a B+.

He is like a D-

But...I'm still trying and God only knows why.
Reply:she is your wife!! She should leave you and find a real man not one that sets around giving her grades!

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