Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Do most people think the "c" word is worse than the "f" word?

or the other way around? the 4-letter words i mean. which do you think is worse?

Do most people think the "c" word is worse than the "f" word?
I think the c-word is worse. The f-word isn't one that is directed at anyone in particular or that denigrates anyone as the c-word is.
Reply:if its c*u*n*t I think that's wWAY WAY WAY worse the F*u*c*k
Reply:I dont even use the C word. But I drop the F bomb ALL the time!!! But yeah, the C word is a bit more harsh.
Reply:Like mother of twin girls....I'd say so too.

Probably because people use the F word more than that of the C word...so hearing the C word is more "gruesome". LOL

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