Monday, July 27, 2009

Do you think the C.S.A idea of shaming absent parents is a publicity stunt rather than a constructive step?

In successfully obtaining money from absent parents? I know that my ex-husband would laugh if his name appeared on their website, it certinally would not encourage him to pay any child matinance for his two children. Why can't the C.S.A deduct child matinance the same as N.I and P.A.Y.E is taken.

Do you think the C.S.A idea of shaming absent parents is a publicity stunt rather than a constructive step?
bit of a waste of time and money, they are only listing their names on the CSA website. The only people going on their will be the single mums, so its not like loads of poeple will see it.

It would make more sense if they put the photos on yahoo or a similar site.
Reply:name and shame, really !!! would i mind my name put on a list? i guess it wouldnt bother me either way. If your that irresponsible to your children then i guess it wouldnt bother them either....The CSA is a bit of a scam i dodged.. it payed up directly to my ex who had a great life till the kids left home, all things pass ( hopefully ) maybe women should be a bit more carefull with who they have children with..
Reply:I don't think these men will care their pathetic specimens as it is and prob already brag about not paying for their kid in the pub! It will do nothing at all and will not make them payup if anything they'll prob dig their heels in further!
Reply:Yes my ex would laugh to, it certainly would not bother him in the slightest. He doesn't work so he doesn't have to pay, what annoys me is that soon he will get a vast inheritance and the CSA don't think (they don't know for sure) whether he'll have to pay any maintanance from that because although his benefits will stop (not that he'll need them) he will still not be working.

It should be assessed on an invdividual basis.
Reply:They are clutching at straws because they have made such a mess up of the whole system. This wont work I can see immature men having a laugh about how many times their name is on there.
Reply:it won't work, most people friends know whether or not they pay!!

My husband pays for a child he had before he met me, we pay a lot of money, we have not seen the child for 5 years. the mother won't let us, we have been to court and she just lies and breaks the rules set ny the court, when we did she him he thought we were going to burn him because of ehat his mother said,,

I don't think its fair we should pay her!! it has to be a two way street
Reply:they will end up getting sued by many........they will get it wrong ...hence costing tax payers even more ..!!!
Reply:The CSA are a complete waste of time. I never missed a maintenance payment once, yet my ex wife got the CSA involved just out of spite as far as I can tell.

However, since then they have taken money directly from my wages. They have denied getting that money - leaving me hundreds of pounds out of pocket, taken varying amounts, including almost £500 out of one wage and without warning - no letter - nothing.

I have had several letters every year telling me they have decided on a deductions from earnings order and I have to pay every week, only they know I get paid monthly because they've been taking money from my wages for years.

A friend of mine realised he overpays (like most of us the CSA got hold of) and was told by the CSA and I quote,

"We take more from you to make up for the men who don't pay anything"

Women who get no maintenance are not the only ones in the UK who want these men to pay up.

Take it out as tax. It's both simple and unavoidable.

But lets make it illegal for women to stop their children from seeing their fathers - unless there's violence involved - because that's just as bad as the men not paying for their kids.
Reply:Any parent that holds no responsibility to their children should be riddled with shame and guilt without the goverment bringing out another money grabbing law.

I don`t think shaming them in public is going to help,as they obviously don`t care and have no conscience already.
Reply:Did you ask someone who can answer?? Around here they are arrested and put in jail---NO BAIL. Sure it is extreme but they either pay or rot in a cell--that is it. The government is paying too much support and the men are walking away free as a bird--not anymore. I am sure that a deduction can be arranged--just ask. Men here have moved to foriegn countries to avoid paying--get your money before the deadbeat discovers Thailand.
Reply:They can. Their employer takes it out of their pay then they pass it to the CSA and if your lucky the CSA will pass it onto you.

All the above depends on the CSA telling the employer the correct amount to take out and the CSA's computer systems getting things right.

I've had nothing but hassle from them. They are useless.

I should also mention the only reason I went to them in the first place is because I was claiming income support and they pretty much force you to go through the CSA even if you have come to an amicable agreement between you. Thankfully I am no longer in this position.

My ex works full time and according to the CSA all he needs to pay for two children is roughly £22.50 per week hardly worth the hassle really is it.

Even when i was on income support and was entitled to £10 per week of the money they still couldn't get it right.

So now we've told the CSA to stick it and although I still receive the same amount thanks to the CSA (before the CSA he had agreed to pay £30) he pays the money straight into my bank account so at least I know I'm definitely going to get it and when.

The CSA is a waste of time! It causes problems where there were none and is ineffective where it is really needed - dads who won't pay up!!!!!!
Reply:i agree but in me partners case her ex just worked off the books despite telling the csa where he worked and the time he started at each day and his address, this has been going on for over eight years but still nothing, they say they can't do anything or won't because there are bone idle and want a easy job.

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