Monday, July 27, 2009

What do traditional feminist think of C.O.Y.O.T.E. ?

C.O.Y.O.T.E. is run for women by women and is the sex workers rights organization located in san fransisco california .

They take issue with tradtional feminist becuase and the religious right . There motto is call off your tired old ethics.

Coyote percieves themselves as feminist however they do clash with the more tradional feminist .

What do traditional feminist think of C.O.Y.O.T.E. ?
Uncle Tom's in my opinion, and it has nothing to do with ethics.

It's about responsibility. These women's desires to subjugate themselves reflects on the entire female race and society's perceptions of the entire female sex, not just them.

A fact both pro-sex feminists and the religious right fail to understand.

EDIT: Trading sex for money is not empowerment it is prostitution

FINAL EDIT: Poster: You asked for a 'traditional' feminist viewpoint on this subject, you got one. Don't like it? fine then dont direct the question at us.
Reply:Perhaps the traditional Feminists you mention should be considered political Feminists, as this would explain why they might have a limited, structured platform that they operate from to get the most support from the wider community.

The sexual aspect of gender is real and powerful. Women should be able to do with there bodies what they want within the law. Feminism is about actual equality, not legislative equality and since men have physical powers of intimidation, it only seems fair that Women have physical powers of sensuality.
Reply:This is female empowerment at its most elemental, but most feminists don't want to admit consideration of sexual manipulation into the gender debate. Getting men to give you lots of money for sex is a form of empowerment, as long as there are no pimps involved, but it's a kind of empowerment that doesn't help feminism's never-ending thirst for MORE money and MORE political power. Bringing this sort of power out into the open threatens feminism's agenda.

___Sexual manipulation frequently occurs in "normal" relationships, along with subtler emotional manipulations. Women are able to use them without circumspection or acknowledging responsibility for them, because feminism has been so good at suppressing discussion of them.

___Exercising power is easier, safer, and more effectual when it's done implicitly or covertly. By keeping their power concealed, feminists can keep screaming about the "patriarchy" and "inequality", thereby usurping the moral high ground.

___Feminists in effect promote women's retaining of ALL of the benefits of their covert manipulative powers while taking HALF of the benefits of the overt, effectuality-in-the-physical-world powers that tend to fall to men. Testosterone drives men's risk-taking, their innovations, and their "emotional escapism" into abstract thinking, all of which confer effectuality in the physical world. Feminism wants to take half of these benefits without the kinds of risks or sacrifices men make. (So women's usual sacrifices get a lot of play, while men's are treated as insignificant.)

___Equality. Right. Taking three-quarters of the power and benefits isn't about equality.
Reply:It is a fundamental credo of feminism that a woman should have every right to do as she wishes with her body. Now, if there are some women who wish to commit prostitution, who am I to say that she should not have that right?
Reply:There are so many feminist traditions, it hardly matters that C.O.Y.O.T.E. clashes with so-called traditionalists. That said, I don't know enough about the organization to say anything about it.

For clarification, what do you mean by "They take issue with tradtional feminist becuase and the religious right "? The wording of that phrase confuses me.

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