Monday, July 27, 2009

Why does ORF and H&C think they are fair and balanced?

Why does the O'Reilly Factor and Hannity and Colmes consider themselves fair and balanced when:

1)Neither Wolfowitz or Gonzalas' amazing memory ever mentioned?

- I find it amusing how they were slamming Tenent for his incompetentcy for misrecalling his meeting on Sept. 12 while Gonzalas can't remeber what happened in Nov. In his defense the next day WAS National Meth Awarenes Day (His words)

2)When they didn't cover or even mention the Democratic Debates but had whole segments covering the GOP Debates

3)How after Bush's state address after his veto, every news network (other then FOX) showed the democratic response. Neither O'Reilly nor Hannity nor Colmes mentioned it either.

4)And finally how O'Reilly is playing "Six Degrees to Kevin Bacon" with Soros. That just makes me laugh.

Why does ORF and H%26amp;C think they are fair and balanced?
Fair and Balanced is a propoganda ruse. Didn't you ever read George Orwell? These guys say war brings peace, cutting down trees saves them, and cutting taxes for the rich saves the poor. They think no one will question them.
Reply:Hi, I love watching the Daily Show with Jon Stewart because he shows how ridiculous and overblown these guys are. And he does it by deflating them, instead of by adding more yelling to the fight. Thank you for the 10 points. Teresa Report It

Reply:just switch over to Olberman then. There are only about 100 other news sources out there. You Fox bashers remind me of somebody saying something like: "I go to that restaurant three times a day. The food is awful. The service is rude. The prices are outrageous. What can I do about it?"
Reply:CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NY Times all are considered the liberal media. In fact almost every major news source in America is considered leftist.

What the Fox executives did with Fox News was genius. Of course there is a large conservative base in the US and really no news station tapped into it. With Fox News coddling to the rightists in America, they're guaranteed to be THE station of choice for conservatives while the stations mentioned at the top have to fight it out for the rest of America's viewership. It's a great tactic and has given Fox News huge ratings on their shows like the factor and HnC.
Reply:They have the fairest mix of liberal and conservative guests of any other shows on cable.
Reply:Gonna try this:

1...Tenant spoke of his meeting with someone that couldn't have taken place on that day because that person wasn't there. Yes memory can play tricks, but this guy wrote a book and should've triple checked his facts. On Gonzalas, not sure of the whole deal, but like EVERYTHING else in DC, he's probably covering up something.

2... Everyone knows the DNC stance on everything...screw it up...that's their position. Raise taxes, kill babies, and get dead people to vote. Ok, in fairness, not all things the Dems say are dumb. Where our government is concerned, it is all one big lying mess, but, to me, the GOP lies and screw ups are better than the DNC.

3... Democratic response to anything Bush does is always negative in DC. They hate him, everyone knows it, so why waste time covering it. Dems knew he was gonna veto if they put in a time line. So why put in the dang time line? They just don't want to give funding for the troops. There are very very few good Dems left in DC.

4... What are you talking about? I don't get to listen to O'Reilly all the time, but I think I've only heard him mention Bacon once. And George Soros is a bitter, mis-guided, too rich for his own good, individual. Instead of wasting his money on stupide liberal groups, he could be helping St Jude's, Make a Wish, Samaratin's Purse, or something like that.
Reply:Apparently, most of America believe they are. That is why Fox News is killing MSNBC and CNN in ratings. To answer your question, one is rather easy. Hannity is a Conservative and Colmes is a liberal and when they have debates, you have 2 conservatives and 2 liberals versus the BEST CASE scenario of 3 to 1 on MSNBC or CNN. O'Reilly, no doubt, avoids subjects he knows don't help conservatives. However, he does not go into a psychotic rampage such as Olbermann does. Funny, why should they talk about the liberal debates, the cowards wouldn't even come on Fox News to have their debate.
Reply:No news station is totally balanced, none. even FOX.

i think Glen Beck is awesome though

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