Tuesday, July 28, 2009

What do you think Tony C's next question will be about?

I think it will be something about France and how they are sore losers and cry babies....does anybody agree?

What do you think Tony C's next question will be about?
i totally agree!
Reply:fifa575 trix_danny was refering to what tony c would say.duh. Report It

Reply:no val he was reffering to what a twat tony c is Report It

Reply:like DUH!!!!i dont care ppl...FRANCE SUCKS AND ALWAYS SUCKED!!!gimme a break!!!i think like that and i agree with Tony c (just what said Val - hey girl!) Report It

Reply:I think you're 100% right. He's obviously lacking in things other than intelligence.

trix_danny - Don't be stupid, France doesn't suck. If they did then Italy should have been able to win in regular time.
Reply:Yes, but who really cares. Its all gloat with no substance.
Reply:i r SO a sore loser...you can't deal with the ideea that France sucks
Reply:You know him well.
Reply:Who is Tony c?


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