Tuesday, July 28, 2009

My freiend disappeared for a while nd said she ddnt tell us b/c she didnt think we cared..wats up?

she came back to school after her absence, i asked her "why didnt you tell us you were leaving?"

She said " oh, i didnt think you guys really cared, and mind that i was gone, it was nothing"

Shes not one to beg for attention or do anythin to cause attention to her, shes lost her friend who use to be good friends with until last year, another one who stopped talkin to her b/c he stated that he talked about him behind his back, which wasnt tru, a rumor, another one, they got into a fight, one before that b/c her friend blamed her for sabitashing her stuff, and another one b/c they got into a fight and dont talk. Im the only one she talks to and shares things with, nothing really personal, i became the new friend when she lost her others. shes also liked this boy a like who used to like her, she never opened up to him, so he moved on....what do you think based on the facts i told you and things i didnt say?

tell me and explain!

My freiend disappeared for a while nd said she ddnt tell us b/c she didnt think we cared..wats up?
i think she needs a really good friend. She needs someone to talk to, if she had that someone, she would of told them. I've been in that situation but I was the girl who "dissapeared" Trust me, all she needs is a freind and someone to listen to her and to spend sometime out of her house.

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