Saturday, May 22, 2010

Does he only look at me b/c he thinks i am looking at him??

I have a crush on this guy and we always make eye contact. We have never talked b4 but i think we both are interested and we both want to talk to each other but he has a GF who will be leaving this summer for an out of state college.

In weights class we make ALOT of eye contact and sometimes i catch him staring at me.

When I pass him in the hallways we look right into each others eyes.

At lunch i will glance over at him and he is either watching me or quickly glancing at me.

When I look into his eyes it is like we both know something is going on but we are both not doing's very confusing to explain. I just don't know if it is a good thing or a bad thing. When we make eye contact we both don't smile or anything we just look at each other and he will either look away first or i will.


I really want to talk to him but maybe i am just getting mixed signals and he has no interest in me.

Does he only look at me b/c he thinks i am looking at him??
Sounds like a nice fliration to me, the best realtionships can start this way.


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