Monday, May 24, 2010

You think Washington D.C. should be a state? Or can Maryland absorb D.C.?

The residents of Washington DC don't have any voting representation in the House or Senate.

You think Washington D.C. should be a state? Or can Maryland absorb D.C.?
I live in DC and trust me, those of us who live in the city do NOT want to be a part of Maryland. Or Virginia, for that matter. We have our own distinct culture and flair and we don't want to get sucked into the suburban sprawl.

We're not big enough to be a state and we don't have enough resources to go it alone--- our population more than doubles in the daytime as all the suburbanites come here to work, and when they go home at night, they take their tax dollars with them. In other cities, most of the suburbanites still come from the same state so the tax money can come back to the "urb", to help pay for the police, public works, etc. But if DC were to become a state, we'd basically lose a lot of Federal money but still have to pay for police to keep the suburbanite safe while they work here, and roads for them to drive on, etc.

The best thing is to extend VOTING representation to the residents of the city. Let us have senators who can vote, not just shadow, and let us have voting representation in the House.

Or stop making us pay Federal income tax!!! Puerto Rico has no vote and they pay no Federal taxes... same for the USVI and many other US territories!
Reply:I live in the suburbs of VA %26amp; work in DC.You're right we jam DC in the day %26amp; as soon as we can head home taking our $ with us.You townies crack me up.Statehood will never happen.Not in our lifetime or our children's.DC is a federal city with parts of MD %26amp;VA.VA got theirs back. MD should get the same Report It

Reply:I've lived in The District my entire life. It would break my heart were it ever to become a state. KEEP IT AS IS! Report It

Reply:There's good reason for that.....think about it.
Reply:Just like VA took back part of the District following the Civil War (Arlington/Alexandria)... same should go for the territory Maryland gave up for DC. It only makes sense. I think there should be a "federal city" but that's like the mall, capitol and white house area. The feds should be responsible for that. Maryland responsible for the rest.
Reply:no. the reason it's NOT a state is so that it can govern without any biases, advantages, etc. so that it doesnt belong to anyone. and why would maryland absorb DC? that could possibly-- no offense here-- be the dumbest thing said about DC!
Reply:I think Virginia should adsorb it... but not really. I just think the people in Washington DC should be a resident of a different state.

1 comment:

  1. OTHER American expatriates who live outside the fifty states are allowed to vote in the state of their last residence, regardless how long they have been gone, or whether they intend to return. I suggest that DC residents, who are also expatriates living outside the fifty states, could be given similar treatment. They could be allowed, at census time, to choose a state with which to affiliate, and be allowed to vote there absentee during the intra-censal years. Additionally, Congress should be required to meet a super-majority vote test for all issues in which it deems necessary to interfere in local DC affairs.
