Saturday, May 22, 2010

What can I do about this b/c I think that these boys are stalking me?

in 7th grade they used to call me hot and make fun of me. now that they are in 10th and i'm in 9th i catch them following me or staring me down. and it IS more than just one guy. it's probably about 13.

What can I do about this b/c I think that these boys are stalking me?
Sounds a bit over the top. Just tell them to leave you alone and it should be fine. If it gets insane, contact the school. I am also in 9th grade, and have never seen anything like this. If you ever need a hand, just give me a yell
Reply:confront them and tell them to leave you alone....
Reply:Unless they've threatened you with violence, you're not being stalked.
Reply:I think you have a vivid imagination.

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