Saturday, May 22, 2010

I can't find a date b/c people think I'm too cute n nice to be single (Im being serious) Advice Please?

Im not being conceited at all with my question, it seem like girls don't like cute looking guys, well dress, talk nicely, with toned body. Girls think those traits are only from a player, but the worst part is that it comes naturally within me to be polite to another person. someone reply with some serious advices PLEASE!

I can't find a date b/c people think I'm too cute n nice to be single (Im being serious) Advice Please?
Where u at? I promise I won't have a problem with it ;)

Don't worry the right chick will come along.
Reply:Just continue being you. and let yourself be found. Lol Or you can give me a call.
Reply:wow, that's tough. and you are one lucky guy.

Try only going for one girl at once - just continue to be yourself. Prove to them that you are not a player. Maybe you shouldn't hook up with them during the first date either if this is truly the case - they may think you only want action.

I'm sorry you have such "unfortunate" circumstances. If only so many guys had this kind of "problem," more girls would be a lot happier. =)
Reply:well are you being too well dressed and acting like you are a player? cause if so that could be your problem. i know this one metrosexual guy who dresses very nicely and is awesomely nice but sometimes people think he may be gay when infact he is straight and loves women.

maybe try and tone it down a little with the well dressed stuff and be nice but not too nice, it comes off a little scary sometimes because people just dont know how to act around really nice people, weird i know but true.


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