Saturday, May 22, 2010

How do you find out when your question is answered on yahoo? b/c i thought it was supposed to send an email..?

Click on your ID name (smiley) under your pic, there is your main page, scroll down, you will see tabs for answered questions (with best answers off to the side) and the next tab is asked questions, click on that , then click on the question and see if it has any new answers.

If you want to change or check on the email option, click on your ID name then on the main page look under your pic and see edit profile, click on that and see if a box to send you email when questions are answers is checked.

How do you find out when your question is answered on yahoo? b/c i thought it was supposed to send an email..?
it is supposed to send u an email sounds like u have a glitch
Reply:You should be receiving emails from Yahoo! with answers to your question, but because of glitches you may need to reset some settings to receive them. See%26gt;%26gt;

There is no telling when you will receive these email notices, but you can check on them in the mean time on your Q %26amp; A page. See%26gt;%26gt;


To enable Yahoo! Answers email communication:

Go to Yahoo! Answers

%26gt;click on your avatar/image/picture

%26gt;click 'Edit My Info' (in blue letters, below your avatar)

%26gt;scroll down to the 'Communications' section

%26gt;check the box%26gt;%26gt;

'Email Settings'

'[/] When I ask a question, notify me when I receive new answers.

You will be able to override this setting each time you ask a question as well as change it in your Open Question view.

%26gt;scroll down to and click on the blue 'Preview' button

%26gt;scroll down to and click on the blue 'OK' button


To view your questions:

%26gt;click on your image/avatar

%26gt;scroll down to your Q %26amp; A tabs

%26gt;click on the 'My Questions' tab

%26gt;click on the blue text of the question


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