Saturday, May 22, 2010

What to do when girl i like doesn't want ot talk to me b/c she think i'm slow?

I have been hung out with this girl for about 4 months and many things happend, not like kissing. we tried to have relationship but it didn't happen but we like eachother. Now we are best friends.. recently she was talking bout what would happen when we go to different colleges and she was really sad about us going to different colleges. We had fun yesterday. a lot and now she thinks we hang out too much and she don't want that anymore.. i was trying to talk with her about it but she said i don't understand and i'm too slow. so she stop talk about it.. I think she don't want to be with me anymore... or am i wrong? What do i need to do to hold her.. something would be happen to me.. if i don't see and hear her everyday.

What to do when girl i like doesn't want ot talk to me b/c she think i'm slow?
Unfortunately, though you have feelings for her, and sounds like she is trying to cut ties from you. It sucks, but that's life. However with college coming, you are both going to be surrounded by girls/guys and its would be even harder for you to hold onto her especially if you go to different schools. I know its not what you want to hear, but I would let her go, because it sounds like thats what she wants.
Reply:My mean coach used to say " Suck it up" and move on... Seriously their no point in beening sad, but make her wants you!

You could beg her but she wants to start "Fresh" for college, start over and you should too!

Someday you'll see her again and she'll wish she had you!

Maybe that Sk8er Boi song would help you!
Reply:Whether you're slow or not, she's a snob and a jerk to use that as a reason. She doesn't love you, and probably never did.

Seriously, you need to raise your standards and find a woman who is capable of sensitivity. You may be smart or you may be dumb. But social interaction requires people thinking of others rather than themselves. From what you've described, she hasn't even met the basic qualifications of a friend.
Reply:I don't know why she called you "slow" (you should ask her why she thinks you're "slow"), but yeah she might like somebody else now, or she just has something that she doesn't want to tell you.

Time is the cure friend. Soon you'll be over it.
Reply:Hmm sounds like she likes you and will miss you so she's afraid to take the relationship further. Maybe she cant handle a long distance relationship. Some people know their limits.
Reply:Sounds like "puppy love"....never mind her and get on with your life.

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