Saturday, May 22, 2010

If you finally got over a person you loved (b/c you thought they'd never love back)...?

...and later they come to you saying they do love you, would you go for it?

If you finally got over a person you loved (b/c you thought they'd never love back)...?

sorry if my answer is rude

but come on you even say it in your question (Finally got over a person you loved)

you know its not that easy to get over a person you loved

and if you do easily get over that some one it only means you never loved him/her
Reply:i love this questions because i can sort of relate to the you finally got over some one you because you know that they will never love you back...let's hope that second part will happen to me...^_^ Report It

Reply:No, they caused me too much trouble. They had their opportunity to stay with me and make it work, and it didn't work.

I would only get back with them if they truly and genuinely seemed to want me back. It would also depend on the reason it didn't work in the first place. If it was something that devastated me, hell no. If it was something that could've been dealt with better or just some misunderstanding or whatnot, then maybe I'd consider it.
Reply:Kind of been there without such a positive result ...

I would ask the obvious questions..."Why all of a sudden do you feel this way?" "How long have you felt this way?" "Why didn't you say anything?" "Where have you been?"

Depends on their answers...I would basically want to know what is different that makes you want to come to me now and tell me you love me?

I would also remember our history together. Was it good? Bad?

Do I really still love him and just gave up because he didn't love me back?

I THINK would be able to gage the sincerity of the news instantly and go from there.
Reply:careful, the person probably wants to keep you around, because s/he's insecure, now that you're over that person s/he probably wants your attention back. Don't be tricked, and find your self trying to get over that person all over again.
Reply:if i still have feelings for him, sure.

but i dont wanna seem desperate either and jump at the chnace if the circumstance is ddifferent.

like lets say i got cheated on, and the guy wnated me back i wouldnt take him back. you need to have pride. he's just gonna do it again.
Reply:did they claim to love you in the first place or did they say they didnt? because if they said they never did and then were over it, then maybe they just want the attention back? Be careful in situations like that, you dont want to end up hurt :)
Reply:It depends upon how much you really loved that person and what you may have going on in your life at the time. There are so many variables.
Reply:no. the reason we were not together anymore is a pretty darn good reason. no sense in screwing up even more and dragging it out even longer.
Reply:this happened to me!!!

go for it. you never know what will happen

in my case, we've been dating three years (as of may 3, yay!)
Reply:It depends on the whole situation, were you dating, did they know you loved them? Need more details.
Reply:No, if they knew you loved them and didn't love you back, but now the do they're just playing love games.
Reply:It would really depend on the depth of the relationship and time served.

I would say yes.
Reply:noway, It took me long enough to get over him, why would I ever risk having to go through the same thing again
Reply:Most likely, unless I had met somebody else.
Reply:Still havent got over : / sooooooooooo I would go for it :P
Reply:Of course. That would make me the happiest person in the world.
Reply:no way

Reply:Probably, I am a sucker for love! :)
Reply:no, it's too late

i've moved on
Reply:Nah, they missed out!
Reply:Of course!
Reply:That happened to me we got back together and now we have a son. So I would say give it another chance and see what happens.
Reply:that did happen to me...i told him "too late"..I had already moved on
Reply:Not if I was over them.
Reply:if i still lieked them in my heart ♥ if i wus in love weth soemone else i wudnt need to
Reply:yes if the feelings were true.
Reply:Ohhh hard question....

but I would have to say yes.
Reply:Yea i think so...if i hadnt found sum1 else...
Reply:hell yea
Reply:only if it was ment to be
Reply:no i still want my crush to love me but idk its rely confusing it sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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