Saturday, May 22, 2010

In The MIx? Did you C it? What do you think?

last night, I saw IN THE MIX. I'm an Usher fan, but I was dissapointed. The movie was so corny - they couldn't act. Esp, the Italian girl. Her acting gave me a headache- b/c it was really so fake! Well, wut do you think?

In The MIx? Did you C it? What do you think?
yeah i WAZ an usher fan 2 untill i saw that movie i saw it the first day it came out and i asked for my money back lol
Reply:I thought it was alright, and I think Usher did okay for a beginner. Sounds like you were expecting too much. It wasn't meant to be an award winning movie. I think the girl did alright too, the movie was what it was meant to be.
Reply:The music was good but the rest was stupid.
Reply:I think it wuz ok, but the ending wuz disappointin, i agree wut u it wuz kind of fake

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